Trek Notifications FREE 2.5 APK

Improve your notifications using the greatestsci-fi genre in history! This application includes 100+ uniquesimulated computer sounds to use as notifications for your device.They're just like the ones you remember. You can save them to yournotifications library to use later as well as directly applying aselected notification sound with a simple press.

Note: This is the free version, a complete version with allsounds included is available in the Google Play store for $1USD.

Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment franchisefrom creator Gene Roddenberry. Back in 1964, Gene Roddenberryproposed science fiction series that would become Star Trek, it wasoriginally touted as a western with the name "Wagon Train to theStars", but it would soon be known to the world as Star Trek. Eachepisode was intended to be a suspenseful adventure story as well asfunctioning as a morality tale. Almost all Star Trek storiesfeature humans and aliens that serve as members of "starfleet",which is a space-borne humanitarian and peacekeeping armada of theUnited Federation of Planets. The original Star Trek followed theadventures of James T. Kirk and his crew aboard the StarshipEnterprise. (an exploration vessel of a 23rd-century). The maincharacters always feature altruistic values which must applied todifficult situations such as war and peace, authoritarianism, classwarfare, economics and so forth. Complete works of Star Trek todate include: Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The NextGeneration, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and StarTrek: Enterprise as well as the Star Trek film series. The genrehas certainly been a cult cult phenomenon for decades, Fans of thefranchise are called Trekkies or Trekkers. Spin off of thefranchise include games, figurines, novels, toys, and comics,thanks for visiting!

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