Trevi Fountain 1.0 APK

The Trevi Fountain app is dedicated totherestoration of the most famous fountain of Rome, andallowsyou:
Take your SELFIE and send it to!
All visitors to the fountain (within a distance of 200metersgeoreferenced) can take a selfie with the appropriate button"TakeYour Selfie."
The pictures taken by visitors will be collected on the page ofthewebsite, and each user who will send the selfie will receiveanemail with a poster of the Trevi Fountain customized withhispicture.

Throw a coin!
It's possible to throw a VIRTUAL COIN in the fountain and remindthethe historical tradition to express the desire of every touristtoreturn one day to Rome.

Content navigation on TIMELINE!
The app contains a thematic section that introduced the draftofRestoration of the Trevi Fountain, which will allow the publictofollow the progress of works.
A specific thematic area retraces the steps of the HISTORYandCONSTRUCTION of the fountain.
The section IMAGINARY, finally, offers a selection of photo,audioand video content, showing how the Trevi Fountain during thetimebecame one of the most famous monuments in the world.

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