Trivizz - Trivial Quiz 1.2.1 APK

Quiz games will never be the same! Trivizz isatrivial game that will test your knowledge against thousandsofother players. Through 10 turns of 60 seconds, answer questionsin5 different categories, get points and be the winner!

1 to 5 players quiz games!

Play solo or with up to 4 other players in the same game,connectwith Facebook and invite your friends or play againstrandomadversaries.

Thousands of quiz questions are waiting for you!

Science and Nature
General Knowledge
History and Geography
Film and TV Shows
Sports and Leisure

Three different ways to play Trivizz!

You can play a trivial game solo, against our mighty botSkynet,multiplayer games with up to 4 other players andtournamentsagainst 25+ players distributed in 5 player games. Beatyouropponents and access the next round until you get to thefinalgame, be the winner and get nice rewards!

Challenge your friends!

Invite your friends to play Trivizz and challenge them. Youcanplay with up to 4 other players in any game or tournament. Andifyou share your personal code with them, both of you will earncoinsfor each of your friends that sign up using that code.

Rankings and gaming stats for every player!

Win tournaments and be among the top Trivizz players aroundtheworld. Get points with every won game and increase your positioninthe rankings. Detailed gaming stats for every player withcategoryperformance, win or lose games, and much more!

Unsealed decks with cards to boost your performance!

Use your coins to open decks and discover new cards thatwillhelp you to win a game. Extend your time to answer, multiplyyourscore, advance to any star, eliminate wrong answers and muchmore!Three kind of cards: copper, silver and gold.

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