Tube Follow 1.0 APK

This is a wallpaper for Kustom.
If you have not installed Kustom not for you!

You can change the global references for applications Facebook,Telegram, Google Plus. Component in the global YouTube you canchange the name of those who follow (EXAMPLE +Frank Monza​​ E+David Ptk Pitoko​) the address id and link to directly open itsYouTube page. As always, the credits go to my dear friend LucianoMichilin​​ and a special thanks to my dear friend fher Skull™​ forinspiration.

This is a wallpaper forKustom.
If you have not installed Kustom not for you!

You can change the global references for applications Facebook,Telegram, Google Plus. Component in the global YouTube you canchange the name of Those Who Follow (EXAMPLE + And + David FrankMonza Ptk Pitoko) the address id and link directly to open itsYouTube page. As always, the credits go to my dear friend LucianoMichilin and a special thanks to my dear friend Fher Skull ™ forinspiration.

App Information