Turmeric Drink Recipes 1.0 APK

Healthy Food
Golden Milk with turmeric powder or fresh ground turmeric.TurmericSmoothie with fresh fruits - healthy organic food. Juicewith freshturmeric root or root powder. Turmeric beverage recipeswith honey,ginger and pepper.
Benefits of Turmeric.
1. "Weight Loss Secret":
It Turns Bad Fat Good. Fat burning is critical to weight loss.Theliver is the organ that is essential for fat burning. Turmericcanhelp detoxify the liver and protect cell damage caused duetoenvironmental pollutants, attack from free radicals etc.Highcholesterol causes plaque build up in arterial walls leadingtocoronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, weight gain etc.Researchhas found that turmeric extracts can lower bloodcholesterol levels– especially LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol. It has lipidloweringproperties.
2. Turmeric milk helps build immunity.
Turmeric milk is an excellent tonic to improve your generalimmunityagainst a host of diseases. It is especially useful in thecold andflu season, thanks to its antiviral effect. If you’reprone to pickup infectious diseases, make a habit of having a cupof turmericmilk on an empty stomach in the morning or beforebedtime.
3. Gives relief from a cough and cold.
Turmeric increases mucus production which naturally flushes outthemicrobes that have managed to get a foothold in therespiratorytract. The antiviral and antibacterial properties ofturmeric canhelp fight the infections while the anti-inflammatorypropertyhelps relieve the symptoms. A cup of warm turmeric milkwillrelieve nighttime coughing and provide good sleep.
4. It is a good remedy for digestive problems.
Turmeric improves digestion, helps relieve gas and bloating aswellas heartburn resulting from gastric reflux. Also increases theflowof bile, which helps in fat digestion. Loss of appetiteandindigestion can be successfully treated with a cup of turmericmilka day. Turmeric also can prevent and treatgastrointestinalinfections and get rid of worms.
5. It is a liver tonic.
Clinical studies have demonstrated the ability of the curcumininturmeric to prevent and reverse liver cirrhosis due toit'shepatoprotective and detoxifying action.
6. It is an excellent blood purifier.
Turmeric has always been regarded as an excellentdetoxifyingagent.
7. Clarifies and improves the skin.
Turmeric has been used externally as a beauty aid because ofthevisible changes it produces on the skin. It makes the skinsmooth,removes fine lines and other signs of premature aging,reducesacne, and lightens scars.
8. Gives relief from autoimmune diseases.
People often report relief of symptoms and long-term remissions,oreven complete cure, with alternative treatments withherbals.Turmeric scores high in this regard. Turmeric milk is aconvenientway to derive the immune-modulating benefits of theherb.
9. It’s a good headache remedy.
A cup of warm turmeric milk can ease headaches. Turmericincreasesmucus flow as well as lightens its texture, promotingsinusdrainage. Thinning of blood naturally improvesbloodcirculation.
10. Reduces arthritic pain.
Relief from arthritic pain is one of the most common reasons foralarge majority of people turning to herbal remediesliketurmeric.
11. Improves reproductive health of women. Turmeric acts as amildphytoestrogen, it increases fertility, help during painfulperiods,relieves post-menopausal symptoms.
12. It has anticancer properties.
The curcumin in turmeric has been shown to kill cancer cellsandprevent metastasis in laboratory studies. It is found tobeeffective against cancers of the breast, prostate, skin, colon,andlung. Drinking turmeric milk regularly may help preventmalignantgrowths as well as stop their progress in the earlystages.
13. It is a good sleep aid
Warm Golden Curcuma Milk milk is remedy for insomnia on accountofthe amino acid tryptophan which can increase serotonin levelsinthe brain.

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