So you don't know how to twerk, uh? Do you want to learn how todotwerking following the best cardio aerobic dance workout ortrapmusic? Move your body like a professional dancer, learn fromthebest with our free updated twerk videos. Twerking is a typeofdance originating as part of the bounce music scene of NewOrleansin the late 1980s. Individually-performed, chiefly butnotexclusively women, dancers move in a provocative manner throwingorthrusting their hips back or shaking their buttocks, often in alowsquatting stance. You can do it with reggaeton music, dembowsongsand other latin music. It is nice to do aerobics workout ordancetwerk with trap music. Make your friends jealous of yourmoves, andkeep your body in shape at the same time. Dance twerklike zumbafitness classes and stay healthy dancing reggaeton music.Twerkingis truly an amazing workout for quads, glutes, hamstrings,lowerback and abs. Let's twerkout! Do the best aerobic workoutdancingreggaeton music and doing twerk. Improve your twerkingskills withstep by step twerking videos for free! Our app will beupdated withthe best reggaeton music videos on the web and 2020dembow hits.You could also share your favourites twerk videos withyourfriends, let's see who is best in the twerking game! Enjoy thebestlatino beats and shake your body doing twerking andaerobicexercise. Have a nice party tonight with spanish music,reggaetonmusic and other popular songs.