Ukraine History Grade 8 1.4 APK

The atlas contains 27 maps.
As well as photos, a summary of the training material and test

Note: The captions on pictures only in Ukrainian.

= History of Ukraine Grade 8 =
Ukrainian lands in the late XV - in the first half of the XVIcentury.
Ukrainian lands in the second half of XVI - first half of the XVIIcentury.
The emergence of the Ukrainian Cossacks and Zaporozhian Sich
Uprising 90 years of the XVI century.
Hetman Konashevych Sagaydachny. Ukrainian Cossacks in the firstquarter of the XVII century.
National liberation uprising of the Ukrainian people 20-30 years.XVII.
Church life in the second half of the XVI century. Brest ChurchUnion
Church life in the first half of the XVII century.
Culture of Ukraine in the second half of XVI - first half of XVIIcentury. Development of Education and Science
Development of literature, music, architecture, fine arts inUkraine in the second half of XVI - first half of XVIIcentury.
Background and top national liberation war of the Ukrainian peopleagainst Polish domination
Deployment of a national liberation war in 1648 - 1649 рр.
The emergence of Ukrainian Cossack state - Hetmanate
Military and political events of the National Liberation War 1650 -1653 рр.
Ukrainian-Moscow Treaty in 1654
Ukraine during the reign of Ivan Vigovs'kogo
Violation of the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state -Hetman
Right Bank and Left Bank Ukraine in the 60 - 80 years. XVII.
Ukraine in 1667 - 1687 рр.
Ukraine late XVII - early XVIII century.
Economic life and political structure of the Left Bank Hetmanateand Sloboda Ukraine in the second half of the XVII century.
Hetmanate land-bank Ukraine late XVII - early XVIII century.
Ukraine in the events of the Great Northern War. Revolt of IvanMazepa against Muscovy
Getman Philip Orlik and its Constitution of Ukraine
Ukraine late XVII - early XVIII century.
Ukraine in 1727 - 1768 рр.
Developing a culture of Ukraine in the second half of XVII - thefirst half of the XVIII century.

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