USDA MPI Directory APK

USDA’s Food Safety & Inspection Serviceprovides the Meat, Poultry & Egg Product Inspection Directory(MPI Directory). The MPI Directory provides 24/7 access toinformation on regulated establishments that produce meat, poultry,and/or egg products as regulated by USDA’s FSIS.

The USDA MPI Directory app allows customers to ‘look up’ or searchestablishments by location or zip code, type of inspection,establishment name or number and type of establishment. Customerscan look up the information on a mobile device, when it’s neededfrom any place, anywhere, at any time!

Want to know where your food was produced or what an establishmentproduces? Just search by establishment name/number location/zip ortype of establishment/inspection type.

The USDA MPI Directory app allows customers with or without aninternet connection to access the information. While initialdownload and regular updates to the mobile device will require aninternet connection, the directory information resides on themobile device giving customers the option to look up informationwithout an internet connection. Data is refreshed at least monthlyand is also available as text or data downloads from the FSIS websites.

The FSIS Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) created thedownloadable mobile application for mobile devices, such as phonesand tablets, to access the USDA MPI Directory data with increasedfunctionality. While initial download and regular updates to themobile application will require an internet connection, the mobileapplication’s normal mode of operation will give customers theoption to work without a network connection.

Currently, the existing USDA MPI Directory public web page isaccessed approximately 25,000 times per month. By making thispublic health information available via a mobile application, it isexpected that the public access will significantly increase. As ofMay 13, 2013, the Android version of USDA MPI Directory wasreleased and the Apple (iOS) version will be released December2013.

Have food safety questions? Please download our sister app,AskKaren, from the Google Play Store!

The FSIS MPI Directory mobile application is provided “as is” andon an “as-available” basis. We hereby disclaim all warranties ofany kind, express or implied, including without limitation thewarranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,and non-infringement. We make no warranty that the USDA MPIDirectory mobile application will be error-free, that theunderlying data will be error-free, or that access thereto will becontinuous or uninterrupted. USDA does not warrant, eitherexplicitly or by implication, that this software program will notcause damage to the user’s computer or computer operating system,nor does USDA warrant, either explicitly or implicitly, theeffectiveness of the software application.

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