Utopia Guardian:HasseStory 2.22.060 APK

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Utopia Guardian is a new 2D side-scrolling MMORPG mobile game.Developed by AWGame, Utopia Guardian tells the story of the fantasyadventures of Hasse. Fight against the land's invaders and embarkon a journey to redeem legendary equipment and weapons along theway!

For regular game updates and news, please visit our Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/OfficialUtopiaGuardian

✓Regular Updates - New content and events are added regularly, sofollow us on Facebook to get the latest news and updates!
✓Real-Time Battles - Take on various challengers in the Arena, killvicious BOSS with your friends and guildmates.
✓Magical Pets - Pick from up to 20 unique pets to battle by yourside!
✓Customization - Make your hero unique and your own by choosingfrom more than 300 available clothing items!
✓Quests - Explore the beautiful world of Utopia Guardian as youtackle on hundreds of quests and missions!
✓World BOSSes - Destroy world BOSSes and hundreds of viciousmonsters standing in your way for epic loot!
✓Rankings - Rise up the ranking leaderboard for exclusive charactertitles and rewards!
✓Achievements - Never be left empty handed for your efforts! Behandsomely rewarded with rare items with the achievementsystem.
✓Skills Galore - Level up and unlock bundles of new unique skillsto show off in battle!

Utopia Guardian has already launched in Singapore, Malaysia,Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, and SouthKorea. Over 6 million people have downloaded and enjoyed UtopiaGuardian and we are happy to announce its North American andEuropean release!

Minimum Requirements:
Android 4.3.0 and a Galaxy 3 or later device for a smooth gamingexperience. Older devices may encounter crashing or other issues.An active network connection is also required to play.

Note: This app is free-to-play and offers in-game purchases.

App Information