V-Change 1.0 APK

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes topeaceand development through volunteerism worldwide. UNV workswithpartners to integrate qualified, highly motivated andwellsupported UN Volunteers into development programming andpromotethe value and global recognition of volunteerism. UNV isinspiredby the conviction that volunteerism is a powerful means ofengagingpeople in tackling development challenges worldwide.Everyone cancontribute their time, skills and knowledge throughvolunteeraction. V-Change app is a unique platform to mobilize,engage andmanage volunteers. The Mobile App helps Volunteers tocreate theiraccount and interact with other volunteers with sharedinterestsand passion. It also enables the volunteers to keep atrack oftheir volunteering hours and rewards them fortheiraccomplishments. The Mobile App is backed by a strongwebmanagement system that records and handles thevolunteeringprogrammes in an automated and secured format, whichreduces thepossibility of human errors.

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