Vision Chhattisgarh 1.6 APK

Chhattisgarh is one of the leading States inproviding good governance through IT and e-Governance. Variousdepartments of the State are providing numerous citizen servicesthrough e-Governance. Hon’ble Prime Minister has envisioned 'Makein India’ at the national level and accordingly Hon’ble ChiefMinister is focusing on ‘Make in Chhattisgarh’.
The State of Chhattisgarh recognizes the importance of Informationand Communication Technology as a key enabler in its economicdevelopment.
Accordingly, the State has prepared its IT/ ITES Investment policywith a vision of establishing an information society consisting ofinformed, active and therefore responsible citizens – the basictenet of a true democracy. The State's IT/ ITES Investment Policyhas been designed to achieve the vision of the Government to createan ‘e’nabled society effectively contributing to the Social andEconomic Development of the State.
Department of Electronics & IT, Government of Chhattisgarh(GoCG) & NASSCOM are jointly organizing OpportunityChhattisgarh – 2015 Event to showcase Advantage Chhattisgarh stateand IT/ITeS Policy of Chhattisgarh.

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