Vital Tones Alcohol Recovery 1.8 APK

Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery isadynamic brainwave entrainment for the damage that occurred tobrainstructures of excessive alcohol consumption.

Brain damage is a common and potentially severe consequenceoflong-term, heavy alcohol consumption. Evenmild-to-moderatedrinking can adversely affect cognitive functioning(i.e., mentalactivities that involve acquiring, storing,retrieving, and usinginformation). Persistent cognitive impairmentcan contribute topoor job performance in adult alcoholics, and caninterfere withlearning and academic achievement in adolescents withanestablished pattern of chronic heavy drinking.

The frontal lobes are the most damaged region of the brainsofalcohol abusers but other regions of the brain are alsoaffected.Memory impairment due to alcohol has been linked todisruption ofhippocampal function. Alcohol also impairs and altersfunctioningin the medulla, midbrain, and parieial cortex.

Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery directly activatesandstimulate the frontal lobe and other necessary regions of thebrainand speed up the recovery which could take years to recoverfromalcohol damage.

Next to Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery,"VitalTonesAddiction" can help you to stop or reduce drinkingalcohol."VitalTones Immune System" can be used after finishing thistreatment toenhance the central nervous system for other damagescaused byalcohol.

Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery consist of 3 sessions,each24 minutes long.

• Session 1 stimulates:
- the posterior parietal cortex
- the rostral superior frontal sulcus
- the basal ganglia
- the midbrain
- the leg muscles
- the hip muscle
- the trunk muscle

• Session 2 stimulates:
- the medial preoptic nuclei
- the hippocampus
- the medial frontal cortex
- the anterior cingulate
- the mammillary bodies

• Session 3 stimulates:
- the ADH hormone
- the heart
- the liver
- the pancreas
- the kidneys

All sessions are needed to have a complete entrainment!

The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!

This treatment requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !

Get ready for a total natural healing.

Enjoy your explorations.

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