Vital Tones Neurogenesis 1.1 APK

Vital Tones Neurogenesis is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment for improving the growth of newbrain cells.

The term neurogenesis is made up of the words “neuro”meaning“relating to nerves” and “genesis” meaning the formationofsomething. The term therefore refers to the growth anddevelopmentof neurons. This process is most active while a baby isdevelopingin the womb and is responsible for the production of thebrain’sneurons.

The development of new neurons continues during adulthood intworegions of the brain. Neurogenesis takes place inthesubventricular zone (SVZ) that forms the lining of thelateralventricles and the subgranular zone that forms part of thedentategyrus of the hippocampus area. The SVZ is the sitewhereneuroblasts are formed, which migrate via the rostralmigratorystream to the olfactory bulb. Many of these neuroblastsdie shortlyafter they are generated. However, some go on to befunctional inthe tissue of the brain.

Vital Tones Neurogenesis consist of 2 different sessions.
Session 1 is 16 minutes long.
Session 2 is 16 minutes long.

Session 2 is crucial to have a complete entrainment!

This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !

The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatment please purchase our Pro version!

Get ready for a total natural healing.

Enjoy your explorations.

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