VR Hero (Google Cardboard) 0.7 APK

Overall game description
The player will evolve in a surreal environment to be determinedlater by the artists. He’ll evolve along a path guided by 2 borderwalls. In his path he’ll see elements he can “pick-up”. When doingso, visual effects will trigger that are related to the music.He’ll also be able to populate the world as he goes, varying thetype of rewards he gets.
Playing the same song again will display to the player the lastpath he took, so he can follow this on again. He can obviouslychoose to change and go for another experience.
Link to the Theme: Ritual
The main idea is to play the game once per day as a morning orevening ritual. Being able to replay the same path over and overagain can bring to the player a sense of control and serenity.He’ll be able to have the same experience more than once, anddecide to change it anytime.
List of important features
We need to achieve the following technical challenges to have thecore experience:
Play a song in stereo mode
Move the “character” in a 3D environment
Track head in all directions
Have a constant/linear movement
Create a list of nodes in a form of a tree
Able to trigger things in the 3D environment that will result in avariety of results that are predictable once known by theplayer
Trigger and Play visual effects
Change Skybox color
Create 3D objects dynamically
Time elements with the music beat (more or less hardcoded):
appearance of Nodes
Trigger of visual effects
Beat played in the texture of the border walls
Level description
The song is played as the player moves forward in the level. Eachlevel is made of pieces of terrain which are connected dynamicallyby the code.
Each level uses:
A skybox
a few pieces of terrain
2 border walls that constrain the player into the gameplayspace
Elements that can be used as Nodes in relation to the level’stheme

App Information