Waeve 1.5.05 APK

WAEVE - Who's Available, EVErywhere.

Waeve is the app that makes your daily activities happen inreallife. Plan your social activities or sports in advance orjustimprovise something at the last minute with this singleapp.

Waeve enables you to discover people and activities youlikenearby, chat with contacts or strangers and meet in reallife!

Want to grab a bite or go for a drink today and have no plan?Goon Waeve, check who's available around you and join a friendoreven someone you don't know.

If you are not interested in the people available, shakeyourphone to alert your contacts in a defined radius, signal thatyouwant to do something with them and organize it on Waeve!

Want to plan an activity for next week? You can also do itonWaeve and decide who can access the activity. It can be opentoanyone, to your friends or to a specific group of people.

With Waeve, make your daily activities happen in real life!

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