We need a drink water reminder to control our H2O intake. Thedailywater tracker helps us to always stay fit and healthy.Theconvenient water tracker comes in the form of a mobile app.Nomatter how busy we are, we will stay hydrated 24/7 and will beableto enjoy life to the max. Water Tracker - drink water reminderappfor everyone You can download this water intake tracker fromGooglePlay for free on your Android smartphone. The watercalculator islightweight and will occupy minimum space in yourdevice's memory.Its design is sleek and stylish, and its interfaceis simple andintuitive. It will take you just a few minutes tofigure out howthis drink tracker functions and you will get used toit in notime. This drink reminder app will calculate yourrecommended H2Ointake based on the following factors: • Gender(male or female); •Weather; • Height; • Weight; • How active youare. It will send younotifications to make sure you drink enoughwater. This will helpyou to stay proactive and achieve any goalsthat you set foryourself: for example, lose weight or deliverbetter results insports. Main Functions of Water Tracker This dailywater trackerreminder includes the following functions: 1.Calculate how muchliquid you consume daily and compile a drinkreport. 2. Keep yourhydration history so that you can check howmuch liquid youconsumed per week, month, or year. 3. Set yourhydration goals andhelp you achieve them (for instance, drink atleast 2 litersdaily). 4. Adjust itself to the weather. When it'shot, your bodyneeds more water. 5. Fine-tune its schedule accordingto your dailyroutine. You can set your wake-up time and bed time sothat the appwon't disturb you when you are asleep. Yourtherapist,nutritionist, and fitness trainer might need access toyour waterintake record. This information might come in handy whencomposingyour personalized nutrition plan or fitness plan, as wellasdiagnosing diseases and recommending courses of treatment.TheBenefits of Using From their early childhood, kids need to getusedto a healthy water intake. This habit will considerablyimprovetheir life quality and contribute to their lifeexpectancy.Drinking sufficient amounts of water is an indispensableconditionof our physical and mental wellbeing. Those people whokeepthemselves well-hydrated enjoy the following benefits: • Aremoreproductive and efficient at work; • Helps to stay in anoptimisticmood, are less prone to stress and negative emotions; •Sleep welland manage to have a good rest at night; • Performphysicalexercises much better than those who suffer fromdehydration; •Look younger, have a fresher complexion; • Havestronger nails andhair. Sufficient water intake helps our body getrid of toxins. Itprevents hypertension, urolithiasis, gastritis,and ulcers. Itsignificantly improves our metabolism, helps uscontrol ourappetite and eventually lose weight. Water deliversnutrients toour organ cells, transfers oxygen from our lungs to ourbodytissues in exchange for carbon dioxide. When you sufferfromheadaches or arthralgia, a glass of water might relieve yourpainbetter than any medicine. Thanks to cheap and accessible water,wecan prevent numerous health problems and save ourselves fromtakingsynthetically produced pharmaceutical preparations. Thishydrationreminder is recommended for all ages. The H2O tracker hasnocontraindications or side effects. Feel free to use thisdrinkwater reminder to lose weight and stay healthy!