WebStart - bookmark browser 1.2 APK

Simplify your web start!

WebStart offers you:

* Built-in browser
* Ordering webs under "AZ", "User" and "Frequently Used"
* Customization ranking using drag and drop feature.
* Load web icon (favicon)
* View mobile or desktop version of site
* Add / Delete webs (bookmark)
* Categorize using tags ( like job, news, tech, classifieds, sport,hockey... )
* Share with friends via email, sms, facebook, twitter, Skype,WhatsApp, or another application on your phone / tablet.
* Open with standard web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera,...)
* Search with Google
* Voice dictation on keyboard
* Automatic cache deletion (saving phone memory)

For many countries we have a basic package of sites. Ourslaziness ;)

Global webs, USA, UK, India, Brasil, Germany, Czech, Slovakia,Russia

More countries will be added soon...

Keywords: bookmarks manager, reader, website launcher, globalnews, local news, news browser,

Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any ofthe webs cited here. The content the app shows comes from the otherwebs which retains all copyrights and thus the app is not to beheld responsible for any of the content displayed.

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