Weight Scanner Prank 1.0 APK

Weight Scanner is a free high tech fingerprintscanner application for your device that attempts to determine howmuch you weigh based on your thumb print scan! You simply placeyour thumb on the fingerprint scan tray, wait for the scan tocomplete, and the app will give you your weight, measured inimperial units (pounds and ounces). It's a great prank to show yourfriends and fool your neighbors!

Weight Scanner is meant to be used for entertainment purposesonly. The accuracy of the fingerprint scan is not meant to be usedin a professional environment. I am talking to medicalprofessionals who might be inclined to use Weight Scanner in theiroffice. It's not a good idea. For the average Joe though, it is agreat scale replacement that fits in your pocket!

Weight Scanner features a great looking fingerprint scan tray,and a realistic looking scan bar that vibrates your device whileit's running! Be careful to leave your thumb on the scanner duringthe entire process though! Otherwise you will get a detectionerror!

Weight Scanner now features an exciting social sharing option soyou can share your scan results with the world! Simply click on theshare icon that appears on the top after scanning your finger topost your results to your favorite social networks, like GooglePlus, Twitter, and Facebook!

I am always looking to improve upon my apps, so if you run in toany issues or know anything I can do to improve it, please let meknow ASAP. I will update the app and all will be good with theworld. This app is for you guys!
Weight Scanner was tested using a Samsung Galaxy S II and thedetector works great on that device. If you have issues comment ore-mail me and I will try to get them resolved. Again, thanks fortrying Weight Scanner! There is also an ad free version availableif you want to remove the advertisements. Enjoy!

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