Wemogee 1.1.1 APK

This project was created in order to restorethe possibility for aphasia sufferers to communicate easily andquickly with their friends and family.
In fact, Samsung WemogeeTM performs a dual function: for chattingwith people far away and communication support for face-to-faceinteractions.
Through the translation of text to emoji and vice versa, the appallows the person affected with aphasia to communicate only throughimages. Samsung WemogeeTM is based on a library of more than 140phrases: in collaboration with a team of speech therapists, a listof the most common phrases in informal chat was defined, relatingto basic needs as well as to their emotions.
These words were then translated into logical sequences ofemojis.
Aphasic patients identify what they want to communicate through apanel of exclusively visual options, sending the chosen sequence ofemojis to the non-aphasic recipient. The non-aphasic user willreceive the message in text form and can then reply using writtenwords.

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