Whack A Weed 1.0 APK

Whack-A-Weed is a free “Whack-A-Mole”typestrategy game for Android Phones & Tablets. Instead ofpeskylittle moles, we have dandelions popping up all over ourbeautifylandscape! Use the handy garden tool to nip those weeds inthe bud!

Whack-A-Weed offers three MODES OF PLAY:

WEED MODE – Try to whack every weed (dandelion) that pops up.Thegame ends after you’ve let 200 of them get away.

DANDY MODE – Try to whack every weed (dandelion) thatpopsup....but be careful not to whack Dandy, the friendly lion.Helooks a lot like the regular weeds, but you can tell him apartbyhis smile and his big kitty paws!

TIMER MODE – Whack as many weeds (dandelions) as you can in60seconds!

Whack-A-Weed has music and sound effects, but you can turneitheror both off if you prefer.

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