Wherestamp 1.0.2 APK

What is wherestamp?
wherestamp is an app that enhance your expense on anyshops,espectially where you go more than once. wherestamp organizespunchcards and member cards in one place without bothering anymorewallet space and helps you getting more benefits easier.

How wherestamp works?
wherestamp works pretty much the same way you usually do forthesame old punch cards.
1. Each shop has its own punch card/member card waiting for youinwherestamp. Also each individual card has its own rule togivestamp and redeem reward.
2. You obtain the card you are interested in first, whetherbysearching or scanning qr code at the shop
3. Once you obtain the card, you can start getting stamps fromtheparticular shop.
4. Once the stamps are enough to get reward, you can redeem foritby trading with your stamps at the particular shop.

Why wherestamp?
1. Make your purchase more valuable and returnable bycollectingpoints from any shops which you are their customer.
2. Be the first to know about your favorite place'spromotion.
3. Several privileges for wherestamper.
4. More use and more fun as we keep on updating fun factor intheapp.

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