Word Games Pro APK

This is the unlimited, ad-free, version of Word Games. Word Gamesis a great collection of games based, in part, on principles ofcognitive psychology to help you practice verbal skills. This appcontains all 9 of Mindware's word games to help you build yourvocabulary, trivia knowledge, and verbal memory. These great gamesare also included in the top brain training app on the Androidplatform (Mind Games). Word Games is a great way to try to helpreduce the effects of aging on your brain, or to try to improveyour skills at any age.

Description of Games:

Abstraction - Exercise your ability to quickly differentiatebetween words with a concrete vs. abstract meaning.

Word Flow - Exercise your verbal memory for words.

Similarities Scramble - Test and improve your knowledge of wordrelationships.

Speed Trivia - Test and improve your knowledge of general triviaand information.

Verbal Concepts - Practice your ability to categorize words andconceptual thinking skills.

Vocabulary Star - Improve your vocabulary and spellingskills.

Vocabulary Power - An un-timed multiple choice vocabularytask.

Word Memory - Memorize 30 words and see if you can rememberthem.

Word Prefixes - Practice and improve your knowledge of wordprefixes.

App Information