Workout Timer (Free) 2.57 APK

This is the best tabata, round, interval timer, countdown timer,& stopwatch application on the android market. It can be usedfor many purposes (Boxing, mixed martial arts (MMA), cardioworkouts, crossfit, sparring, workout routines, jogging, crossfit,hiit, cycling, running, spinning, etc). Homescreen widgets areavailable for free 14 day trial. Built-in media player allows youto play the music of your choice while you workout. Timerstarts/stops on tap anywhere on the screen. No need to find thosetiny buttons to tap. Most features are a few taps away.Add/Subtract time with a click of a button. Timers can be placed inthe background so you can multitask on other things! Stopwatchfeature allows you to time that race. You can even use it to testyour reaction time! Background music allows you to be able toworkout to YOUR music. Create your own playlist. Customizestart/stop, warning alerts to your liking. Pick an included themesong to play while working out, or choose from your own collection.Random play feature allows to play through available backgroundsongs. Customize your alerts from your ringtones or audioselections. (Only available in the full version) Multiple timersettings can be saved for easy access. Features: * Touch anywhereon the screen to start/stop timer. * Touch to increment/decrementtime as needed * Preset settings with options for custom settingsfor all timer inputs such as number of rounds, round time, initialpreparation time, rest time, and warning times. * Custom presetsallows for quick easy reuse * Choice of delivered background musicand alert sounds and background music can be selected from your ownpersonal library. * Runs in the background iconified for easymultitasking. Icon displayed in the notification bar to redisplay.* Continues to run even if screen is turned off. * Ability toadjust media volume or alarm volume on the timer screen. (Note:timer must be paused to adjust alarm volume) Note: (This version isAd supported) If you like it, you can buy me a cup of coffee bygetting the full version. Thanks in advance. Full version features:- Random play option to play through available background songs (nolimits) - All sounds are customizable. Choose from your ringtonecollection or select from file. - Widgets for fast access fromhomescreen - No limits on time settings - No Ads! Feedback would begreatly appreciated to continue to improve this app. Thanks.Explanation of Permissions android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE- For ad display android.permission.INTERNET - For ad displayandroid.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS - To allow custom audioselection android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - To allowcustom audio selection android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE - For addisplay purposes android.permission.WAKE_LOCK - To allow continuousoperations when screen is offandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - To allow custom audioselection (certain devices required this)android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS - To allow custom audio selection(certain devices required this) Examples of other uses: * Insanityworkouts * P90x workouts * Sparring timer * Cardio workouts *Lifting coach * Rest/Interval timer * Time sprints and races

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