Xhosa Audio Phrasebook 1.3.0 APK


PLEASE NOTE: This App has a Free 7 Day Trial Period, afterwhichyou will be directed to www.hellosouthafrica.co.za to purchaseit.Thank you for your support.

Translate Xhosa Translation App (English to Xhosa audiophrases)includes:

• Over 500 Xhosa phrases (text with corresponding audio)
• 30 useful phrase topics covering typical everydaysituations.Perfect for the traveller or learner!
• High quality audio clips for all phrases, spoken by a Xhosamothertongue speaker…grasp the diction and rhythm of thelanguage!
• No reception required once your App is installed – use itanytime, anywhere!
• User-friendly navigation system (and search functionality) tohelpyou find the right phrase as you need it
• Xhosa translations done by language experts from theAfricanLanguages Departments of renowned South AfricanUniversities
• Informative and refreshing insight into South Africa’srichlinguistic and diverse cultural make-up, written by leaders inthefields of linguistics and social anthropology

The Hello South Africa® Translate Xhosa Translation App(Englishto Xhosa audio phrases) is a fun, easy and effective way tolearnhow to speak Xhosa and interact with Xhosa speakers.Convenientlystored on your mobile phone, it gives you access to thelanguageany time, anywhere and even in the remotest of places!

The best way to get South Africans to warm to you: peoplereallyappreciate it when you make the effort to speak to them intheirMother tongues. It’s a great way to connect, to show andgainrespect and to experience the vibrant spirit of SouthAfrica.

The Hello South Africa® Translate Xhosa Translation App(Englishto Xhosa audio phrases) makes for the perfect Xhosalearning andcommunication tool (both for visitors to South Africaand for localSouth Africans). It ignites understanding, goodwilland mutualrespect with/between the people of our unique andwonderful land,South Africa.

The Hello South Africa® Translate Xhosa Translation App(Englishto Xhosa audio phrases) is a mobile celebration of SouthAfrica’srich multilingualism and multiculturalism – at yourfingertips.

App Information