X-ray Scanner Prank 1.0 APK

X-ray Scanner Prank is one of the widelyandcommonly diagnostic imaging technique used for doingasophisticated test where the part of your body ispositionedbetween the Xray machine and photographic films.Currently, thereare talented and expert individuals who havecreated apps that arequite similar to the scanning process. It wasdesigned to prank andshock the people that you know. Although somepeople find itcreative, some people find it crazy. But whatever itis, this kindof app will surely provide fun not only to you buteven to theother people around you.
Currently, there is one app created not for medical purposes butforproviding fun by tricking people. This is the scanningprankapplication that you can download using your phone in order toscandifferent body parts. So if you want to scan your feet, handorbody, the scanner prank application in your mobile phone isthebest app for you. However, this app was created for funpurposesonly and it does not produce real Xray images.

Xray scanner can stimulate the effects of the X machine. Youcanuse it to prank your friends in order for them to think thatyourmobile phone has the capability to provide an x image. Byprovidingthe right set up of the scanner, you are provided with agoodillusion that looks like the real image of bones in yourbodyparts.
This application will display some fake image of x skeleton oftheleft hand. Once you download the application, you can scanyourleg, hand or even your chest. You will just need to pointthecamera few inches away from the part of the body then waitforscanning process to be completed. After the process iscompletelydone, you will now see the result of your. You can tiltyour mobilephone to scroll the image of your body part.
This application has also the ability to change the color,speed,size and even the setting of the screen. It is a funnyapplicationto the point that you would want to do a practical joketo yourfriends. However, this application is not real but it isharmlessand very fun to play with.
The X-ray scanner prank is a very amusing prank. However, youneedto do it the right way.
For you to gain more knowledge about these application, here arethebest features that this application can offer you.

•You can scan different parts of your body looking like a realximage
•This application uses sound, vibrator and flashlight
•It is very easy to use and learn
•You can do some live scanning of your body parts
•This app uses the camera and not the G-Sensor for you to haveamuch better result

This is how great and cool this app is because it willprovideyou total entertainment.
But why do you need to install this application? Here aresomereasons why there is a need for you to installtheapplication.

•This prank was created to make fun with your friends orotherfamily members.
•It was intended to provide great entertainment without doing arealscanning process.
•It is only prank application in order to trick friends
•It is a fun game to play with your good friends

Here are the simple instructions on how to usetheapplication.

•You need to hover your camera over your friend’s body partthatyou wanted to scan
•Now, start by tapping on the top of your friend’s body parts
•Move your finger down until your scanning process is over
•You can tap anywhere to make a new scan or you can click thebackbutton if you want to scan the other parts of your friend’sbody tocontinue the fun.

The application is a free app for android that can bedownloadedin your phone or tablet. It the best way to trick peoplearound youif you want to make fun of them. So if you want toexperience thegreat things about this app, try to download it. Forsure, this appwill be your most favorite app among the otherapplications thatyou have in your phone.

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