Yamaha YZF-R1 Gear Ratio Pro 1.0 APK

Ratio Pro for the Yamaha YZF-R1 is a quickanduseful tool for racers and track day goers alike. Gear ratiosarecrucial to racing and R1 Ratio Pro allows you to select theoptimalgearing for any track.

This calculator that lets you select sprocket and tiredimensionsto see the effect they will have on top speed and RPM ineach gear.This app lets you save sessions with your gearing/tiredata alongwith track, times, weather and setup notes for laterreference andcomparison. Graphs of selected gear ratio and drop inRPM whenshifting are also available for a quick visual referenceof alldata.

Select your front and rear sprockets, tire width, profile andrimsizes, then change the RPM to instantly see how it affectsspeeds atall gears. Switch between MPH or Kph.

A gear speed graph displays the drop in RPM aftershifting/ateach shift point.r6 gear ratio graph
Save your settings for later reference and comparison; addweather,temperature, time and condition information and your ownnotes foreach session. Go back and edit notes later if needed, oroverwritesessions entirely.

Send session information via email, edit previous sessionsorjust save unlimited sessions in the app itself forlaterreference.

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