YoMessage for YotaPhone 2.11 APK

Application for second YotaPhone screen thatdisplays messages from different messenger apps immediately as theyarrive. Now you can't worry about skipping messages from yourfriends, colleges or clients and you don't need to turn on phoneoften or when you listen notification sound. Just look at theYotaPhone back screen and you can see what you just received andhow many messages you have skipped.

YoMessage can be run as notifier service that shows last messageinformation (published by messenger apps on the systemnotifications) on back screen, you can set application filter,display time and so on. Of course you must have all messenger appsinstalled on your phone. You can run native messenger by clickingright bottom button. To exit & remove notification press OKbutton. To exit without removing notification press left X button.Long click on X button lets postpone of switch off notifications(after switching off you can switch notifications on from appsettings)

Also YoMessage can be installed as back screen widget via YotaHub(see screenshot). Widget also displays missed calls. Widget hasseparate settings, they are accessible via YotaHub.

Now you can select any application whose notifications will beprocessed, just switch on "Filter notifications".

Attention! Some messagers can keep unread message counter unlessyou read them by corresponding messenger app on main screen.YoMessage is not messenger app, it doesn't not allow to answer themessages and to receive pictures, video and e.t.c. (except thoseproviders that have YotaDevices apps for second screen)

Messenger specifics

Text of last 7-10 messages displayed

When more then one email receiver displays only messagetitles

Displays only last message received, counter always <= 1

Displaying notifications are blocked due to continual sendingnotification even if no new messages arrived.

When several messages from >1 authors received only author namesdisplayed

App Information