Yomiage Ehon 1.2.2 APK

"Storytelling book" has become "Yomiage Ehon"! We are pleased toannounce that we have released "Yomiage Ehon", a new storytellingbook as a replacement of "Storytelling book (Yomikikase DigitalEhon)", bringing dozens of improvements. There are nineteen storiesto play at first without charge, and more of upcoming stories soon!** For "Storytelling book" users. ** We sincerely appreciate yourenjoyment with "Storytelling book" and supporting us. There is nofurther plans to update those "Storytelling book" app series due tothis update so you can download "Yomiage Ehon" on Google Play andstill enjoy equivalent stories with Yomiage Ehon as it used to be.We hope you keep interested in "Yomiage Ehon" and your support."Yomiage Ehon" is a free picture book app reading out worldfolktales with heartwarming pictures and scripts! Enjoy themasterpiece of picture books from all over the world, withnarration and subtitles! ◎ Application and also its picture booksare free of charge ◎ You can download and enjoy those storiestotally free; "The Moon Princess" as preinstalled "The Cut TongueSparrow" "The Grateful Crane" "The Magical Ashes" "The Angel'sRobe" "Taro the dragon Baby" "Moa-kaikai and the Snake God" "TheRice-ball Rolled Down" "The Miracle Straw Millionaire" "Pedrito andthe trange Horse" "Agrimaka" "Kobutori Jiisan" "Like a Cloud" "TheHare and the Tortoise" "Dungaree the Stray Cat" "Click-clickMountain" "The Seasonal Workers and the Big Snake" "The Dragon Godof Suttsu" "A Big Flood" "Kintaro" "The Girl Who Turned to Be ABone" "The Battle of Monkey and the Crab" "The Six Jizos" "The Redand The Blue Fans" We are going to sequentially release more ofmasterpiece of picture books of Japan and the world. We includedadvertisement in this application, as we're planning furtherimprovements for this app and yet to keep the app free of charge.Thank you for your patience and understanding. ◎ Here are goodthings of using this ・For story-telling to your kids. ・You canenjoy high quality stories in Japanese / English. ・All voices andsubtitles can be changed to Japanese / English. ・Englishimprovements for you adults. ・You can learn right pronunciation bythe story-telling voice of the native speakers enjoyably. ◎"Yomiage Ehon" brings: ・You can access many picture books easilyand anytime with your device. ・You can choose whichever combinationof languages for reading-out and subtitles. For example, Englishaudio and Japanese subtitles, or Japanese audio and Englishsubtitles can be possible. ・Player screen can be both portrait andlandscape. ・You can operate the player by "tap and flick" orcontrol buttons on the player screen. ・You can choose 3 subtitlefont size. ・You can choose whether you preferably watch a storywith subtitles or without. ・By repeating same pages, it also can beused for intellectual training, language learning, and more. ■Target device: Android 2.2 or higher dcWORKS Co., Ltd haveannounced that the free smartphone applications, "Story-tellingdigital picture book" and "Yomiage Ehon", are launched since 2010supported by "International Digital EHON Association". ※ Thepicture book offered by this application are digitized from theoriginal picture books of which copyrights are held byInternational Digital EHON Association. ※ For more details of"International Digital EHON Association", please visithttp://www.e-hon.jp/idea/index_id.htm

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