YotaCalc for YotaPhone APK

Scientific 12-digits calculator for Yotaphone2 back screen. Can be run as standalone application or used aswidget by YotaHub (as Cover or by small widget).

Using YotaCalc you don't need to worry about battery duringcalculations. Calculator is always on your screen. You can use iteven with bright sunlight.

Calculator accuracy is 14 digits.

Arithmetic (+, - , *, /)
% - percentage operations (A+5%= gives 5% increase, A-5%= gives 5%decrease, A*5%= gives 5% of A, A/5%= calculates what percentage ofA in 5, 1/5%=20)
Algebraic (square root, root, power, square, cube, 1/x, 10^x,exponent, logarithm natural and 10-based, factorial)
Trigonometric (sin, cos, tg, arcsin, arccos, arctg)
Hyperbolic (sinh, cosh, tgh, ash, ach, ath)
Memory (M+ - add to, MS - set to, MR - read from, MC - clearmemory, M- subtract memory, M* - multiply memory)
Clipboard copy&paste functions (Cpy, Pst)

Shift button shows additional functions.
Angles are measured in degrees, use "rad" button to convert toradian.

App Information