中興保全集團 AED World 1.01.000 APK

中興保全 AED World App 新上架! 救人近在咫尺! 你一定要下載以備不時之需!

使用AED (自動體外心臟電擊去顫器)來進行心臟病症突發之病患,將可顯著提昇病患之存活率

此 App 包含了以下功能

1.AED 地圖:快速找到最近的 AED 位址,急救分秒必爭!
2.最新消息:提供 AED 的第一手相關資訊
3.急救新知:學習如何使用 AED ,以及猝死等等相關資訊,不要讓遺憾發生在你身邊!
4.聯絡我們:若有 AED 的任何問題,可直接聯繫我們進行服務
5.急救搶先看:掃描 AED 的 DM ,透過互動影片立即學習如何正確的使用 AED!

SECOM AEDWorld App New Products! Save close at hand! You must download arainy day!

Use AED (automated external defibrillator defibrillator) forpatients with heart disease are sudden, will be able tosignificantly improve the survival rate of patients

This App contains the following features

1.AED Map: Quickly find the nearest AED address, emergency everysecond counts!
(2) Latest news: providing first-hand information about AED
3 first aid knowledge: learning how to use AED, and deathinformation, etc., do not let regret going on around you!
4 Contact us: If AED any questions, you can contact us directly forservice
5 First Aid Behind the Scenes: Scan the AED DM, through interactivevideo to learn how to immediately correct use of AED!

App Information