介護福祉士 一問一答+模擬問題2016 1.0.0 APK

「介護福祉士 一問一答+模擬問題2016」アプリは、「効率よく即答力を鍛える!」をテーマに国試頻出問題をピックアップした一問一答(720問)と、「実力をつける! 得点力をあげる!」をテーマに国試の傾向を徹底分析した模擬問題(360問)を収録しています。

(1) 速習 一問一答 介護福祉士国試対策2016(一問一答)
(2) 介護福祉士国家試験模擬問題集2016(五択模擬問題)


【Android OSの推奨バージョン】
Android OS 4.0以降

◆ 問題にチャレンジ!

◆ 成績表で毎日の学習管理も簡単!

◆ 多彩な学習機能を収録

◆ <弱点攻略>で間違えた問題を復習!

◆ 収載内容

収載内容:『速習 一問一答 介護福祉士国試対策2016』
○全科目セット 全720問/1080円

○全科目セット 全360問/2400円
○単品 1科目/360円


◆◆◆ care workercandidatesessential app! 2016 edition ◆◆◆
"Care worker Q & + Practice problem 2016" app,"efficientlytrain the quick response force!" The Q & that themepicked upthe country 試頻 out problems and (720 questions), put the"ability!increase the scoring force! "theme simulated problem thatthoroughanalysis of the trend of Kuni試 to the You are recorded(360questions).

You can solve all the problems that are listed in the twotitleof oysters has published from the centralregulationspublished.
(1) Haya習 Q & care worker Country trial measures 2016(Q&)
(2) care worker national examination simulated problemCollection2016 (Go択 simulated problem)

Also who purchased the books, as leverage and countries 試直beforemeasures of clearance time, you can take advantage.
Now challenge to download and problem free app!

[Recommended version of Android OS]
Android OS 4.0 or later
※ Even if with recommended OS, depending on the model, some ofthefunctions of the application is not available. Download afreeissue, check the operation you please buy the paid content istopof (and if the problem is solvable, or incorrect problems havebeenextracted, each function for such).

[The main function of the app]
◆ The challenge to the problem!
When you select a subject from the "start learning", theproblemcarefully, have been created based on the questionsstandards andquestions trend will be questions. Basic skills of up,it is bestto capture the weak item!

◆ daily learning management also easy report card!
Than the 2016 version, the report function is renewed!
Subjects another learning progress rate and the correctness ofthenumber from the past, other graph of learning record,rankingwithin the app user is now easier to understand withtheintroduction of the point system.

◆ The recording a variety of learning function
The recorded questions mode such as "fill-in-the-blank", "testofstrength", "random", "clip".
A problem questions from a variety of angles, let'sfirmlyestablished knowledge.

◆ to review the problem you make a mistake in the !
The wrong answer problem in learning you have at anytimeaccumulated.
Wrong answer not only to overcome the check was not good fieldagaina problem, because my be able to find many problems of wronganswersthe number of times that did not notice also, it shouldalso lead tothe score up.

◆ listing content
From the "Download" in the menu, you will be able to purchasethecontent of the following in-app billing.

[Q &]
Listing the contents: "Haya習 Q & care worker Countrytrialmeasures 2016"
○ all subjects set all 720 questions / 1080 yen

[Go択 simulated problem]
Listing the contents: "care worker national examinationsimulatedproblem Collection 2016"
○ all subjects set all 360 questions / 2400 yen
○ single item one subject / 360 yen

Independence and human dignity
Human relations and communication
Understanding of society
Basic care
Communication technology
Life support technology
Care process
Understanding of the development and aging
Understanding of dementia
Understanding Failure
Mind and Body Works
Overall problem (simulated problem only)

App Information