佛教因果故事2(L048 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台) 1.00 APK






"Hundred already" bydefinition means that you have at least a hundred classic aboutkarma, earthly beings major record deeds associated with paststudents involved karma karma. Start of content, usually by theBuddha when the world suffered a lifetime of living beings, or bornrich, or ugly, or not as good as law, or enlightenment certificatefruit, phase differences in the various beings, referrals throughthe disciples of the Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, so the The creatureswill know why this karma karma of past students, clearly convey the"vertical through 百千劫, the job does not die, when karma willencounter, but also self-retribution by" the law of karmaretribution.

This anthology beings are involved, some can be divided into twocategories, the first category, although born in the Buddha worldbeings, but missed the Dharma, or Buddhist, but who has not beenfreed, the former is still hell, evil Road mainly suffering beings,which has the King, monks, nuns, Princess etc; second class beingsis already obtain relief granted or Mongolian Buddha mind, theseare limited to human beings, day, encompasses the king, death row,ministers, children , Sudras who emperor ge in various capacities.In addition, there are many articles related to past students BOCBodhisattva Buddha deeds.

When reading the first class beings deeds, might note, they areborn in the world of Buddha, the Buddha also lucky enough to maskthem to illustrate their industry because of past life, crossing ofbeings, why they can not even escape Dharma ? What is the mainreason? Ruoyi the hell knows, evil beings Road, disappeared in badkarma to do before it is too busy to practice Dharma, so they canthen look for reasons to fall into evil ways, and when they can beout of the evil way, when freed up Certificate results. After thisquest, I believe I need to say to others, will understand why youwant to avoid falling into evil ways.

As for the identity of all beings is no matter what, theaftermath of which shun adversity, there are opportunities to hearYufo law practice to be free, to think about why they have suchgood or evil karma? What is the most important factor is that? So,they must pay attention to students in the past have been madeunder what kind of karmic, or send over what good will, promptingthem to Buddha born into the world, whether rich or poor and lowlyborn, even in bad karma do not completely disappear under, still infront of the Buddha, the Dharma, or the pro-smelling, or monks, andeven escape death.

Through knowledge of these beings past karma, emulate, seeinside introspection is not virtuous, can choose an appropriatecode of conduct, in particular, to avoid falling into evil waysbecause of manufacturing industry in the next. Buddha beings evilway when the world, missed the Buddhist, is our best guard. Inaddition to committing evil industry is no longer passive, but alsoneed to actively accumulate good karma MERITS, hold the line sixtimes, so even if we have suffered in the past under the evilcreatures born due at maturity, but also in order to practice theskill of equanimity charitable face, revel Consumers old industry,at least make sure that the current bear bad karma, and will notre-new calamity. Then when the next Buddha appears the world, wehave to grasp in order to obtain personal Yufo degrees.

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