傾向と対策 基本情報技術者試験 1.0.3 APK







単語帳【( )内の数字は収録語数】
●9 企業と法務(56)

●平成16年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成17年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成18年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成19年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成20年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成21年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成22年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成23年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成24年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成25年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成26年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
●平成27年度試験 午前問題(春・秋)
■ qualification alsolearn also, talent up in a simple drill learning
Such as commuting in clearance time, anytime, anywhere, you caneasily drill learning with one hand.
No need for manual! You can study in crisp easy operation.

■ learning method
To view the ○ term
You can see the basic terms and their meaning.
The term the basis of learning should wear to the firm only.

To learn ○ the basic terms
The necessary basic terms to questions as the selection problem,you can answer.
Repeatedly answer, that to get used to the basic terminology, let'sincrease the speed Deciphering the problem.

To learn ○ test problem
And questions of the past problems.
Let surely put the ability to repeat questions.

To measures ○ Grasp the trend
In the statement foundation term exam questions, if it had beenincluded in the past what questions, you can see the number oftimes of the frequency.
Some terms in the problem statement does not come almost out,you'll be there also surprisingly many terms and vice versa.
Grabbed trend from the past question, let the measures to the nexttest.


Word book [() numbers recording number of words in the]
● basic theory (61)
● computer system (62)
● technical elements (113)
● development technology (40)
● Project Management (22)
● Service Management (26)
● system strategy (29)
● management strategy (58)
● 9 companies and legal (56)

Exercise books
● 2004 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2005 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2006 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2007 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2008 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2009 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2010 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● FY2011 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2012 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● FY2013 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2014 test morning problem (spring and fall)
● 2015 test morning problem (spring and fall)

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