台中音響大展 1.5 APK


展房資訊 - 提供各樓層各大廠商相關產品資訊
品牌資訊 - 可搜尋有興趣的音響品牌,快速搜尋展房資訊
活動快報 - 提供當日各種活動場次,迅速找到有興趣的演講內容
交通指引 - 提供會場位置,讓各位方便前往
QR折價卷 - 利用QRCode產生優惠卷,可抵用部分進場折扣
意見回饋 - 有什麼意見歡迎各位填寫表單後送出,我們虛心接受
贊助廠商 - 與會各大贊助產商,提供不一樣的商品情報喔

請留意:2015年台中會場將於 10/29~11/1,連續四天在台中金典酒店16樓與17樓展開活動

To tie in Taichung soundexhibition will be to provide this application to the user's queryand the relevant manufacturers venue information, easy accessExhibitors News Information

App content:
Fair Housing Information - provides major manufacturers each floorRelated Products
Brand information - may find interest in audio brand, Quick SearchShow Room News
Activities Express - offer a variety of activities day sessions,quickly find interested speeches
Transportation Guidelines - provides the venue location, give youeasy access to
QR Volume discount - use QRCode produce coupons, capable ofreaching part of the admission discount
Feedback - have any comments welcome after you fill out the formsent, we humbly accept
Sponsors - major sponsors participating manufacturers providedifferent goods Intelligence Oh

Please note: in 2015 the venue will be held in Taichung 10/29 to11/1, for four consecutive days to start activities on the 16thfloor and the 17th floor Splendor Hotel Taichung

App Information