妞妞撲克王 1.0 APK

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每位玩家的目的是要將五張手牌重新組合成左手 3 張與右手 2 張,其中左手 3 張的總點數必須是 10 的倍數,然後以右手2張的牌型點數擊敗莊家。點數計算方式是, A 為 1 點, 2 點至 9 點的牌以牌面的點數計算,10、J、Q、K 每張為10點。當右手牌的點數總和超過 10 時,則只算總數中的個位數。因此,一張 7 和一張 8 的牌點大小為 5點(7 + 8=15)。由於右手牌若為 10 的倍數就湊成特殊牌型「妞妞」,而又只取點數總和的個位數值,因此「妞妞」以外的最大點數為 9點(如一張3 和一張 6: 3 + 6 = 9),最小則為 1 點。



・首先比較牌型大小,如遇牌型或點數相同時,則比 5張牌內最大的一張牌,若該牌點數大小也相同時,則比該牌的花色。若該牌無法分出勝負,則依序比較其它牌張的點數大小與花色。


・牌型大小順序: 五公 > 妞妞 > 9點 > 8點 > 7點 > 6點 > 5點 >4點> 3點 > 2點 > 1點 > 無賴。
(1) 五公: 五張皆為 J、Q、K。
(2) 妞妞: 左 3 張與右 2 張總和各為 10 的倍數。
(3) 大點: 左 3 張的點數總和為 10 的倍數,取右 2 張的點數加總之個位數即為點數,當點數大於或等於7點時稱為大點。
(4) 小點: 左 3 張的點數總和為 10 的倍數,取右 2 張的點數加總之個位數即為點數,當點數小於 7點時稱為小點。
(5) 無賴: 無法排出左 3 張的點數總和為10的倍數時,稱為無賴。

・點數大小: K > Q > J > 10 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 >5> 4 > 3 > 2 > A。

・花色大小: 黑桃 > 紅心 > 方塊 > 梅花。



・終極妞妞: 1 賠 5。
・妞妞: 1 賠 3。
・大點: 1 賠 2。
・小點: 1 賠 1。
・無賴: 1 賠 1。




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game rules

Each player's goal is to five reassembled into the left handandright hand two three, which left three of the total numberofpoints must be a multiple of 10, then to the right twocard-typepoints to beat the dealer. Points calculated by, A to1:00, 2:00 to9:00 card to card with the points are calculated, 10,J, Q, K ofeach of 10 points. When the sum of the points right cardover 10,only the total number of operators in the single digits.Thus, a7-point card and a size 8 to 5:00 (7 + 8 = 15). If theright-handcard is a multiple of 10 to make up a special card type"niu", butjust take a bit value of the sum of points, and thereforeoutsidethe "niu" the maximum number of points to 9 points (such asa 3 anda 6 : 3 + 6 = 9), the minimum was 1:00.

First, during the game by the players start betting, the playerwiththe dealer sequentially given five cards, dealt face up, thentheplayer with the dealer on each hand reassembled, and followingrulesthan the card.

Than licensing rules

· First compare the size of card type, card type, or in case ofthesame number of points, then the ratio of the largest withinfivecards a card, if the card size is also the same number ofpoints,then the ratio of the card suit. If the card can not be awinner,the other a card sequence comparison point size andcolor.

• If the player and the dealer's cards suit-type points can not beawinner, for the draw, no winning or losing.

· The order card type: Five male> niu> 9:00>8:00>7:00> 6:00> 5:00> 4:00> 3:00> 2:00>1:00>rogue.
(1) Wugong: five are all J, Q, K.
(2) niu: left 3 and right 2 is the sum of a multiple of 10.
(3) major points: the sum of the three points left to a multipleof10, the right to take two points is a single-digit increaseinshort points, while the number of points greater than or equalto7:00 called big points.
(4) small point: the sum of the three points left to a multipleof10, the right to take two points is a single-digit increaseinshort points, less than 7 points when the points calleddots.
(5) Rogue: Unable to discharge the sum of the left three points isamultiple of 10, it is called a rogue.

· Points Size: K> Q> J> 10> 9> 8> 7>6>5> 4> 3> 2> A.

· Size color: Spades> Hearts> Box> Plum.


After the settlement card type points if the player's cardtypepoints to beat the dealer, places following the oddswerepaid.

· Ultimate niu: 1 lost 5.
· Niu: 1 lost 3.
Big points: 1 pay 2.
Small point: 1 lost 1.
· Rogue: 1 lost 1.

Ready to spend time to the number of points earned will notseeOh!

Points did not immediately make!

I wish you the jackpot! !

NOTE: After removing heavy APP, points will berecalculatedOh!

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