巴黎旅游指南Tristansoft 1.2 APK

巴黎,法国的首都,是一个主要的欧洲城市和艺术,时尚,美食和文化的全球中心。其19世纪的城市景观由宽阔的林荫大道和塞纳河交叉。除了艾菲尔铁塔和12世纪的哥特式巴黎圣母院大教堂之外,这座城市以其咖啡馆文化和沿着Rue du FaubourgSaint-Honoré街的设计师精品店而闻名。


通过发现邻近您所选择的地标的最好的酒店,您可以享受热情好客的服务。 在您计划参观的地标附近探索餐厅。查看对地标,酒店和餐馆的评论。


* GPS和方向
Paris, capital of France,is a major European city and the arts, fashion, food and culturecenters worldwide. Its 19th-century cityscape cross from the wideboulevards and the Seine. In addition to the Eiffel Tower and the12th-century Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral, the city with its cafeculture and designer boutiques along the Rue du FaubourgSaint-Honoré Street and famous.

Discover the true travelers like you publish pictures of realplaces.

By discovering your choice near landmark best hotel you can enjoythe hospitality. Explore the landmark restaurant near you plan tovisit. View of landmark, hotel and restaurant reviews.

The application also contains:

* Latest Pictures tourists attractions
* GPS and direction
* Nearby attractions from the list and search

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