異情 (小說) 1.0 APK

第一回 (留學加國, 前路茫茫.)
昇之父母因病逝世, 與妹晴相依畏命, 昇為攻讀晴, 不惜犧牲, 完成中三便輟學, 出來社會工作, 可是運氣不佳, 處處碰壁,他早上派送報紙, 晚上駕駛夜更的士, 可是為顧存生活上的各種支出, 在走投無路的情況下, 決定投靠胡奔, 在艱苦歲月裡,他替奔立下無數次的功績, 終取得奔的信任, 授權掌管其下的會所生意; 與此同時, 昇得知晴在學校考試成績出眾, 明白她醉心於法律系,於是將多年來的儲蓄, 替晴報讀法律, 並將她送往加拿大留學, 兩兄妹依依惜別; 昇繼續他的亡命生涯,而晴則憑著在加拿大第一年的考試成績, 為她而取得獎學金, 餘下數年她選擇半攻讀, 目的是希望減輕昇的負擔;四年後她終於憑著出眾的成績畢業於加國的法律系, 回港與昇見面, 昇感到無限的安慰..........

E-mail: chingmyliho@yahoo.com.hk

First round (to study inCanada, the road was vast.)
L The parents died of illness, fear and sister Partly dependentlife, was promoted to pursue a clear, at the expense of, thecompletion of the three will drop out of school, out of socialwork, but bad luck, being blocked, he delivered newspapers in themorning, in the evening of night-driving disabilities, but allkinds of expenditure to save life care, in desperate circumstances,the decision to seek refuge Hu Ben, in the difficult years, he hasachieved for Ben numerous achievements, and finally get Ben'strust, authorized under the charge of their clubs business; at thesame time, l learned in school test scores clear outstanding,understand what she indulged in the Faculty of Law, then the yearsof savings, enroll for clear law, and she was sent to study inCanada, two siblings parting; l Continue His desperate career, andclear it with the first year in Canada, test scores, obtained forher scholarship, she chose a half years remaining study, thepurpose is to reduce the burden liter; four years later she finallywith outstanding achievements He graduated from the Faculty of Lawof Canada, returned to Hong Kong to meet with the rise, up feelinfinite consolation ..........

Author: Twilight
E-mail: chingmyliho@yahoo.com.hk

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