癮科技 1.03 APK

癮科技(COOL3C.COM)為台灣知名科技媒體網站,根據全球最權威網路數據監測公司comScore測量,癮科技每月有226萬名不重複使用者(UV),為科技新聞媒體網站流量台灣第三,僅次於 Mobile01和Yahoo!3C頻道。


不僅如此,癮科技現在還致力於回答生活中和科技相關「為什麼」的問題,例如到底什麼是 Prism法案,對全世界的影響是什麼科技產業新聞專欄?還有日常中覺得有點疑惑,卻也沒去思考的網路產業問題,例如Youtube影片為什麼觀看次數都會留在301次等新聞,解開了就會有一種爬上山頂喝上兩口涼水的唱快感呢!

Engadget(COOL3C.COM)Taiwan leading technology media sites, according to theworld'smost authoritative network data monitoring companycomScoremeasurement, Engadget has 2.26 million unique users permonth (UV),the flow of Taiwan's first science and technology newsmedia sitesThird, after Mobile01 and Yahoo! 3C channel.

Engadget addition to dozens of domestic and foreign latestdaily3C products, APP news and industry news, also share manytechnologyDRAMATIC life new knowledge with friends, in addition tomany morethrough the in-depth analysis, the measured point of viewcolumn,so that science and technology closer to users' lives .

Moreover, Engadget now also committed to answering lifeandtechnology-related "why" questions, such as what is in theendPrism bill, what is the impact on the world of scienceandtechnology industry news column? The daily also feel abitconfused, but did not think about the Internet industryissues,such as why the Youtube video views will stay in the301second-class news, solved there will be a climb to the topdrinktwo cold thrill of singing too!

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