繁簡寶(繁简宝) 專業板(专业版) 1.0.1 APK




* 不需要網絡,使您在任何時候,任何地方都可以學習。


* 我們的發音很全面,包含第五聲及一些字的組合音節,如‘兒’。

* 每個字都包含最常用的詞組,以及詞組的拼音,定義,和發音。

* 自由切換為彩色編碼漢字音。

* 顯示拼音時,可以以音標符號或音標數字來顯示。

* “棕色字”代表簡體和繁體是不同的。

* 強大的搜索功能,包含按拼音,字,序號來搜索。

* 隨機模式功能。 我們以隨機順序展示卡片,但總體還是以使用頻率來排序。

* 新增比對功能。 您可以在同一頁面比較兩個不相同的字,來提高您的學習效率。

* 區別顯示組合字情況下某些字發音的變化,如“不”, “一”。




* 不需要网络,使您在任何时候,任何地方都可以学习。


* 我们的发音很全面,包含第五声及一些字的组合音节,如‘儿’。

* 每个字都包含最常用的词组,以及词组的拼音,定义,和发音。

* 自由切换为彩色编码汉字音。

* 显示拼音时,可以以音标符号或音标数字来显示。

* “棕色字”代表简体和繁体是不同的。

* 强大的搜索功能,包含按拼音,字,序号来搜索。

* 随机模式功能。我们以随机顺序展示卡片,但总体还是以使用频率来排序。

* 新增比对功能。您可以在同一页面比较两个不相同的字,来提高您的学习效率。

* 区别显示组合字情况下某些字发音的变化,如“不”, “一”。

[Will be simplified,learn Traditional] ['ll Traditional Chinese, Simplified learn]

This system provides the card with the pronunciation of Chinesecharacters around 1200, designed to most systems, the mostefficient way to learn simplified and traditional Chinesecharacters, so you can better identify the difference betweensimplified and traditional Chinese characters on the wording of. Indaily life, simplified and traditional Chinese characters using thecrowd and people living in the area are closely related, such asHong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Macao and other places people usetraditional Chinese characters higher frequencies, while the otherareas in which people are accustomed to using simplifiedcharacters. Our treasure of complexity, from the most commonly usedsimplified and traditional characters start, step by step so youcan get a multiplier effect in the learning process.

Card features:

* Do not need the network, so you at any time, any place canlearn.

* Includes common traditional and simplified Chinese. Which wordincludes Mandarin (Mandarin) pronunciation, Pinyin (Chinese Pinyin,Cantonese Pinyin, Yale), Chinese character input method (Zhuyin,Cangjie, corners), radical, stroke and other information.

* Our pronunciation is very comprehensive, including the fifthsyllable sound and composition of some words, such as'children'.

* Each word contains the most commonly used phrases, as well asphonetic phrases, definitions, and pronunciation.

* Freedom to switch to color-coded characters sound.

* When displaying the alphabet, can phonetic phonetic symbols ornumbers to appear.

* "Brown word" stands for Simplified and Traditional isdifferent.

* Powerful search features, including press alphabet, word,number to search.

* Random mode function. We show cards in random order, butoverall still to be sorted using the frequency.

* Added comparison function. You can compare two differentcharacters on the same page to improve your learningefficiency.

* Difference display case word combinations word pronunciationof certain changes, such as "no," "a."

[Will be simplified, learn Traditional] ['ll Traditional Chinese,Simplified learn]

This system provides the card with the pronunciation of Chinesecharacters around 1200, designed to most systems, the mostefficient way to learn simplified and traditional Chinesecharacters, so you can better identify the difference betweensimplified and traditional Chinese characters on the wording of. Indaily life, simplified and traditional Chinese characters using thecrowd and people living in the area are closely related, such asHong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Macao and other places people usetraditional Chinese characters higher frequencies, while the otherareas in which people are accustomed to using simplifiedcharacters. Our treasure of complexity, from the most commonly usedsimplified and traditional characters start, step by step, so youcan get a multiplier effect in the learning process.

Card features:

* Do not need the network, so you at any time, any place canlearn.

* Includes common traditional and simplified Chinese. Which wordincludes Mandarin (Mandarin) pronunciation, spelling (Pinyin,Cantonese Pinyin, Yale), Chinese character input method (phonetic,Cangjie, corners), radical, strokes and other information.

* Our pronunciation is very comprehensive, including the fifthsyllable sound and composition of some words, such as'children'.

* Each word contains the most commonly used phrases, as well asphonetic phrases, definitions, and pronunciation.

* Freedom to switch to color-coded characters sound.

* When displaying the alphabet, can phonetic phonetic symbols ornumbers to appear.

* "Brown word" stands for Simplified and Traditional isdifferent.

* Powerful search features, including press alphabet, word,number to search.

* Random mode function. We show cards in random order, butoverall still to be sorted using the frequency.

* Added comparison function. You can compare two differentcharacters on the same page to improve your learningefficiency.

* Difference display case word combinations word pronunciationof certain changes, such as "no," "a."

App Information