親仇 (小說) 1.0 APK

韋寧的死令藍龍痛不欲生, 終日借酒澆愁, 將辛苦建立的事業都置之不理, 幸得林琛在身邊扶持, 本想著章奇死後,他可重掌往昔的業務,豈料竟再被誣陷藏毒, 就在等待審判的時候; 一幕幕驚心動魄的真相湧現眼前…

林琛 : (龍哥, 你不能終日借酒澆愁虛渡日子的.)
趙南 : (龍, 你想假如讓小姐看見你現在的樣子; 她會否心痛呢?)
林琛 : (龍哥, 韋小姐已經死了; 你別再繼續折磨自己好嗎?)
藍龍 : (哈哈…是啊…寧已經死了, 甚麼…都變得…沒有意思了…)
徐椲 : (龍哥, 難道你不打算替小姐報仇嗎?)
藍龍 : (報仇? 幾個月來我甚麼都查不到; 怎樣報仇呢?)
趙南 : 他顯得很憤怒(查不到…還是你根本不想再查落去呢?)
藍龍 : 他怒目相向(你說甚麼?)
趙南 : (假如你有心替小姐報仇, 就算查不到…你亦不會放棄; 除非你根本不想替小姐報仇, 才會如此放棄自己.)

藍龍 : 他撲上前向南揮拳(你亂說…)
趙南 : 豈料還被他向龍揮拳(你這個醉酒鬼, 待我替小姐好好教訓你吧!)
林琛 : 他看見龍被南打倒地上(南哥, 算了…)
趙南 : (小姐真是看錯人, 你看他簡直就是爛泥; 枉他當日還誓言要替小姐報仇.)
林琛 : 他把龍扶起(龍哥, 你沒事嗎?)
藍龍 : 他抹去嘴角上的血跟南道歉(南哥, 對不起; 我知錯了…)
趙南 : 他搭著龍的肩膀(你對起的人不是我…是小姐; 別放棄自己, 只要我們齊心協力, 一定可以將真兇找出來的.)

E-mail: chingmyliho@yahoo.com.hk

The truth
Vining death has made the Blue Dragon in deep sorrow, all dayheavydrinker, will be hard to build a career are ignored, I'mfortunateenough to Chen in the side support, this thinking ZhangQi's death,he can regain the past business, surprise, thenunexpectedly wasframed possession, awaiting trial on time; thetruth to emerge infront of scenes of thrilling ...

Lin Chen: (Ge, you can not cross the imaginary daydrinkerdays.)
Zhao Nan: (Long, if you want to let your lady see what it istoday;she will hurt it?)
Lin Chen: (Ge, Miss Wei is dead; you would not continue totortureyourself, okay?)
Blue Dragon: (Haha ... yes ah ... rather have died, have become...what ... do not mean ...)
Xu Hui: (Ge, do not you miss going to take revenge for it?)
Blue Dragon: (revenge for months I did not find out; whatrevengeit??)
Zhao Nan: He seemed very angry (finding out ... or you do notwantto go and then check off?)
Blue Dragon: He Numuxiangxiang (Say what?)
Zhao Nan: (if you are determined to take revenge for Miss,evenfinding out ... you will not give up; unless you do not wanttomiss for revenge, will so give up yourself.)

Blue Dragon: He rushed southward fists before (youutter...)
Zhao Nan: Unexpectedly, he was also punched (You drunk ghost untilImiss a good lesson for you!) To Long
Lin Chen: He saw the dragon was knocked to the ground south (NanGe,well ...)
Zhao Nan: (Miss is really wrong person, you see he is simply mud;invain he was asked the same day also vowed revenge Miss.)
Lin Chen: He propped the Dragon (Ge, you okay?)
Blue Dragon: He wiped the blood on the mouth with South apology(NanGe, I'm sorry; I admitted the mistake ...)
Zhao Nan: his shoulders draped dragon (since you were not me...Miss; do not give up, as long as we make concerted efforts, willbeable to find out the murderers.)

Author: Twilight
E-mail: chingmyliho@yahoo.com.hk

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