食安專家@STY健康生活館 1.0003 APK


『素敵屋STY健康生活館』為漢翊股份有限公司直營之零售業務部門,包含實體及網路商店,主要負責漢翊綠時尚 inTaipei食品安全快速檢驗產品(快檢試劑、速測儀器)之零售市場業務,讓一般消費者可以快速且不需一次大量採買,即可購得食品安全快速檢驗產品來為全家的食安把關。



[STY food securityexperts quickly seized products]
Food Safety Inspection product development, we always want to reacha seemingly contradictory goals: "to develop a highly accurate yetextremely fast, so you can immediately implement self-protectionmechanism of food security, but almost no learning can be a directoperation term products. "
STY food security experts quickly seized the series, it is such aproduct, it does make food security self-protection mechanismquickly and accurately than ever, convenience is beyond ourexpectations.

[STY Healthy Living Museum]
"Prime enemy house STY Healthy Living Museum" Han Yi Co. Direct'sretail operations, including physical and Internet stores, mainlyresponsible for the Han Yi green fashion in Taipei food safetyrapid testing products (rapid detection reagent, speed measuringinstruments) The retail market business, so that the averageconsumer can quickly and without a lot of purchases, can bepurchased food safety rapid testing products for food safety checksfor the whole family.
In addition, items, sales of museum display are all series ofproducts are not subject to the professional training of homeinspection work of the project, only operate in accordance with theinstructions can be easily and quickly complete the testing processand to determine the test results of food samples Please feel atease to buy.

Han Yi's official website: http: //www.nihon.com.tw/

PChome Store Street:
House STY prime enemy Healthy Living Museum

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