재무설계의 달인 6.3 APK

재무설계의 달인
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부자는 10년을 대비하고, 중산층은 1년을 계획하고, 평민은 한달을 고민하고, 빈곤층은 하루하루를 걱정하면서생활합니다. 여러분들은 어떠신가요? 여러분들의 자녀 또한 여러분과 같은 걱정과 고민을 하길 원하십니까?
비록 나는 하루하루를 걱정하고, 한달을 고민하며 살지만, 내자녀는 1년을 계획하고 10년을 대비하면서 살 수 있게 할 수있는 방법이 있다면 그렇게 해주고 싶지 않으세요?

가난하게 태어난 것은 본인의 잘못이 아니지만, 가난을 물려주는 것은 잘못입니다.
지금 이 순간이 인생의 전환점이 될 수 있는 기회일수도 있습니다.

Different NO.1 209
재무설계사 이홍건

Master of FinancialPlanning
Happy is accompanied by persistent financial planning.

Do you people happy? Housekeeping did a little better?

Take a textbook Increase to add fullness to the theory offinancial planning so far!
For practical know-how accumulated through many years of publicconsultation.

Although we can not make you a rich man does not become poor,while no longer give it, you can assure your child make yourich.

The rich and the contrast to 10 years, the middle class isplanning a year, the common people are contemplating a month, andthe poor are concerned about the day-to-day life with. How's itgoing are you? Do you want your child also worries and concerns,such as you?
Although I am concerned about a day, a month and live worry, you donot want my children haejugo so if there was a way to be able toplan and prepare for a year and live 10 years?

It is not the fault of the person born into poverty, is amistake that handed the poor.
At the moment might be the opportunity to be a turning point inlife.

                                              DifferentNO.1 209
                                              FinancialPlanner yihonggeon

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