Education Apps - Page 2
Easy English Reading
easy English reading. It's an English listening application for wholearning English.You can read and listen to it.*this can improve your English reading and listening comprehensionlevel.*200 brief articles in English and reading these articlescorresponding MP3.*Articles are short. reading speed is slow.*All reading mp3 are free to download.*Favorite your favorite articles.If you're learning English, download it. Thank you.
Maximum ЕГЭ
Приложение Maximum ЕГЭ поможет Вам подготовиться к ЕГЭ по четыремпредметам: математике, русскому языку, английскому языку иобществознанию. Пользователю предоставлен набор инструментов,включающий в себя обширную библиотеку знаний и задач, разработанныхспециалистами со знанием специфики ЕГЭ.Функционал приложения включает в себя следующиевозможности:•Постоянный доступ к теоретической базе, составленной с учетомблоков заданий экзамена;•Решение типовых задач ЕГЭ;•Проверка своих знаний при помощи флешкарт;•Проверка результатов, статистика правильных и неправильныхответов;•Контроль успеваемости ученика по каждому блоку ЕГЭ;•Отслеживание времени, затраченного на ответы;•Tесты по обществознанию.Приложение Maximum ЕГЭ является эффективным дополнением к программеобучения курсов подготовки к ЕГЭ Maximum, поможет в закрепленииполученных знаний и навыков на курсах, а также в оценке своегопрогресса подготовки к экзамену.Компания Maximum образована в 2012 году с целью разработки иприменения инновационных методик подготовки к ЕГЭ. Maximumпредлагает годовой курс подготовки к ЕГЭ по четырем предметам:математике, русскому языку, английскому языку иобществознанию.Записаться на курсы вы можете по телефону +8 (495) 777 10 26.Maximumapplication exam will help you prepare for the exam in foursubjects: mathematics, Russian, English and social studies. User isprovided with a set of tools that includes an extensive library ofknowledge and tasks developed by experts with knowledge of thespecifics of the exam.Functional application includes the following features:• Permanent access to the theoretical basis, including attentiontasks blocks exam;• Solving typical tasks USE;• Test your knowledge using flashcards;• Check the results, stats correct and incorrect answers;• Monitoring of student achievement for each unit exam;• Track time spent on the answers;• Testreports on social science. Maximum application exam is an effective complement to thecurriculum of training courses for the exam Maximum, will help toconsolidate the knowledge and skills courses, as well as inevaluating their progress preparing for the exam.Maximum company formed in 2012 to develop and use innovativemethods of preparation for the exam. Maximum offers annual trainingcourse for the exam in four subjects: mathematics, Russian, Englishand social studies.Enroll in courses you can call +8 (495) 777 10 26.
Get the app that brings Schoology’sCODiE-award-winning learning management solution to your Androiddevice. Manage your classroom, create and submit assignments,participate in interactive discussions, perform assessments,collaborate with your peers, and more!Have rich and engaging academic experiences anytime, anywhere withthe official Schoology Android App! Start today by registering fora free Schoology account.*A Schoology account is required to use this app.You can register for your free account at
Quiz Patente 2017 con Esperto
La più scaricata Quiz Patente di sempre! Sestai cercando un'app per passare l'esame della patente Quiz Patentecon Esperto è una sicurezza. I Quiz sono Ufficiali del Ministerodei trasporti e sono suddivisi in Quiz Patente A, B, AM, CQC eSuperiori.Le domande sono uguali a quelle che troverai all'esame della tuapatente, in più del tutto GRATUITAMENTE avrai la spiegazione delledomande che non capisci.Oltre 400 autoscuole supportano autoscuola in Cloud e Quiz Patenteoffrendoti aiuto passo passo per farti prendere la patente nel modopiù efficace, veloce e sicuro possibile.Cosa stai aspettando?Scaricala ora e prendi la patente divertendotiScaricala ora e prepara l'esame divertendoti, la tua patente tiaspetta!Location data may be used for providing you more relevant adsPer le patenti CQC sono previste le seguenti sottocategorie:- Comuni- Merci- PersonePer le patenti SUPERIORI sono previste le seguentisottocategorie:- C-CE- C1-C1E- C1 Non Professionale- Estensione C- D-DE- D1-D1E- Estensione DAdesso con l'introduzione del TextToSpeach puoi ascoltare ledomande dei quiz!E' arrivato l'Esperto dell'autoscuola che ti aiuterà a capire ledomande (e ti nasconde anche tutte le pubblicità ;))!The most downloaded QuizPatente ever! If you are looking for an app to pass the examinationof the Quiz's license driver's license with Expert is a security.Quizzes are Officers of the Ministry of Transport and are dividedinto Quiz Driving license A, B, AM, CQC and superiors.The questions are the same ones that you will find the examinationof your driving license, more completely FREE you have theexplanation of the questions you do not understand.Over 400 driving schools driving school support in Cloud and QuizLicence giving you step by step to help you get a driving licensein the most efficient, fast and secure as possible.What are you waiting for?Download it now and get the license while having funDownload it now and having fun preparing the examination, yourlicense is waiting for you!Location data may be used for providing you more relevant adsFor CQC licenses are provided for the followingsubcategories:- Common- Goods- PeopleHIGHER licenses are planned for the following subcategories:- C-EC- C1-C1E- C1 Not Professional- Extension C- D-DE- D1-D1E- Extension DNow with the introduction of TextToSpeach you can hear the quizquestions!It 's the dell'autoscuola expert that will help you understand thequestions (and you also hides all advertising;))!
WaniKani Mobile
WaniKani ( is a kanji learningweb app thatuses radicals, mnemonics, and SRS (Spaced Repetition Software).This (unofficial) app for Android is a front end of this website, so in orderto use it you MUST subscribe to WaniKani first and obtain an APIkey.If features a small dashboard, an integrated review page (with acustom IME),an item browser. It also shows a notification icon as reviewsbecome available.It tracks your progress and can plot the number of items learned,or the numberof reviews that you are going to have during the day.It is particularly suited for small handsets.This software is open source: you are welcome to contribute.Visit us at software includes some scripts contributed by other WKusers:WaniKani Override: Improve: Review/Lesson Order: Definition Frame Placer: KunOn: Part-Of-Speech: MistakeDelay: package uses the EDICT ( KANJIDIC ( files.These files are the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research( Development Group, and are used in conformance with the Group'slicence.
English Voice Pronunciation
This application for educational purpose.pronunciation problem is a global problem other than i made this app for a solution of this problem.this app can pronounce any english words or sentence.type any english word or sentence then press play willplay the words or sentencescorrect pronunciation.You can easily practice pronunciation ofenglish words by this application.any android mobile phone with minimum android 2.2(Froyo) can runthis application.if you like this app share it,rate it.Enjoy (Знания.com)
Не справляетесь с домашним заданием? Скачайте приложение и добавьте задание, которое Вас беспокоит!Теперь, когда у Вас есть проблемы с школьными предметами Вы можетебесплатно в течение нескольких минут,в любом месте через смартфон, получить помощь в выполнении домашнихзаданий.• Абсолютно бесплатно - полностью бесплатное использованиесервиса• Быстрый - первое решение в течение нескольких минут• 24 - Доступ к сервису в любое время дня и ночи• Прозрачный - быстрая и простая система добавления вопросовСкачайте и присоединяйтесь к крупнейшему российскомуобразовательному порталу.Все вопросы и пожелания просим писать на kontakt@znanija.comDo notdeal with homework? Download the app and add job thatyou are concerned!Now, when you have problems with school subjects you can free for afew minutes,anywhere via a smartphone, get help with homework.• Absolutely free - completely free to use the service• Quick - the first solution for a few minutes• 24 - Access to the service at any time of the day or night• Transparent - quick and simple system of adding questionsDownload and join Russia's largest educationalportal.All questions and comments please write to
Learn American English Free
Learn American English with free lessonsdaily. Let Mondly teach you the American English language quicklyand effectively. In just minutes you’ll start memorizing coreAmerican English words, form sentences, learn to speak AmericanEnglish phrases and take part in conversations. Fun AmericanEnglish lessons improve your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciationlike no other language learning method. Beginner or advancedlearner, traveler or business professional with a tight schedule?The app works great and dynamically adjusts to your needs.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writing andspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugator andstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feel likehaving your own American English language tutor in yourpocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefits oflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the American English language classes in school? Youstarted with hundreds of basic words and expressions, continuedwith tons of American English grammar lessons and at the end of afull semester’s language course you could barely translate asentence or say “Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional wayto learn a language.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to the averagelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation between twopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them to buildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes module youare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice. It’san effective way to learn American English phrases.State-of-the-art Natural Speech Recognition and Spaced RepetitionAlgorithms make the app effective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutor foryou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learn theright American English pronunciation from conversations betweennative speakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhow to listen to your American English words and phrases. You willonly get a positive feedback if you speak American English clearlyand correctly. This will improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundreds ofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes to learningAmerican English. Mondly teaches you American English vocabulary byoffering you core words and phrases. The app breaks the learningprocess down into short lessons and puts them into themedpacks.Learn conversational American English. Conversation is themain reason to take this free course. It will help you build a coreAmerican English vocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, andspeak American English clearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more during thiscourse, just tap the American English verbs and get the fullconjugation on the screen, including the translation. It’s fasterand better than a dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting, soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary step bystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing and competewith people from all over the world to become the best learner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz to become evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning American English is differentfrom person to person. So we taught the app to learn from your wayof learning. After little time spent together, Mondly willunderstand what suits you best and it will become your own guideand customized teacher. Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these American English lessons,you will master the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you willbe on the fast lane to learning a new language.
Dr. Panda's Christmas Bus
Take the wheel and step on the gas as you head down snowy roads inDr. Panda’s Bus Driver: Christmas! Dr. Panda has decorated his busfor the season, and it’s up to you to drive around picking uppassengers and take them to where they want to go! With itsintuitive and easy to use controls, even the youngest drivers willbe able to enjoy the Christmas sights as they cruise around thewintery and wonderful world of Dr. Panda’s Bus Driver: Christmas!Dr. Panda’s Bus Driver: Christmas was designed with kids inmind, and is most suitable for 3 to 7 year olds.Key features:• World is generated randomly for nearly endless play• See snow covered trees, shining bright lights, and otherChristmas sights!• Dr. Panda’s Bus has had a makeover with reindeer horns and ashiny red nose!• Drawbridges, railroad crossings, tunnels and dozens of other funfeatures fill the landscape• Take it slow and enjoy the scenery or go at top-speed! It’s up toyou!• Kid-friendly interface so everyone can enjoy the game, no matterhow big or small• No in-app purchases• No third party adsPrivacy PolicyAs a designer of kids’ games, we understand how importantprivacy is in this modern, digital world. You can read our privacypolicy here: Dr. PandaDr. Panda is a developer of games for kids. We develop gameswith educational values that help kids learn about the world. Allof our games are safe and do not contain inappropriate content,in-app purchases or any third-party advertising.If you’d like to know more about us and how we design games forkids visit our website If you have anyquestions feel free to send us an email at orcontact us on Facebook ( or Twitter( or
Perculus Virtual Classroom
Developed by Advancity, Perculus Virtual Classroom is anapplication that enables users to join online training throughmobile devices.With Perculus you can make audio and visual calls & instantmessaging as well as participating online courses. Along with thechat avaliability, Perculus is a platform where users can also joinonline surveys during the courses.How to Install & Use?Perculus users can join online trainings and meetings bydownloading & installing this application.To enter the mobile application, you can use the same systementry username and password information that was sent to you ine-mail.You should enter the access code that was provided to you by thecourse owner body.
TiliMili ABC for kids
If you want your children to learn thealphabet, but paper books and cubes with letters bore them and nolonger cause much interest, "TiliMili ABC for kids" will solve thisproblem! This mobile application has been created to help kidslearn ABC quickly and efficiently.Colorful design, bright pictures and interesting tasks willimmediately capture your kids' attention and encourage them tostudy. The application is illustrated with images of animals whosenames begin with one of the letters, which makes it even moreattractive for children. Thanks to its simple navigation, yourchild will be able to learn on their own not only English, but alsoUkrainian and Russian ABC. Different modes of the program allowlearning vowels and consonants separately, or the whole alphabet atonce. In addition, the application provides an opportunity to learnnames of animals in different languages and learn to writeletters.There are also three types of tasks for training and testing theknowledge. They offer children to put letters in the correct orderto form a word, among several letters find the one the name of ananimal shown on a screen begins with, and connect letters with therelevant pictures depicting animals."TiliMili Alphabet for Children" is a fun interactive app thathelps your children learn the alphabet in a form af a game, developassociative thinking and memory, expand vocabulary.Install "TiliMili Alphabet for children" onto your smartphone, itwill let your kids learn letters spend time with pleasure at thesame time!
Kurdish - English Expressions
*** The number one basic Kurdish-English, English-Kurdish learningapplication in the play store ***Kurdish is a widely spoken language in south eastern Turkey, Syria,Iraq and Iran. Kurmanje is the dialect with most speakers amongother local dialects. It is highly useful for those who want tovisit or have business relations in the area to know a few basics.Not to say that, one may also want to learn Kurdish as it is one ofthe oldest languages on earth.This application provides statements for many situations thatmight be encountered in daily life in Kurdish speaking area WITH anaudio support. So, it aims to make you be able to use theexpressions in daily life. This is the reason why this app isto-the-point and unique among other Kurdish apps.Expressions are on:*Commands, Warnings & Instructions*Helpful words & Phrases*Greetings & Introductions*Interrogation*Numbers*Days of the week/Time*Directions*Locations*Descriptions*Emergency Terms,Lodging*Food & Sanitation*Fuel & Maintenance*Madical Terms/General*Medical Terms/Parts of the body*Military Ranks*Occupations*Customs(Port of Entry)*Relatives*Weather*General Military Terms*Mine Warfare Termswe hope it will be usefull for you and enjoy.
Bangla Bani
Bangla Bani is a collection of famousquotations on various category in bangla. It may help to thinkyourself what should you do. You can store your favorite quoteseparately and use these at any functions to make some fun.Quotes are arranged by some categories:-- Al Hadith-- Life & Success-- Love & Marry-- Women-- Man & Humanity-- Science-- Religious-- Followable-- ProverbFeatures:-- A nice quote in Home page for each lunch-- Browse quotes by category-- Make favorite your quoteNote: No internet connection needed, no ads. If any problem occursduring running the app or you have better idea please give feedbackyour valuable comment. We will try to make the app comfortable touse.
Веселый алфавит Lite
Веселый алфавит - это уникальная интерактивная азбука для детей.Она не только познакомит Вашего малыша с буквами русского алфавита,но и даст ему возможность поиграть с ними. Озвучивается какназвание букв, так и произношение их звуков, что позволяет изучатьалфавит даже самым маленьким деткам.Каждая буква сопровождается предметом или животным, с которыммалыш может сделать некоторые действия.Кроме алфавита в программе предусмотрено несколько режимовпроверки знаний для малыша.Merryalphabet - is a unique interactive alphabet for children. It notonly introduce your toddler to letters of the Russian alphabet, butalso give him the opportunity to play with them. Is announced asthe title character, and the pronunciation of sounds, allowing youto learn the alphabet even the small children.Each letter is accompanied by a subject or an animal, to whichthe kid can do some action.In addition to the alphabet in the program has several modes ofknowledge test for the baby.
Learn Russian. Speak Russian
Learn Russian with free lessons daily. LetMondly teach you the Russian language quickly and effectively. Injust minutes you’ll start memorizing core Russian words, formsentences, learn to speak Russian phrases and take part inconversations. Fun Russian lessons improve your vocabulary, grammarand pronunciation like no other language learning method. Beginneror advanced learner, traveler or business professional with a tightschedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts to yourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writing andspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugator andstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feel likehaving your own Russian language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefits oflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Russian language classes in school? You started withhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tons ofRussian grammar lessons and at the end of a full semester’slanguage course you could barely translate a sentence or say“Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional way to learn alanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to the averagelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation between twopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them to buildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes module youare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice. It’san effective way to learn Russian phrases. State-of-the-art NaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make the appeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutor foryou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learn theright Russian pronunciation from conversations between nativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhow to listen to your Russian words and phrases. You will only geta positive feedback if you speak Russian clearly and correctly.This will improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundreds ofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes to learningRussian. Mondly teaches you Russian vocabulary by offering you corewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process down intoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational Russian. Conversation is the mainreason to take this free course. It will help you build a coreRussian vocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakRussian clearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more during thiscourse, just tap the Russian verbs and get the full conjugation onthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and better thana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting, soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary step bystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing and competewith people from all over the world to become the best learner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz to become evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Russian is different from personto person. So we taught the app to learn from your way of learning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understand what suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customized teacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Russian lessons, you willmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will be onthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Learn Danish - 50 languages
Learn Danish! "Danish 50 languages" ( contains100 lessons that provide you with a basic vocabulary. This free apphas 30 lessons. With no prior knowledge, you will learn to fluentlyspeak short sentences in real-world situations in no time. The50languages method successfully combines audio and text foreffective language learning. 50languages corresponds to the CommonEuropean Framework levels A1 and A2 and is therefore suitable forall types of schools and students. The audio files can also beeffectively used as a supplement in language schools and languagecourses. Adults who have learned a language in school can refreshtheir knowledge using 50languages. 50languages is available in over40 languages and in approximately 1600 language combinations, e.g.German to English, English to Spanish, Spanish to Chinese etc. The100 lessons help you to quickly learn and use a foreign language invarious situations (e.g. in a hotel or restaurant, on a vacation,small talk, getting to know people, shopping, at the doctor, at thebank etc.). You can download the audio files to your mp3-player and listen to them anywhere- at a bus stop or a train station, in the car, and during a lunchbreak! To get the most out of 50languages, learn one lesson a dayand regularly repeat what you have already learned in previouslessons.
How To Draw Manga
How To Draw MangaDiscover The Simple Yet Ultra-Powerful Method To draw any mangacharacter you want, AND make him or her come to life!Inside ‘How To Practice Manga’, you'll learn how to Draw AmazinglyImpressive Manga Characters and ArtworkThere are a number of problems faced by budding Manga artiststhat can be avoided with the right help, some of the biggestare:Movement – It can be difficult to get a character looking thesame in every position and making it appear that limb and handmovement is natural can be especially problematic.Facial Expressions – Another major bugbear is getting those facialexpressions just right. Making your characters portray the emotionsyou want them to can be tricky, unless you know what you aredoing.Hair – Hair is another aspect of drawing Manga characters that cangive even the best artists nightmares as getting the movement andshape right every time can be difficult.With “How To Practice Manga”, you won’t have to spend money onformal lessons or spend years trying to figure it out on your ownlike i did.I know exactly how you’re feeling right now because i was oncein your shoes.Using my many years of experience drawing andteaching how to draw Manga, I have produced the ultra-powerfulguide that explains exactly how to be an effective Mangaartist!!!Through my course, you’ll discover the secrets to drawing mangaeyes the right way. The head is a vital aspect of any illustrationand contained within it is the face, which is even more vital toget right as it has the capacity to portray your character’semotions, thoughts, desires and even personality traits.With How to Practice Manga for Beginners, you will learn theexact dimensions needed and how to balance facial features justright so that they hold the expression you need them to. By the endof the course, you will be able to draw all the components of anyface and will learn to get the details just how you want them.
뽀로로 친구들과 사진찍기(Pororo With Me)
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תִּכְּלַאל – סידור תפילה תימני
לק"י חודש סיון ה'תשע"ב ליצירה ב'שכ"גלשטרותתִּכְּלַאל – סידור תפילה בנוסח הקדום והזן של קהילות קודש תימן יע"א– בלדיאודות> חשיבות לברך מתוך סידורמה טוב לברך מתוך סידור שלא יסיח דעתו, ולכוין בכל מלה ומלה. וכבר כתבה"משנה ברורה'' (סימן קפ''ה סעיף א') ''והמדקדק, יזהר לברך לכתחילהתוך הספר ולא בעל פה''.התפלה היא עבודה שבלב, והיא דורשת עקביות ורצון איתן, לכוין בה מהשמוציא מפיו, ולא לחשוב דברים אחרים, וגם לומר את כל ההוספות המיוחדותשיש בזמנים משתנים כגון 'יעלה ויבוא' בראש חודש וכדומה. ועל כן, טוביעשה האדם אם יתרגל להתפלל מתוך סידור, ויועיל לו הדבר בראש חודש שלאישכח לומר 'יעלה ויבוא', ורמז לכך ממגילת אסתר (ט, כה) "אמר עם הספר"– כלומר אם הוא אומר את התפלה עם הספר פתוח לפניו, אז "ישוב מחשבתוהרעה" - לא יטעה ולא יחשוב דברים לא ראויים בתפלה.> מכשירים של ימינובשנים האחרונות רבו סוגי המכשירים הממוחשבים, הנמצאים בכל מקום, מהשגרם שפותחו הרבה סוגי אפליקציות עבור שומר תורה ומצוות, ואף סידוריתפילה ישנם לרוב. האפליקציות הם בעיקר לבני שאר ק"ק בנוסחים שוניםלספרדים ואשכנזים, וכאן באה דרישה מהציבור ק"ק תימני לפתח אפליקציהלסידור בנוסח ק"ק תימן – בלדי, אשר השימוש בו נחוץ מאוד להם.> מטרת פיתוח האפליקציהלאלו שכבר ישנם בידם את המכשירים הסלולריים וזקוקים להתפלל מתוכו.ואין בזה בכדי לתת גושפנקא לסוגי מכשירים אלו, אשר גדולי עולם יצאונגד החזקתם, פרט לאלו שקבלו היתר מיוחד מרבותיהם. על כן אזרנו חילבס"ד לרכוש את הטקסטים המנוקדים על פי הגירסאות והנוסחים המקובלים, עלמנת לזכות את הרבים.> מעלות הסידור- הסידור הבלדי הראשון ברשת המקוונת גירסא 0.7 הכוללת את תפילות ימותהחול ואת תפילות והברכות המצויות מדי יום ביומו ומדי מועד ואירועבמעגל השנה ובמעגל החיים.- הסידור ערוך בעימוד מיוחד, המותאם למכשירים הסלולריים השונים, בכתבגדול ובניקוד מלא.- התפילות השייכות לשבת וימים טובים אינם מופיעים בסידור, מפנישהשימוש במכשיר הסלולרי אסור לחלוטין בשבת ויו"ט.- התפילות משולבות עם הסברים וקטעי הלכות קצרים.- הסידור הינו ללא דילוג ובלי הפניות לעיון במקום אחר, אלא הכל מסודרשלב אחר שלב.- ניתן לדילוג מהיר לברכה מסויימת ולמקטע הבא או הקודם.- ניווט מהיר על ידי מפת תוכן הסידור.- הסידור מוצג במכשיר ללא חיבור לרשת המקוונת.- הסידור מחולק חינם להצלחת התורמים ולרפואת בני משפחתם.> שים לב! נתק את המכשיר משיחות וצלצולים באמצע התפילה וכן בזמןהשהות בבית הכנסת.> זכור! עיון בסידור תפילה מודפס תועלתו גדולה מאוד וממולצתביותר!> שפע ברכות! יחולו על העוזרים והתומכים בפעולותינו להפצת מסורתחכמי תימן.> מתפלל יקר! באם תמצא טעות נא שלח אלינו. נשמח לשמוע הערותבונות.בברכההעורך והמו"ל הצב"י מאיר ליאור לוי (שעתאל) יצ"ו© כל הזכיות שמורות לארגון "אור ההלכה" להפצת מסורת חכמי תימןטלפון: 02-6420535 דוא"ל:זכות השימוש בסידור יעמודלע"נ אביאל ישראל בן משה חיים יצחק-הלוי תנצב"הMaki month Sivan Tsha"bwork in Kaf banknotesTiklal - prayer and enter the ancient style of Yemeni religiouscommunities Ia"a - BaladiAbout> Knee importance of sequencingWhat better welcome from the arrangement did not distract him, andLlachwein every word. And has written a clear Mishnah'' ('' kepsign Section A)'' and grammarian, Izhar welcome in school and notoriginally memorized.''Desalination is the work of the heart, and it requires consistencyand a strong will, Llachwein in what he uttered, not to think ofother things, and say all the special additions that changing timessuch as 'rise up' at the month and so on. And yes, a good humandoes if you get used to pray arrangement, and would benefit fromthis Rosh Chodesh not forget say 'rise up', suggesting that theBook of Esther (T, Y), "he said with a book" - that is, if he saysthe prayer with open book before him , then "his wicked" - do notbe mistaken and think of things not worthy of prayer.> Today's devicesIn recent years, multiply types of computerized devices, are foundeverywhere, causing many types of applications developed for theobservant, and prayer are the majority. Applications are mainly forthe rest of the congregation in various versions Sephardim andAshkenazim, and here came a demand from the public develop a YemeniCongregation for arranging style app Yemeni Congregation - Baladi,the use of which is very necessary for them.> The purpose of the application developmentFor those who are in their hands the cellular phones and the needto pray out. And no one to give sanction to these types of deviceswhich world leaders came out against the holding, except for thosewho received special permission from their rabbis. Therefore AzranBS Force dotted purchase the texts according to the acceptedversions and versions in order to gain the public.> ° arrangement- Arrangement first online network Baladi Version 0.7 includes theweekday prayers and the prayers and blessings found in every dayand every holiday and event circuit this year and the cycle oflife.- Edit layout arrangement specially adapted to various cellulardevices, in large, full score.- Prayers belonging to sit and festivals do not appear in thearrangement, because using the mobile device is strictly prohibitedon Shabbat and Yom Tov.- Prayers and explanations combined with short sections oflaws.- The arrangement is no skipping and no referrals to browsesomewhere else, but everything neat step by step.- You can quickly access a particular blessing and the next orprevious section.- Quick navigation by map layout content.- The arrangement is shown in the device without connecting toonline.- Arrangement success is free-donors and family medicine.> Note! Disconnect the device from conversations and ringing inthe middle of the prayer and during stay in the synagogue.> Remember! Browse prayer book printed in very large benefitRecommended for most!> Best wishes! Apply to help and support our operations spreadYemenite tradition.> Pray expensive! If you find a mistake please let us know. Wewelcome constructive comments.WelcomeEditor and publisher Hzv"i Meir Lior Levy (Shatal) WIZO© All rights reserved to the organization "light law" distributionYemenite traditionPhone: 02-6420535 Email: right to use the arrangement willAviel memory of Israel Yitzhak Ben Moshe Chaim - Levi RIP
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