Media & Video Apps - Page 2
قناة السعيدة
التطبيق الرسمي لقناة السعيدة الفضائية ، والذييقدم لمشاهدي القناة الكرام مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات التي تمكنهم منمتابعة برامج ومسلسلات القناة والتواصل معها مباشرة من خلال هواتفهمالذكية ، يقدم التطبيق مجموعة من الخدمات من أهمها خدمة البث المباشروخدمة المشاهدة عند الطلب لأهم برامج ومسلسلات القناة مباشرة منتطبيقهم وعبر إتصالهم بشبكة الإنترنت ، كما يقدم التطبيق خدمة عرضجدول بث البرامج لجميع أيام الأسبوع حتى يتسنى للمشاهد الكريم معرفةمواعيد بث البرامج والمسلسلات ومواعيد إعادتها وأيام بثها .وإستطاعت قناة السعيدة بنغماتها وأحاسيسها ، وبتنوع برامجها ،وبحبها وعشقها ليمن المحبة والتاريخ والحضارة أن تكسب لقب القناةالجماهيرية الأولى لدى المشاهد اليمني في الداخل والخارج . تحاكيالمشاعر وتخاطب العقول وتبحر في القضايا والهموم المرتبطة بحياة الناسوهمومهم وإحتياجاتهم . تتجول بكادر متميز وإمكانيات متميزه لتبحر فيالسهول والجبال والوديان والمراعي والحقول والمدن و القرى والأرياف بلوفي كافة أرجاء الوطن اليمني الواحد ، لتنقل روائع السياحة والتراثوالحضارة اليمنية العريقة . تداعب الإبداع والمبدعين ، وتبرز مواهبهموتتابع عطاءاتهم وإبداعاتهم الرائعة والمتميزه لتسجل أروع صور في أغلىوطن ولأغلى مواطن . تسابق الزمن لتقدم كل جديد وفي مختلف برامجهاالثقافية والإجتماعية والكوميدية وبما تقدمه من مسلسلات وبرامج متنوعةتخاطب كافة فئات المجتمع وتحقق رغباتهم وتحلق بهم في سماء الإعلامالحر المتألق . تتواجد في مواقع الحدث بمراسليها وعدساتها لتنقل أروعالصور الحية وفي قالب إعلامي متميز وبمصداقية ومهنية وإحترافيةعالية.The official applicationHappy satellite channel, which offers viewers valued channel avariety of services that enable them to follow-up programs andseries channel and communicate with them directly through theirsmartphones, the application range of services of the mostimportant of the live broadcast service and viewing upon request ofthe most important programs and series channel directly from theoffers and their application through their connection to theInternet, the application also provides display broadcast programsfor all days of the week table service so that the viewer decentknowledge of programs and soap operas and dates of return and thedays of broadcast broadcast dates.And it was able to channel Bengmadtha and happy feelings, andthe diversity of its programs, and her love and passion for lovingYemen, history and civilization to win the first title of the masschannel Yemeni viewer at home and abroad. Mimic the feelings andspeak to the minds and sailing in the issues and concerns relatedto people's lives and their concerns and needs. Roam cadre distinctand distinct possibilities for navigating in the plains andmountains, valleys, pastures and fields, cities and villages andrural areas but also in all parts of the Yemeni homeland one, forthe movement of the masterpieces of tourism, heritage and ancientcivilization of Yemen. Caressed creativity and creators, andhighlight their talents and pursue their bids and their creationsbrilliant and distinguished record of the finest pictures in themost expensive and the most expensive national homeland. Racingagainst time to provide all new programs in different cultural,social and comedy series, providing a variety of programs andaddress all segments of society and achieve their desires andflying them in free media brilliant sky. Event sites are located inBmrusselaha and lenses for the movement of the coolest live imagesin the media template distinct and credible, professional and highprofessional.
The M-Sight app provides a powerful mobilesurveillance tool that enhances security by providingadministrators the flexibility to monitor the live video from theIP camera via wireless network. It’s a video management system thatworks with the IP cameras to provide video monitoring. Theinterface is simple and intuitive, with easy access to the mostcommon activities, such as viewing live video, recorded videoplayback. It’s able to integrate with other devices through ONVIF.Moreover, the M-Sight app is free and available through IOS andAndroid devices.Feature Highlights:Support up to 32 channels playing simultaneouslyFull screen for single or 4 channels playing synchronouslySupport digital zoomSupport to playback with SD card filesMultiple play status displaySupport image capture/video recording functionsFile managementH.264/H.265/MJPEG/MPEG-4 video compressionSupport dual-streamSupport multiple PTZ control protocolsSupport ONVIFSupport IOS and Android handheld deviceSupport WIFI/3G/4G networkSupport P2PWith the M-Sight app, users can quickly and easily see theircameras feed from anywhere even if they don’t have access to acomputer. Thanks to this app, Milesight customers are able tomonitor on-the-go and there will be no more guessing about what’sgoing on in the house or office while they’re away. The launch ofM-Sight demonstrates Milesight’s commitment to providehigh-performance products as well as world-class solutions toexisting and future customers.
محاضرات الشيخ راتب النابلسي
مكتبة دروس ومحاضرات للدكتور الشيخ محمد راتبالنابلسييتميز البرنامج بحجمه الصغير لتشغيل الدروس عبر الانترنت بشكلمباشر إي لا حاجه لاستهلاك مساحة من النظام وسرعة تحميل الدروس وبدقةصوت عاليةيحتوي البرنامج على اكثر من طريقة لتشغل الدروس من نص و صوت ومقاطعفيديوبعض فصول البرنامجافلا تبصروناسماء الله الحسنىآيات خلق الإنسان وتكوينهصلة الرحمعلاقة الإنسان بأسرتهالأعشاب الطبيةالإنابة ما هي و مـا خصائصهاعوامل استمرارالزواجالترغيب في الإحسان إلى الأهلالترغيب في التسبيح والتكبير والتهليل والتحميد على اختلافالترغيب في التسمية قبل الطعامالترغيب في الرحلة في طلب العلمالترغيب في العلم وطلبه وتعلمه وتعليمهالترغيب في القرض وما جاء في فضلهLibrary lessons andlectures, Dr. Shaikh Mohammed Nabulsi salaryThe program is characterized by its small size to run lessonsonline directly No need for space consumption of the system anddownload speed voice lessons and accurately highThe program contains more than one way to occupy the lessons of thetext and sound and video clipsSome chapters of the programDo you not seeNames of AllahVerses of the creation of man and configureKinshipMan's relationship with his familyMedicinal herbsWhat is the representation and what characteristicsFactors AstmraralzoajEncouragement to charity to parentsEncouragement to praise and zooming in and cheer and tahmeeddifferentEncouragement to the label before eatingEncouragement to journey to seek knowledgeEncouragement of science and application learning andteachingEncouragement to the loan and what came in the bounty
محاضرات الشيخ خالد الراشد
مكتبة دروس ومحاضرات للدكتور الشيخ خالد الراشديتميز البرنامج بحجمه الصغير لتشغيل الدروس عبر الانترنت بشكلمباشر إي لا حاجه لاستهلاك مساحة من النظام وسرعة تحميل الدروس وبدقةصوت عاليةيحتوي البرنامج على اكثر من طريقة لتشغل الدروس من نص و صوت ومقاطعفيديوبعض فصول البرنامجأحوال العابداتأحوال الغارقاتأحوال الغارقيناستجيبو لربكماستجيبوا لله وللرسولاعملي وإبشريإقتربت الساعةالإستغفار سيد الأذكارالإسراء والبدعة ورجبمكارم الأخلاقإنها النارأمة في إنسانآهات وبشائر من النيجرأبلغ العظاترحلة النيجرأمن يجيب المضطرفكونوا مع الصادقينالبكاؤونفداك أبي وأمي يارسول اللهالبداية والنهايةوكفيناك المستهزينما الذي يبكيكيا أمة محمدأمة المليارمشهد عظيمقل لي من تصاحبرأيت النبي يبكيطريق الهاويةالغرباءيوم الفرارالبنيان المرصوصالجنة تناديأميرسالة إلى محب الغناءقبل الندمدمعة على ولديرجل من الجنةفساد البيوتشيطان نتبل الرفيق الأعلىالذي يراك حين تقومحقيقة الدنيالما تقولون مالا تفعلونيحبهم ويحبونهحتى لا تغرق السفينةقصة موسى وفرعونالزلزالوأنه هو أضحك وأبكىوقفة محاسبةالصلاة تشتكيهذا ما رأيترحلة الأحزانأمن وأمانرجال صدقوا ماعاهدوا الله عليهيانفسي توبيولا تهنوا ولا تحزنوامكائد الشيطانمقاتلات من جيش النبوةمفرق الجماعاتلمن كان له قلبقوافل العائدينقوافل العائداتففروا إلى اللهغربة صائمطريق الهدايةرفقاً بالقواريرحوادث على الطريقمن حال إلي حالاين أنتن من هولاءالفتن والمعاصيLibrary lessons andlectures by Dr Sheikh Khalid Al-RashedThe program is characterized by its small size to run lessonsonline directly No need for space consumption of the system anddownload speed voice lessons and accurately highThe program contains more than one way to occupy the lessons of thetext and sound and video clipsSome chapters of the programReliable AbidatReliable AlgarqatReliable steepedAostagibo for the LordRespond to Allah and the MessengerWork through the AbhariThe time approachedMr. forgiveness AdhkaarIsra and heresy and RecepMoralsIt's FireNation in humanGroans and the promise of NigerSermons toldNiger tripSecurity answer, forcedSo be honest withBakaúnÝĎÇß my father and mother, O Messenger of GodBeginning and the EndAnd Kvanak AlmsthazeenWhat makes you cryO nation of MuhammadA nation of one billionGreat sceneryTell me accompanyI saw the Prophet cryBy cliffStrangersDay getawayArchitecture AlmrsosParadise callingIlliterateMessage to loving singingBy remorseI have a tear onA man from paradiseCorruption homesDemon NetBut the Supreme ComradeWho sees you while youThe fact that the minimumMoney doing what you sayLoves them and they loveSo as not to sink the shipThe story of Moses and PharaohQuakeAnd it is to laugh and cryPause AccountingPrayer complainThis is what I sawJourney of SorrowsSafety and securityMen believe God fulfilled what promised himToby IanfsaFaint not nor grieveThe machinations of the devilFighters from the Army of prophecyJunction groupsThose who have a heartConvoys of returneesConvoys revenueFled to GodWeird fastingThe path of guidanceRafka BalquarirAccidents on the roadFrom event to eventWhere antennae than theseTemptation and sin
محاضرات الشيخ متولي الشعراوي
مكتبة دروس ومحاضرات تفسير القرآن للشيخ محمدمتولي الشعراوييتميز البرنامج بحجمه الصغير لتشغيل الدروس عبر الانترنت بشكلمباشر إي لا حاجه لاستهلاك مساحة من النظام وسرعة تحميل الدروس وبدقةصوت عاليةيحتوي البرنامج على اكثر من طريقة لتشغل الدروس من نص و صوت ومقاطعفيديوبعض فصول البرنامجتفسير القرآن الكريمادعيةالإمــــام الثائـــــرسؤال وجوابتفسير سورة البقرة – الآية 1بين الفضيلة والرذيلةبرنامج الدين والحياةمدرسة السلوكLibrary lessons andlectures interpretation of the Koran to Sheikh Mohammed SharawiThe program is characterized by its small size to run lessonsonline directly No need for space consumption of the system anddownload speed voice lessons and accurately highThe program contains more than one way to occupy the lessons of thetext and sound and video clipsSome chapters of the programInterpretation of the KoranÇĎÚíÉImam RebelQ & AInterpretation of Sura - Verse 1Between virtue and viceProgram religion and lifeSchool behavior
محاضرات الشيخ نبيل العوضي
محاضرات الشيخ نبيل العوضييتميز البرنامج بحجمه الصغير لتشغيل الدروس عبر الانترنت بشكلمباشر إي لا حاجه لاستهلاك مساحة من النظام وسرعة تحميل الدروس وبدقةصوت عاليةيحتوي البرنامج على اكثر من طريقة لتشغل الدروس من نص و صوت ومقاطعفيديوبعض فصول البرنامجالعظمةعذرا فلسطين فالامة مشغولةعلامات الساعةساعات الندمفضــائل الأخلاقذكر اللهالصلاة على الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلمالقرآن الكريمالدعاءحسن الخلقالإنفـــاق على الأهــلالقبــــرفضــائل الاستغفـــارفضــائل الشهادة في سبيل اللهعيادة المريــض وفضائلهاليلة القدرفضل طلب العلمالزواجفضل العفو والتسامحالحياءLectures Sheikh NabilAl-AwadiThe program is characterized by its small size to run lessonsonline directly No need for space consumption of the system anddownload speed voice lessons and accurately highThe program contains more than one way to occupy the lessons of thetext and sound and video clipsSome chapters of the programGreatnessSorry Palestine nation is busySigns of the HourHours remorseThe virtues of moralityAllahPrayers for the Prophet peace be upon himKoranSupplicationGood mannersSpending on familyGraveThe virtues of seeking forgivenessThe virtues of martyrdom for the sake of GodClinic patient and virtuesLaylat al-QadrPreferred to seek knowledgeMarriagePreferred tolerance and forgivenessModesty
محاضرات الدكتور ابراهيم الفقي
مكتبة دروس ومحاضرات للدكتور ابراهيم الفقييتميز البرنامج بحجمه الصغير لتشغيل الدروس عبر الانترنت بشكلمباشر إي لا حاجه لاستهلاك مساحة من النظام وسرعة تحميل الدروس وبدقةصوت عاليةيحتوي البرنامج على اكثر من طريقة لتشغل الدروس من نص و صوت ومقاطعفيديوبعض فصول البرنامجالتغيير طريقك للنموطريق التميزإدارة الوقتدعوة إلى التفاؤلقوة الحماسكتاب اسرار قادة التميزقوة التحكم في الذاتقـــــوة الاعتقـــــادالثقـــة في النفـــسالألـــــــــــم السعـــــــــــادةفن التعاملالطاقة البشريةالمفاتيح العشرةسلسلة الطريق للنجاحالحماسسلسلة الثقة بالنفسسلسلة التركيزكيف تقلع عن التدخينمحاضرات منوعةLibrary lessons andlectures, Dr. Ibrahim al-FiqiThe program is characterized by its small size to run lessonsonline directly No need for space consumption of the system anddownload speed voice lessons and accurately highThe program contains more than one way to occupy the lessons of thetext and sound and video clipsSome chapters of the programChange your way to growthUsing excellenceTime ManagementA call to optimismThe power of enthusiasmBook of the Secrets Excellence leadersThe power of self-controlThe power of beliefSelf-confidencePain happinessThe art of dealingHuman energyTen KeysSeries the way to successEnthusiasmA series of self-confidenceA series of focusHow to quit smokingLectures variety
Video Player HD Pro
This application is an Ad free version ofVideo Player HdFeatures:1 music player with equalizer and presets2 multiple subtitle formats support3 bass and treble adjustment4 support for all video and audio formats------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer:This app is based on VLC for Android Beta, and licensed under theGNU General Public License ver3 or later.GNU General Public License: can get the source code following this link:
Fast Video Downloader
Fast Video DownloaderFull-featured, intuitive and ultra fast video downloadmanagerWith Fast Video Downloader you can download and play any majorvideo format without conversion, store videos on your devices in aconvenient way and watch downloaded videos while you’re offline.Fast Video Downloader is a free video downloader app for android.Unlimited download videos faster from Internet to your Androiddevice with easy-to-use user interface and easy procedures todownload and to play videos.You will enjoy your favorite videos on your phone or tabletwithout Internet connection after download. Faster Video Downloaderis free to use. No limitation of video online from internet to bedownloaded.FEATURES:- Fast search engine!- Search for videos by its title or artists or other keyword- Saves and plays/displays videos- Plays videos from within the application with its built-in playerfunctionality- Video playback of mp4, m4v, mov, 3gp & m3u8 videos- Ultra fast download speed with maximum stability- Easy search your favourite videos by keyword- Download in background mode- Play first or simply direct download for video- FREE and UNLIMITED Video Download!- Supports resuming of interrupted downloads- Watch before or after download- Download files larger 20MB over 3G- Download more files at the same time- Pause, delete, cancel and restart downloads when you want- No video conversion needed- Video thumbnails- rename and delete files- Share with friends- Simple to find videos- Search and watch videos for free- 100% FREE and UNLIMITED!Legal and DMCA:1. Any copyrighted videos is not supported to be downloaded due totheir terms of service.2. Fast Video Downloader is not a Youtube Video Downloaderapp.3. Faster Video Downloader is not a Video converter or video to mp3converter.4. All Youtube Videos will can't be downloaded due to theirterms.5. You probably find the copyrighted videos but you will not beable to download it.
Canlı TV Plus
Canlı TV Plus Nedir?Canlı TV Plus, oluşturacağınız kişisel medya sunucu ile dilediğinizyayın ve koleksiyonlarınızı kolaylıkla takip edebilmenizi sağlayanmodern bir çoklu ortam oynatıcısıdır.Nasıl Kullanılır?Uygulama cihazınıza yüklendikten sonra sizden kişisel medyasunucunuzun adresini isteyecektir. Ekranda "Kişisel medyasunucunuzun adresini giriniz" başlığının altındaki adres satırına,kendi oluşturmuş olduğunuz sunucu adresini girmenizgerekmektedir.Kişisel medya sunucusu kurulumu için detaylı bilgiye "" adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.Başlıca Özellikler* Tüm medya ve stream türlerini destekler* Embed yayınlar için hazırlanmış özel webplayer* Harici uygulamalar yardımıyla içeriklerinizi oynatabilme* Birden fazla sunucu tanımlayabilme özelliği* Ekran üzerinden ses Açma/Kapama* Ekran üzerinden parlaklık Açma/Kapama* Tüm içerikleriniz cihazınızda tam ekran oynatılabiliyor* Pull to Reflesh ile içerik listeniz çok rahatgüncellenebiliyor* Kategoriler yardımıyla içeriklerinizi daha düzenliyapabilirsiniz* Arama çubuğu yardımıyla listenizdeki içerikleri rahatlıklabulabilirsiniz* Tüm içerik bilgileri cihazınızda depolanır. Bu sayede sunucutaraflı bir sorun oluştuğunda herhangi bir problemyaşamazsınız.* Çevrimdışıyken son alınan listeyi görüntüleyebilirsiniz.* İçeriklerinizi cihazınız yatay yada dikey olarakizleyebilirsiniz.Önemli Bilgilendirme:Uygulama içerisinde herhangi bir yayın yada içerik bulunmamaktadır.Dilerseniz kişisel medya sunucusu oluşturarak canlı tv yayınlarını,radyo kanallarını, video arşivinizi, gazete, müzik, dergi gibibirçok içeriği tek bir uygulama içerisinde toplayabilirsiniz.Özetle; oluşturacağınız kişisel bir sunucu ile her türlü medyaakışınızı bir araya toplayabilirsiniz.Uygulama hakkındaki görüş ve önerilerinizi adresi ilebize ulaştırabilirsiniz.Live TV Plus What isit?Live TV Plus, your language and your publication is a collection ofpersonal media server to create a modern multi-media player thatlets you easily keep track.How to use?It will prompt you for the address of your personal media serverafter the application is installed on your device. The words "Enterthe address of your personal media server" at the bottom of theheader line, you need to enter the address of the server you havecreated yourself.Detailed information for personal media server setup to""You can get it from.Key Features* Supports all types of media and stream* Embed prepared to publish special WebPlayer* Ability to play your content with the help of externalapplications* The ability to define multiple servers* Voice over Display On / Off* Gloss over Display On / Off* All content can be played back full screen on your deviceare* Pull to your content list can be updated very comfortable withReflesh* Categories can make your content more regularly help* You can easily find content on your list using search bar* All content of information stored on your device. This way youwill not have any problems when a problem occurs on the serverside.* You can view the list of last received while offline.* You can watch your content, your device horizontally orvertically.Important Information:There is no content in any publication or application. If you likepersonal media server by creating live TV broadcasts, radiochannels, your video library, newspapers, music, you can gather alot of content such as magazines within a single application. Tosum up; With a personal server that you create your workflow, youcan collect all kinds of media together.With your comments and suggestions on the application, you cansend us address.
SSTV is a CRTC approved channel operating in the Greater TorontoArea airing first in 1999. SSTV took its name and viewers from SurSagar Radio founded by Ravinder Singh Pannu in 1994. SSTV hasemerged into a market leader among its competitors and allows theSouth Asian community an opportunity to stay connected with itsroots. SSTV carries itself on Rogers, Bell 5 and Cogeco Cable andhas recently in 2013 expanded to the west coasts of Canada inVancouver, British Columbia.
Videos for Dubs India
Funny Dubs is getting viral over the internetand so in india. So here we are with compilation of all the hot andfunny dubs from India including Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood,Mollywood etcFeatures :- A database full of funny and entertaining dubs from India.- Collection of Bollywood selfie, Tollywood selfie , Kollywooddubshoot and Mollywood dubshoot videos- Contains major Indian languages : Hindi,Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi,Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali etc- We update the content daily, so you get to see all the freshvideos online, right in the app.- Auto play and media player- Free Application- Dubbed videos made by celebrities from Bollywood, Tollywood,Kollywood, Mollywood etc- Enjoy all the funny dialogues, funny sounds, Bollywood musicetc- Watch and learn how to Dub your selfie video with famousdialogues and sounds and generate your own video - soundclips.- To submit your creations in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam,Punjabi , Bengali etc you can even submit them inside theapplication itself.Note:-All contents are property of their respective owners.-This app is in no way endorsed or affiliated to Dubsmash. Dubsmashis the creation of Mobile Motion GmbH and we congratulate them ontheir success!- This application is created by its developers to showcase thebest dub videos by Indians and Egami Artworks is not responsiblefor content displayed within this app.- If you have problems or queries regarding the app, please contactus at
Videos for Dubs Malaysia
Entire Malaysia is asking for Dubs videos tolaugh and enjoy. People are generating so many creative ways tocreate Dubs, so here is a compilation from our side of the latestand funniest dub smash videos made by we, Malaysians .Key Features:1) You can view the latest entertaining Malay Dubs, which areupdated on daily basis.2) Free Application3) Auto play feature and auto update of contents4) Easy and enjoyable video player to enjoy all your favorite malaydialogues being dubbed by people.5) Watch, laugh, enjoy and learn how to dubs and generate ideas formore creative dubs.6) You can submit your own creations and can get featured in ourapp.Note:-All contents are property of their respective owners.-This app is in no way endorsed or affiliated to Dubsmash. Dubsmashis the creation of Mobile Motion GmbH and we congratulate them ontheir success!- This application is created by its developers to showcase thebest dub videos by Malaysians and Egami Artworks is not responsiblefor content displayed within this app.- If you have problems or queries regarding the app, please contactus at
One Shot screen recorder
"One Shot is by far one of the best screen recording apps we’vecome across. If you need to record a video of your Android 5.0+screen, this is the app to use." –** Note to users on Android 5.1 **Please do not tick "Don't show again" when prompted on screencapture permission dialog to prevent system UI crash issue.** Demo videos **1. Time-lapse video recording: Trim recorded video:** Follow us **Home: http://now-makeez.comFacebook: recorder for Android Lollipop, no root required.What makes a perfect screen recorder? Quality? Stability? Easeof use? The answer is, everything.Very often, screen recording will record something that isunwanted. For example, you are recording a game play, at the end ofthe recording, you have to swipe down the notification bar andclick on the "stop recording" button. This action to stop recordingis redundant and in most cases, you might want to just get rid ofit altogether. So what you will do is you are going to get anotherapp (or software) like video editor to help you remove the last fewframe that you don't want.One Shot screen recorder attempts to come around this issue tomake your recorded video ready for production immediately.Steps to record a video have been simplified to 4 steps.1. Enable recorderOpen One Shot app and click on the screen cast icon on the topright of the screen, grant the permission to start screen cast whenprompted by the system. You will see a floating action button (redcolor) showing on the bottom right (movable) when the permission isgranted.2. Start recordingSwitch to the screen you want to start screen recording, and clickon the floating action button (red color) to start recording.3. Stop recordingWhen you are done recording the screen, push [POWER] button(default: ON) and the recording will stop automatically once yourscreen is completely shut off. If you have disabled the "Stop onscreen off" function, you can stop your recording from thenotification bar manually.4. Disable recorderIf you want to perform another screen recording, just keep thefloating action button (red color) and switch to where appropriateto start your recording again. If not, simply drag the floatingaction button (red color) to the top of your screen to fullydisable it.One Shot's settings are carefully selected and are fullycompliant with YouTube. Therefore, any video you have recorded withOne Shot screen recorder can be uploaded to YouTube immediatelywithout any edition.One Shot screen recorder supports up to 4K screen recording(setting will appear if your device support it) with ultra highbit-rate (up to 50Mbps). This should give you a ultra high qualityvideo (no pixelation even when you zoom in/out in the gamescreen).PS: A watermark is embedded in this version.
Live in Five
What if you can broadcast your life at anytime to share special moments in real-time? Live streaming is a newway to instantly share and preserve those significantmoments.Download the free app "Live In Five" for Android, and turn yoursmart phone camera into a live broadcaster. Simply click the "LiveStream" button to start broadcasting via YouTube.[System Requirement]Android devices (4.3 higher Version)[APP features]● Click and Stream● Supports both vertical and horizontal mode of operation● Unlimited live stream time[Live transmission applicable scene]● Important events: Wedding / Baby’s First Step / Graduation /Birthdays● Indoor/ Outdoor Activities: Reunions / Family Trip /Travels● Hobbies: Cooking manual/Learning new skills/DIY tutorial* Users will be required to log in Google account for the firstuse, and to enter to activateLIVE STREAM function.
اسمك و اسم حبيبك في صورة
- هل تبحث عن برنامج كتابة الاسماء على الصور ?- هل تريد الكتابة على الصور اسمك و اسم حبيبك ? من دون أن تبحث فهذاالتطبيق يوفر لك صور جاهزة تضم اسمك و اسم من تحب, • البرنامج ذوواجهة بسيطة أنيقة • و صور عالية الجودة كما • يمكنك الكتابة علىالصور و مشاركتها على مواقع أو برامج التواصل المشهورة مثل :- صور واتساب- صور انستقرام- صور فيسبوك• يمكنك أيضا كتابة الاسماء على الصور و التحميل على هاتفك كما يمكنكتكبير الصورة ووضعها كخلفية في جهازك اندرويد*التطبيق يدعم أجهزة الأيباداكتب اسمك على الصورة عن طريق مراسلتنا بتوفيره لكتستطيع مراسلتنا لاضافة اسمك في صورة لعرضها في تطبيق اكتب اسمك علىالصورةنرجو تقييم التطبيق لكي نستمر في تحديث اسمك في صورة- Are you looking forprogram writing names on the pictures? - Do you want to write yourname on the photo and the name of your lover? Without looking, thisapplication provides you with images ready with your name and thename of love, • the program is a simple and elegant interface • andhigh-quality images as • You can write on the pictures and sharethem on sites or communication programs such as the famous:- Photos and Atsab- Photos Anstaqram- Photos Facebook• You can also write names on the pictures and the load on thephone as you can enlarge the image and put it as a background inyour android* The application supports iPad devices Write your name on the image by providing us youYou may email us to add your name to the image displayed in theapplication, type your name on the picturePlease evaluate the application in order to continue to update yourname in the image
최신인기가요(음악감상, 음악검색)
최신 인기차트 매일 TOP 100 업데이트음악검색 기능제공(음성검색가능 : 대부분의 음원 검색가능)내음악듣기 및 관리(벨소리 설정, 삭제)재생리스트에 추가, 삭제 기능제공(나만의 뮤직리스트)사용이 간단하며, 매일 업데이트되는 음악어플로 다른 작업중에도 음악을 들을수 있습니다.(플레이어 서비스 구현)[사용법]-.음악 리스트에서 곡클릭시 음악플레이-.검색은 텍스트 입력 혹은 음성검색이 가능합니다.-.음악 플레이 중 백(back)버튼 클릭하면 알림바에 플레이 아이콘이 표시 되며 음악은 계속 플레이 됩니다.-.플레이로 돌아오기 : 알림바 아이콘 클릭-.종료하기 : 플레이어에서 정지버튼 클릭후 백버튼 클릭Latest updates dailyArtists TOP 100Music search capabilities (voice search enabled: Most sourcessearchable)My music listening and control (ring settings, delete)Add to playlist, Delete (my own music list)Uses simple, you can listen to music while working with othermusic apps that are updated daily.(Player service implementation) [Usage] - A song from your music list when you click playmusic - You can search for text input or voice search. - Click to play music in the back (back) button todisplay the notification bar icon and play music is stillplaying. - Returning to Play: Click on the notification baricon - To exit: Click the Stop button, then click the backbutton on your player
Video Caller Id (Pro)
WARNING! THIS APPLICATION WILL BE STOPPED SUPPORT AFTER THE FINALMIGRATION TO VERSION 2.0. EVERYONE WHO BOUGHT THE PROGRAM AT LEAST3 MONTHS AGO WILL BE OFFERED A FREE SUBSCRIPTION.Video ringtone. Show video on incoming call.FEATURES:★ Full-screen video (if video is in a special format or if filmedon a camera phone )★ Personal Settings (on / off the sound and setting the initialposition of the video).★ Use any video from card as a video ringtone★ Growing collection of video ringtones, now has over 1500ringtones for different phone models / permits screensYou can suggest favorite video ringtone for all users, just postit in a public collection of videos.-=DISCOUNT=-Price reduced. Pay less, download more! You pay only $ 2.99 onetime and download 50 different ringtones every month!-=NOTES=-* If you can’t download the video ringtone from a shared directory- make sure that the time zone and current time are setcorrectly.* If the answer / reject the call you have to press twice (first inVideoCallerId, and then in the standard app), change the status ofthe 'VideoCallerId' as "the system app". You will need Root and'Titanium Backup Pro' app.'Follow me on twitter : BUYING, TRY AND TEST THE FREE VERSION PLEASE!
Video Editor and Voice Changer
Wanna record crazy, funny sounds, apply themto your photos and make amazing video clips?! Wanna have tons offun and laugh out loud with your friends and family? Video Editor& Voice Changer is one of the best free apps which is a voicechanger, video editor and video maker in one! Amazing and coolphoto editing software, perfect for all genders and ages! With avariety of funny sound effects, you'll have so many possibilitiesfor recording different funny sounds to apply to your photos andmake them even funnier! Make your own video clips and have a wholelotta fun!Download this hilarious video maker and make everyone laugh withyour unique video clips!Save your funny clips and then share them with your friends andfamily on social networks, via e-mail or any other instantmessenger or chat apps!Change and customize your photos and make amazing video clips!Video Editor & Voice Changer is just amazing, best of freeapps! It is a voice changer, video editor and video maker in one!Apply funny sound effects at a single click, record funny soundsand make funny video clips easily. Download this cool video makerand the fun is guaranteed! Share your recordings with friends andfamily on social networks, via e-mail or any other instantmessenger or chat apps!Combine photos and sounds with this cool video maker and videoeditor and have lots of fun! Play with your voice, talk, sing orshout, add some funny sound effects, make funny sounds and thenapply them to your photos. Share your funny video clips with yourfamily or friends on social networks, via e-mail or any otherinstant messenger or chat apps.♫♪♫ Fantastic video maker for tons of fun! ♫♪♫With such easy options, Video Editor & Voice Changer is verysimple to use! Record your voice, tell a funny message or hilariousjoke and then apply one of many funny sound effects from the soundlibrary. Click on a microphone and record an audio which can lastmax sixty seconds. The next step is to choose images you want tocombine. It doesn't have to be only one, you can select severalimages and then make one containing all of those images. VideoEditor & Voice Changer is cool because you can also chooseamong various backgrounds and stickers for your unique creations.Click next and you're done! Save your funny video clips andenjoy!Download this amazing best of free apps, voice changer, videoeditor and video maker in one, and put a smile on your face!This is awesome! In just one app you get a voice changer, videomaker and video editor! Modifying your voice and making funnysounds is now even more amuzing when you get to combine them withyour photos and record funny video clips that will make everyonelaugh a lot! It's perfect app for adults as well as forchildren!This is such an easy way for having fun with your voice, applyfunny sound effects, add funny sounds to your photos and make yourfriends and family laugh!Download this amazing app, pull a prank on someone and send him hisphoto with a voice in the background making him sound like an alienor maybe a squirrel! Entertain yourself and everyone around youwith this best of free apps, Video Editor & Voice Changer!Change your voice, add funny sound effects and make funny sounds toapply to your photos like a pro! Share you funny video clips witheveryone you want on social networks, via e-mail or any otherinstant messenger or chat apps!With this best of free apps and amazing video maker, you cancustomize your photos, add different backgrounds and stickers,record you voice and change your voice by adding one of many funnysound effects and then combine your photo and sounds into anamazing, cool and funny video clips!Download this best of free apps now and have tons of fun makingfunny video clips and sharing them with everyone you know! Enjoythis voice changer, video editor and video maker now!
Фиксики и Фиксипелки
Попробуйте все бесплатно! Подпишитесь на месяци смотрите все мультфильмы абсолютно бесплатно в течение 7-и дней!Если приложение не понравится, то Вы можете отказаться от подпискии деньги с Вас не спишутся! Для оформления подписки нажмите кнопку"7 дней бесплатно".«Фиксики» — уникальный современный мультсериал. Это не просторазвлекательные видео, а, в первую очередь, интересные иразвивающие истории для детей.В приложении «Фиксики» ваш ребёнок сможет посмотреть все серии осемье маленьких веселых человечков, живущих внутри техники. Они вовсём разберутся, расскажут, как устроены предметы и исправятполомки!Почему приложение «Фиксики» может стать вашим любимым?- это незаменимая помощь в ответах на вопросы ребёнка: «Почему?»,«Как?» и «Зачем?»;- ваш малыш сможет ориентироваться в приложениисамостоятельно;- герои мультсериала научат ваших детей заботе, доброте ивзаимопомощи;- это просто отличный способ провести вечер вместе!Загрузите приложение и оцените мультфильмы сами!Подробная информация о подписке «Фиксики»:* Подписка «Фиксики» - это доступ ко всем сериям одноименногомультсериала и караоке «Фиксипелки» в течение одного месяца.* Стоимость подписки: 149 рублей в месяц.* После покупки подписки, все серии мультфильма становятся доступныдля просмотра и загрузки на устройство.* Подписка «Фиксики» оплачивается с вашего Google-аккаунта.Списание денежных средств происходит после подтверждения оформленияподписки.* Все новые серии будут доступны для просмотра и загрузки в рамкахподписки.***Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, предложения или проблемы сприложением - пишите нам, мы вам обязательно ответим и поможем -support@appsministry.comTry everything for free!Sign up for a month and watch cartoons all absolutely free for 7days! If the application does not like it, you can cancel yoursubscription and money you do not write off! press "7 days forfree" in order to subscribe."Fixiki" - unique modern animated series. This is not justentertaining video, and, above all, interesting and educationalstories for children.Annex "Fixiki" your child will be able to view all the seriesabout a family of small merry men living inside the equipment. Theysorted out all over, tell how to construct objects and correct thedamage! Why "Fixiki" app can be your favorite? - Is an essential help to answer questions the child: "Why?","How?" And "Why?";- Your baby will be able to navigate in the applicationitself;- The heroes of the animated series will teach your child the care,kindness and mutual support;- It's just a great way to spend an evening together! Download the app and vote cartoons themselves!Details of the subscription "Fixiki":* Subscription "Fixiki" - is access to all series of the animatedseries of the same name and karaoke "Fiksipelki" within onemonth.* Subscription price: 149 rubles per month.* After purchasing a subscription, all the cartoon series areavailable for viewing and download to your device.* Subscription "Fixiki" paid to your Google-account. cash write-offtakes place after the subscription.* The new series will be available for viewing and download withinthe subscription.***If you have any questions, suggestions or problems with the app -contact us, we will respond to you and help you -
Video Maker with Voice Changer
Change your voice and apply funny soundeffects, then add funny sounds to your photos and start a newadventure with this cool best of free apps! Such an easy way to puta smile on your face and have a whole lotta fun with your friendsand family! Play with your voice and photos with this amazing VoiceChanger with Video Maker for free! Modify your voice, combine yourphotos and make cool and funny video clips with this amazing videoeditor. Everyone will just love it!Download this best of free apps and enjoy adding funny soundeffects and making funny video clips!Save your recordings and share them with your friends on socialnetworks, via e-mail or any other instant messenger or chatapps!Have tons of fun with this powerful, but easy to use voice changer,video editor and video maker in one!☺ Great video editor with hilarious sound effects! ☺Voice Changer with Video Maker is perfect for everybody! With avariety of different funny sound effects for your voice, or manyamazing backgrounds and stickers for your photos, this best of freeapps gives you plenty of possibilities to have a good laugh andnever get bored! Play with your voice, customize photos, make funnysounds and apply them in just a few clicks!Download this amazing video maker, make funny video clips and sharethem with everyone on social networks, via e-mail or any otherinstant messenger or chat apps!With this amazing voice changer, video editor and video maker youget quick and instant fun. Perfect free video editor for everyone!Apply funny sound effects at a single click, record funny soundsand make funny video clips easily. Download this best of free appsand the fun is guaranteed! Share your recordings with friends andfamily on social networks, via e-mail or any other instantmessenger or chat apps!Voice Changer with Video Maker is suitable both for kids and foradults! With such easy options it is quite simple to use. Justclick on a microphone and record an audio which can last max sixtyseconds. Record your voice, tell a funny message or hilarious jokeand then apply one of many funny sound effects from the soundlibrary. The next step is selecting an image, or several images andmake your own cool collage.Then you get to choose among variousbackgrounds and stickers for your new creation which will make iteven more interesting. Click next and you're done! Save your funnyvideo clip and share it with everyone on social networks, viae-mail or any other instant messenger or chat apps!Download this amazing voice changer and video editor, make funnysounds and funny video clips and put a smile on your face!Entertain yourself and everyone around you with this best of freeapps, Voice Changer with Video Maker! Change your voice, add funnysound effects and make funny sounds to apply to your photos like apro!This amazing video maker and video editor is easy to use and free!Isn't it just perfect! Customize your photos, add differentbackgrounds and stickers, record you voice and change your voice byadding one of many funny sound effects and then combine your photoand sounds into an amazing, cool and funny video clips! Pull aprank on your friends and share with them funny video clips withtheir photos and funny sounds on social networks, via e-mail or anyother instant messenger or chat apps!Download this best of free apps, voice changer, video editor andvideo maker and enjoy adding funny sound effects and making funnyvideo clips!Here is such an easy way for having fun with your voice, add funnysounds to your photos and make your friends and family laugh!
Torrent Video Player- TVP Pro
Don't wait. Watch now!Just open torrent file or magnet link from your favorite browserand enjoy the show ‒ it plays and downloads at the same time.If you want to help us to make Torrent Video Player betterplease join to Beta tester comunity to use:1. Find torrent you want to watch (use your favorite torrenttracker or just search in Google)2. Download and open torrent file or just click on magnetlink3. Wait few minutes while Torrent Video Player buffers thevideo4. Enjoy the video! You can pause or seek as usualNOTE!!!If video disappear on your device but sound is good - pleasedisable hardware acceleration in setting.Key features:* Based on VideoLan(tm) VLC media player* Libtorrent used as torrent engine* Magnet links support* Open torrents right from browser* Add torrent from file* Open torrent files from the player* Torrent files shown as folders with files* Subtitles preloadingVote for new features at protocols: BitTorrent P2P, DHT, Advanced DHT Bootstrap,Magnet links, HTTP & UDP trakersGet more out of your movies with free Torrent VideoPlayer!Are you tired of having to wait for hours for your video torrentsto download before you can play them? Fortunately, there is anentirely new way of dealing with torrent video downloads and thatis by using Free Torrent Video Player. Torrents have become one ofthe most popular ways to share and download content, includingvideo files and other multimedia files. Torrents generally offerhigh speeds as well, particularly in cases where you have moreseeders than peers. When you are choosing which torrent todownload, you should always go for the one which has the best ratiobetween seeders and peers due to the fact that the seeders alreadyhave the complete video file on their computer for downloading.Peers, by contrast, only have part of the file available. However,even with a good seeders to peers ratio, torrents can still take along time to download.Watch InstantlyFree Torrent Video Player completely revolutionizes your torrentvideo downloading experience. Traditional torrent clients generallyonly let you download torrents without providing any functionalityallowing you to preview it, let alone watch the movie as it isdownloading. Torrent Video Player, on the other hand, works justlike your favorite media player thanks to its familiar andintuitive features. No longer do you have to wait for the entiretorrent to download before you can start watching the video contentcontained within it. It is rather like watching a streaming videoover a video-sharing website. The interface is easy to use and itis based on the immensely popular and highly versatile mediaplayer. Torrent Video Player will truly change the way you watchyour movies!Easy to useSome of the mainstream torrent clients do provide a basic previewfeature which allows you to watch at least a small part of thevideo before the whole thing is downloaded, but these featuresoften lack reliability and are often difficult to use. Traditionaltorrent clients also download files in a different way to howTorrent Video Player does. They do not download the filecontiguously, making it impossible to actually watch the video fromthe start before it has finished downloading. Torrent Video Playerwill download the file in the correct way however so that you don'thave to wait.Completely free!If you want to be able to enjoy torrent videos without the annoyingrestrictions imposed by the traditional torrent clients, thenTorrent Video Player is precisely the answer that you should belooking for. Best of all, the program is completely free! Now youwill be able to download and play at the same time, allowing you towatch any movie at any time!
semperVidLinks extracts video links from video provider url's(youtube, dailymotion, ...) passed to it.It then allows to launch this video, with your quality of choice,with the target application of your choice.See the complete list of supported sitesExample usages- Show video on external renderer (e.g. connected TV, XBMC) viaBubbleUpnp- Bypass flash and show rtmp videos via MX Player- Bypass flash and show video on local device via MoboPlayer- Download video via you downloader of choice
مسلسلات مصرية ورمضانية كاملة
شاهد بث مباشر لأحدث المسلسلات المصرية كاملة بسرعة كبيرة بدون أىتقطيععفاريت محرزتسعة جامعة الدول العربيةأنا وبابا ومامادلع بناتدكتور أمراض نساالعقربالصيادالسيدة الأولىالركينالزوجة الثانيةجبل الحلالهبة رجل الغرابلوسجن النساشمستفاحة آدمفيفا أطاطاالعملية مسىحكاية حياةالسبع وصايافرقة ناجى عطااللهريا وسكينةكيد النسا الجزء الأولكيد النسا الجزء الثانىراجل وست ستات الجزءالأولراجل وست ستات الجزءالثانىراجل وست ستات الجزء الثالثراجل وست ستات الجزء الرابعراجل وست ستات الجزء الخامسراجل وست ستات الجزء السادسراجل وست ستات الجزء السابعراجل وست ستات الجزء الثامنتامر وشوقية -الجزء الأولتامر وشوقية -الجزء الثانىتامر وشوقية -الجزء الثالثتامر وشوقية -الجزء الرابعبالاضافة لمسلسلات رمضان 2015:حالة عشقحارة اليهودحوارى بوخاريستبين السراياتدنيا جديدةالصعلوكمولد وصاحبه غايبتحت السيطرةوش تانىوسوف يتم اضافة العديد من المسلسلات فتابعوناSee a livebroadcast of the latest Egyptian soap operas full very quicklywithout any cuttingDemons Mehrez Nine Arab LeagueI and Mama and PapaDla GirlsDr. Nessa diseasesScorpioFisherFirst ladyCenterpieceSecond wifeArab MountGift man RavenIfSciatica prisonSunAdam's appleFIFA OtataProcess hapticLife storySeven CommandmentsBand Naji AtallahRhea and knifeKid sciatica Part ISciatica Kid Part IIRagel Stat AldzoualoolRagel Stat AldzoualthaniRagel Stat Part IIIRagel Stat Part IVRagel Stat Part VRagel Stat Part VIRagel Stat Part VIIRagel Stat Part VIIITamer and Shawkeyah Part ITamer and Shawkeyah Part IITamer and Shawkeyah Part IIITamer and Shawkeyah Part IVIn addition to Ramadan Series 2015:The case of loveJewish QuarterTalk show BucharestBetween chateauxNew minimumTrampGenerator and its owner GabeUnder controlU TaniAnd will be adding many series Fattabona
ضع صورتك في اماكن جميلة المغرب
هل مللت من البحث عن برامج تركيب الصور علىخلفيات التقليدية ? يمكنك عمل صورتك بشكل جميل في اماكن جميلة ب احلىمدينة في العالم المغرب التي يزورها السياح من كل مكان الآن مجانا ضعصورتك في اطار اجمل الصور الطبيعية الخلابة و السياحية بالمغربيحتوي برنامج تركيب الصور على :- احلى مدينة في العالم مدينة شفشاون- مدينة مراكش- جبال و شلالات أشقشور- مدينة اصيلةاجمل مناظر العالم ..حمل برنامج تركيب الصور ضع صورتك و صورة حبيبك في اجمل مناظرالعالم بالمغرب و شاركها على برامج التواصل الاجتماعيTired of searching forthe installation of images on traditional backgrounds programs? Youcan work your image beautifully in beautiful places for Best cityin the world Morocco visited by tourists from all over the placenow for free Put your picture in the framework of the mostbeautiful natural images and picturesque tourist in MoroccoInstallation of images on a program that contains:- Best city in the world the city of Chefchaouen- Marrakech city- Mountains and waterfalls Ohqchor- AsilahThe most beautiful views of the world ..Download photo morphing software Put your picture and image ofyour lover in the world's most beautiful scenery in Morocco andshare them on the social networking programs