Word Apps - Page 2
In this game you have 3D images and a set of words representingobjects in the images. Your challenge is to find the correspondingobjects in the images within the time you have. After you find themall, you can earn a bonus if you can find the 'lost' dinossaur.This is an educational game for you to practice vocabulary and havefun!
Words Search
It is a free arcade game, easy-to-use, with HDgraphics. The goal of Word Search is to find all the words hiddenwithin the puzzle.Basic Rules:The object of the game is to find all the hidden words. To make thegame more interesting, you can try to solve the puzzle in theshortest time possible.The word list on the bottom side of the game will show you allof the words that are hidden on the board.Use your Finger/mouse to select words by clicking and draggingall the letters in a word. If you’ve selected a word correctly, theword will highlight on the game board.To complete the game you must find all the words in thepuzzle.Discover a new way to play on phone or pc with a great classic:Word Search. Put your patience to trial and use your vocabulary inthis game known in the whole word. Multiply the hours of fun withours three different difficulty modes.Word Search is an amusing game for the whole family! Onlyrecommended for... everyone!CARACTERISTICS- 100 levels- 300 stars to collect- Best score- Touch the screen to select
Игра в слова
"Игра в слова" - это интересная развивающая игра, которая поможетвам тренировать память и внимание, а так же расширить свойсловарный запас, а список лидеров добавит соревновательный момент.Правила игры проста и интуитивно понятны: из длинного слова надосоставить как можно больше других слов. За каждое слово выполучаете солнышко. Чем больше у вас солнышек тем выше в спискелидеров.Если в ваши планы входит провести ваше время весело интересно, аглавное с пользой - то эта игра создана именно для вас!"Wordgame" - it's an interesting educational game that helps you trainyour memory and attention, as well as to expand your vocabulary,and the list of leaders adds competitive moment.Rules of the game is simple and intuitive: from the long wordsshould make as many other words. For every word you get sun. Themore you have the more suns in the leaderboard.If your plans include spend your time having fun interesting,and most importantly with the benefit - this game is created justfor you!
Find the words
Il gioco consiste nel trovare delle parole in un determinato tempoe su un argomento preciso.le lettere si possono muovere solo in orizzontale, mentre le parolesi compongono in verticale,tocca la freccia per capire se hai fatto giusto, se è si..... lelettere spariranno.Più veloci sarete nel pensare e più livelli sbloccherete.Buon divertimento.The gameis to find words in a particular time and on a specifictopic.letters can only move horizontally, while the words are made upvertically,tap the arrow to see if you did it right, if you ..... lettersdisappear.The faster you will be thinking and more levels you willunlock.Good fun.
The Girl Meets The World Actor
Are you Girl Meets World Fans? this you can see the picture andtray to answer who is the actor's name ?Girl Meets World is an American coming of age television sitcom.The series made its debut on June 27, 2014 following the premiereof the Disney Channel Original Movie, Zapped.The series is a sequel to the sitcom Boy Meets World, whichaired on ABC in its TGIF block from 1993 to 2000. The originalseries centered on Cornelius "Cory" Matthews, including his growingrelationship with Topanga Lawrence and their eventual marriage. BenSavage and Danielle Fishel, who portrayed Cory and Topanga,respectively, reprise their roles in Girl Meets World, whichcenters on the life of the couple's daughter, Riley Matthews. Herfather has become a middle school teacher (and she happens to beone of his students), while her mother is a lawyer, who gains partownership of an old world bakery in the first season episode "GirlMeets Popular". Other members of the earlier show's cast haveeither recurring roles or cameo appearances.On August 6, 2014, Girl Meets World was renewed for a secondseasonYou can play this game application free at any time and anywhere you want.DISCLAIMER:This is the UNOFFICIAL Girl Meets World application for Android.Girl Meets World Actors Quiz Games is not affiliated with orendorsed by Girl Meets World entities, or the Disney Channel. Weare simply fans, showing our support for this amazing TV series. Nocopyright infringement is intended. Please contact us with anyquestions or requests for content removal.
★★★★★VON DEN MACHERN DER #1-APPS ICOMANIA UND 4 BILDER 1 WORTKannst du das Wort erraten? Jedes Puzzle besteht aus zwei Bildern,die zwei unterschiedliche Wörter darstellen. Setze die beidenWörter zusammen, um das Lösungswort zu erraten!Erlebe selbst, warum alle Bildkombo lieben!★ KOMBINIERE DIE BEIDEN BILDER, UM DAS WORT ZU ERRATEN ★Wir zeigen dir zum Beispiel ein Bild von einem Pudel und ein Bildvon einer Mütze. Tadaaa! Das Lösungswort ist PUDELMÜTZE. Einfachdie Wörter zusammensetzen und gewinnen!★ UNZÄHLIGE FANTASTISCHE PUZZLES VON LEICHT BIS TRICKY ★Hunderte handverlesene Fotos bringen dich zum Knobeln – und zumLachen. Errate sie alle!★ SOFORT SPASS ★Keine Registrierung, kein Tutorial, keine komplizierten Regeln. Legeinfach los und hab Spaß!★ ★ ★ ★ ★THE MAKERS OF THE # 1-APPS ICOMANIA PICTURES AND 4 1 WORDCan you guess the word? Each puzzle consists of two imagesrepresenting two different words. Put the two words together toguess the key word!Experience for yourself why everyone loves Image combo!★ COMBINING THE TWO PICTURES TO THE WORD GUESSING ★We will show, for example, a picture of a poodle and a picture of ahat. Tadaaa! The solution word is POODLE HAT. Just the wordstogether and win!★ COUNTLESS FANTASTIC PUZZLE OF LIGHT TO TRICKY ★Hundreds of hand-picked pictures to take you to the puzzling - andlaugh. Guess it all!INSTANT FUN ★ ★No registration, no tutorial, no complicated rules. Leg just gohave fun!
うた組み575 コトバ辞典
PSVita用ソフト「うた組み575」の歌詞アレンジで使えるコトバを参照できるアプリです。ゲームではジャンル別になっていますがこのアプリでは五十音順で参照することができ、検索機能も付いています。動画作成機能も追加された歌詞アレンジのお供にぜひ。■使用しているパーミッションandroid.permission.INTERNET(完全なインターネット アクセス)permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE(ネットワーク状態の表示)→広告表示のためIt is anapplication that can refer to words that can be used in lyricsarrange for PSVita software "Utakumi 575".It has become a genre in the game, but can be referenced inalphabetical order in this app, search function, too.by all means to accompany lyrics video arrangements creationfunction has also been added.■ permissions you are usingandroid.permission.INTERNET (full internet access)(display of network status) permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE→ for ads
いつでも、どこでもコックリさんができるアプリが登場盤をタップすると、コックリさんのお告げが・・・!いつでもどこでも、電車でも学校でも取り憑かれる心配なく安全にこっくりさんができるアプリの登場です。At anytime, apps can Kokkuri's everywhere appearedWhen you tap the van, revelation of Kokkuri san ...!Anytime, anywhere, even in the school by trainIs the emergence of app Kokkuri's can be safely without fear ofTsukareru take.
Pig Dump tata 1000 +
Pig Dump tata 1000 +Game puzzle hint relaxation , each side will have to collectKarma player's undertakings with Choice as an aid in answering thepuzzle , each item is a hint in Thailand can hit a dip in the freshbookmark . Offline your friend via the piecewise plate is a puzzle. Puzzle hint hint 3 words and must be decoded into a solution ,which can be viewed from the key solution to all 28 letters puzzletogether.Cap now LV460.Help with all four solutions such as 1 character / lead characteris a / the question / share.When the game first Will have to fill in your name , which canbe filled only once I want to rename it. Delete the app andreinstall it. Enter the name you want to change and enter into theoriginal email and I will remove lv score ever play it allhere.When play ended Do not remove the game I You can update thefollowing version of the page . Score this slideshow Add it tolvl
Слова Онлайн
"Слова" - это по настоящему захватывающая многопользовательскаясетевая игра!Вы можете играть с живым противником или тренироваться воднопользовательском режиме.Суть игры состоит в составлении слов из предложенных букв. Чемдлиннее слово, тем больше очков Вы получите за него. Выигрываеттот, кто быстрее наберет количество очков необходимых дляпобеды.Применяйте различные бонусы изменения поля для победы над живымпротивником.Заводите друзей, соревнуйтесь в рейтинге и просто получайтеудовольствие от игры.Все это и многое другое в игре "Слова"."Words" -is really an exciting multiplayer online game!You can play with a live opponent or to train in single usermode.The essence of the game is to produce words in a sentence letters.The longer the word, the more points you get for it. The winner isthe one who will pick up the number of points needed to win.Use various bonuses to change the field of victory over ahuman.Make friends, compete in the rankings and just have fun with thegame.All this and much more in the game "Words."
Planet Quiz
Planet quiz est le jeu de quiz officiel dusite Planet.frDéfiez vos amis et devenez incollables sur l'actualité à traversdes thèmes de quiz variés..Prouvez que vous êtes le meilleur sur le cinéma, les secrets destars, l'actu people ou l'une des 9 catégories présentes dans lejeu.En solo ou contre vos amis, enchaînez les bonnes réponses pourgravir les échelons du classement.Features:- Des parties rapides en 5 questions- Un ton mordant- Plus de 2 000 questions au lancement- 9 thèmes différents
4 Images : Trouvez le Mot
Pourrez-vous trouvez le mot représenté parles 4 photos?«4 Images : Trouvez le Mot» est un jeu simple, éducatif,amusant et conçu pour toute la famille. Si vous aimez les jeux dustyle "4 images 1 mot" vous allez adorer ce jeu!★★★ COMMENT JOUER? ★★★Observez les 4 images qui vous sont présentées. Trouvez le motcaché en découvrant ce qu'on en commun les 4 photos. Choisissez leslettres dans la grille afin de former la bonne réponse. Vousrecevrez des pièces pour chaque bonne réponse. Dépensez ces piècespour vous aider avec les énigmes complexes.Si vous êtes bloqué, utilisez les boutons à droite des lettressoit pour : éliminer une lettre qui ne fait pas parti de la réponseou encore dévoiler une lettre de la réponse.Pour gagner de nouvelles pièces, appuyez sur l'icône de piècesen haut à droite de l'écran de jeu. Quelques tâches simples àcompléter vous seront présentées et vous pourrez obtenir facilementde nouvelles pièces en les accomplissant.★★★ FONCTIONNALITÉS ★★★- Plus de 200 mots à deviner- Différents niveaux de difficulté- Utilisez des pièces pour vous aider à découvrir les énigmes sivous êtes bloqués- Pour les amateurs de jeux de mots, de casse-tête et dequiz!- Conçu pour les 7 à 77 ans! Parfait jeu pour enfants et les grandspour améliorer ou tester le vocabulaire.- En français! Developpée par des francophones, ce n'est pas qu'unetraduction bâclée d'une application anglaise!★★★ AVERTISSEMENT ★★★Les permissions demandées sont requises pour afficher lespublicités afin de soutenir le travail des développeurs qui vousoffrent ce jeu gratuitement. Merci!Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autres médiassont la propriété de Gypmo ou disponible gratuitement sur Internetsous une license "Creative Commons".Can you find the wordrepresented by the 4 photos& # 171; 4 Images: Find the Word & # 187 is a simplegame, educational, fun and designed for the whole family. If youlike games like "4 pictures 1 word" you will love thisgame!★★★ HOW TO PLAY? ★★★Observe the four images that are presented to you. Find the hiddenword by finding out what we share 4 photos. Choose the letters inthe grid to form the correct answer. You will get coins for everycorrect answer. Spend these pieces to help you with complexpuzzles.If you get stuck, use the buttons to the right of theletters is to: remove a letter that is not part of the answer, ordisclose a letter of response.To win new parts, tap the icon of rooms on the top rightof the game screen. Few simple supplement will be presented and youcan easily get new pieces by accomplishing tasks.★★★ ★★★ FEATURES- More than 200 words to guess- Different levels of difficulty- Use coins to help you discover the puzzles if you arestranded- For lovers of word games, puzzles and quizzes!- Designed for 7-77 years! Perfect game for children andgrandparents to improve or test vocabulary.- In French! Developped by francophones, it is not a translation ofan English sloppy application!★★★ ★★★ WARNINGThe requested permissions are required to display the ads tosupport the work of developers who offer this game. Thankyou!All images, photos, fonts and other media are the property of Gypmoor available free on the Internet under a license "CreativeCommons".
4 Images 1 Pays
Pourrez-vous trouvez le pays ou la villereprésenté par les 4 photos?«4 Images 1 Pays» est un jeu simple, éducatif, amusant etconçu pour toute la famille.★★★ COMMENT JOUER? ★★★Observez les 4 images qui vous sont présentées. Devinez le nom dupays ou de la ville en découvrant ce qu'on en commun les 4 photos.Choisissez les lettres dans la grille afin de former la bonneréponse. Vous recevrez des pièces pour chaque bonne réponse.Dépensez ces pièces pour vous aider avec les énigmescomplexes.Si vous êtes bloqué, utilisez les boutons à droite des lettressoit pour éliminer une lettre qui ne fait pas parti de la réponseou encore dévoiler une lettre de la réponse.Pour gagner de nouvelles pièces, appuyer sur l'icône de piècesen haut à droite de l'écran de jeu. Quelques tâches simples àcompléter vous seront présentées et vous pourrez obtenir facilementde nouvelles pièces en les accomplissant.★★★ FONCTIONNALITÉS ★★★- Plus de 200 mots à deviner dont plusieurs noms de ville deFrance- Différents niveaux de difficulté- Utilisez des pièces pour vous aider à découvrir les énimges sivous êtes bloqués- Parfait pour les amateurs de jeux de mots, de casse-tête et dequiz!- Conçu pour les 7 à 77 ans! Parfait jeu pour enfants et les grandspour améliorer ou tester le vocabulaire.★★★ AVERTISSEMENT ★★★Les permissions demandées sont requises pour afficher lespublicités afin de soutenir le travail des développeurs qui vousoffrent ce jeu gratuitement.Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autres médiasont la propriété de Mot de Tête ou disponible gratuitement surInternet sous une license "Creative Commons".Can you find thecountry or city represented by the 4 photos& # 171; 4 Images 1 Country & # 187 is a simple game,educational, fun and designed for the whole family.★★★ HOW TO PLAY? ★★★Observe the four images that are presented to you. Guess the nameof the country or city and discover what we share 4 photos. Choosethe letters in the grid to form the correct answer. You will getcoins for every correct answer. Spend these pieces to help you withcomplex puzzles.If you get stuck, use the buttons to the right of theletters is to eliminate a letter that is not part of the answer, ordisclose a letter of response.To win new parts, press the icon on the top right parts ofthe game screen. Few simple supplement will be presented and youcan easily get new pieces by accomplishing tasks.★★★ ★★★ FEATURES- More than 200 words to guess which several city names ofFrance- Different levels of difficulty- Use coins to help you discover if you are stranded énimges- Perfect for lovers of word games, puzzles and quizzes!- Designed for 7-77 years! Perfect game for children andgrandparents to improve or test vocabulary.★★★ ★★★ WARNINGThe requested permissions are required to display the ads tosupport the work of developers who offer this game.All images, photos, fonts and other media are the property of Wordor head freely available on the Internet under a license "CreativeCommons".
Brain Puzzles Online iq Game
It would be good to download to your device any interesting puzzle,crossword steep, challenging rebus or, for example, a logic puzzlefor the warm-up and training of their own intelligence, as well asa pleasant and useful pastime. To satisfy your desire and hasdeveloped a new application Brain Puzzles Online iq Game for mobiledevices and mobile operating systems. The main characteristic ofthe application - is easy to use. With the installation of thesoftware is easy to handle even an inexperienced user. Comfortableworking Brain Puzzles Online iq Game is a priority feature of thisapplication. Optimum application properties - the result of carefulwork of the developers of the program, the aim of which was themaximum simplicity. For a short time information on thepossibilities screensaver you will see, we made the right choice!Applications such as Brain Puzzles Online iq Game - this is a greatperiod in the evolution of software for mobile OS. Determines thequality of these applications: Ease of use; reasonableness;Aesthetics. Gaming applications - this is one of the stages ofsoftware development. With the emergence of the ability to revivethe screensaver was born a set of programs, which are the maincharacteristics of the visual perception of aesthetics andsimplicity that gives the distinctive features of the software forsmartphones. Nice combination of colors in the design of the frontpanel does not distract the player from the gameplay, but ratherhelps him better to perceive it. All the buttons on the gameapplication understandable even to a child. By the way presented inthe game puzzles can be successfully used for the overalldevelopment of children. To begin playing the Brain Puzzles Onlineiq Game to start it must be downloaded and installed on your mobiledevice. The program is absolutely free. After installation run theapplication and enjoy many will desire and free time. Mobile appBrain Puzzles Online iq Game will attract the attention of the truescholars and give them a real pleasure.It wouldbe good to download to your device any interesting puzzle,crossword steep, challenging rebus or, for example, a logic puzzlefor the warm-up and training of their own intelligence, as well asa pleasant and useful pastime. To satisfy your desire and hasdeveloped a new application Brain Puzzles Online iq Game for mobiledevices and mobile operating systems. The main characteristic ofthe application - is easy to use. With the installation of thesoftware is easy to handle even an inexperienced user. Comfortableworking Brain Puzzles Online iq Game is a priority feature of thisapplication. Optimum application properties - the result of carefulwork of the developers of the program, the aim of which was themaximum simplicity. For a short time information on thepossibilities screensaver you will see, we made the right choice!Applications such as Brain Puzzles Online iq Game - this is a greatperiod in the evolution of software for mobile OS. Determines thequality of these applications: Ease of use; reasonableness;Aesthetics. Gaming applications - this is one of the stages ofsoftware development. With the emergence of the ability to revivethe screensaver was born a set of programs, which are the maincharacteristics of the visual perception of aesthetics andsimplicity that gives the distinctive features of the software forsmartphones. Nice combination of colors in the design of the frontpanel does not distract the player from the gameplay, but ratherhelps him better to perceive it. All the buttons on the gameapplication understandable even to a child. By the way presented inthe game puzzles can be successfully used for the overalldevelopment of children. To begin playing the Brain Puzzles Onlineiq Game to start it must be downloaded and installed on your mobiledevice. The program is absolutely free. After installation run theapplication and enjoy many will desire and free time. Mobile appBrain Puzzles Online iq Game will attract the attention of the truescholars and give them a real pleasure.
لعبة كلمة السر
لعبة كلمة السر: ببساطة لعبة السنة كل من لعبهاأحبها وادمنها!.. قمة التسلية والفائدة. افضل الالعاب العربيةلعبة قضينا معها احلى الاوقات في الصحف والمجلات الان متوفرة مجاناوبجودة عالية على جهازك.اللعبة المشهورة للصغار والكبار, تعرف ايضا ب "لعبة الكلمة المفقودة"أو "لعبه الكلمة الضائعة" "لعبه البحث عن الكلمات"العاب ذكاء جديدة شيقة مجانية*** ميروك لكلمة السر 3 مليون تحميل وهذا الاعجاب الهائل... 3 مليونشكراً ******* اذا وصلت هذه الصفحة ولم تتثبت اللعبة بعد فلا تضيع الوقت واضغطعلى تثبيت, ولن تندم ابداً. ماذا تنتظر؟! :)عليك العثور على الكلمات المبعثرة في الجدول وشطبها. في النهاية تتبقىمجموعة احرف ورمز عليك معرفة وفك كلمه السر.في هذه اللعبة هدفنا الى استعمال اللعبة بحالة استرخاء فلا يوجد توقيتاو نقاط. فاستمتع بوقتك مع عشرات المراحل.المراحل بنيت بعناية ليغطي كل لغز موضوع معين لزيادة التشويق. وفي قسممن المراحل على اللاعب اكتشاف الكلمات بنفسه.تتميز اللعبة بالتنوع والاثراء الثقافي في شتى المجالات. فيها خفةوافادة وتسلية.اللعبة بنيت بعيدا عن الضغط والتوقيت والسرعة, ويمكن لعبها في اي وقتباسترخاء, ويمكنك التوقف ومعاودة اللعب في اي لحظة من اللعبة.لعبة كلمه السر الان متوفرة ايضا على الايفون. الرابط:https://itunes.apple.com/app/id827468856?mt=8Game Password: simplyGame of the Year both played and loved Adinmha! .. Summitentertainment and interest. The best Arab GamesGame spent with Best Moments in newspapers and magazines are nowavailable for free and high quality on your computer.The famous game for young and old, also known as the "Game lost theword" or "game missed the word" the "game search for words."Games new intelligent interesting free *** Mirok password three million download this Likes massivethree million ... Thank ******* If you reached this page did not satisfy itself after the gamedo not waste time and click on the install, and will never regret.What Are You Waiting For?! :)You'll find scattered words in the table and written off. In theend, remaining character set and the code you know and decrypt thepassword.Our goal in this game is to use the game relaxed condition, thereis no timing or points. , Enjoy your time with dozens ofstages.Stages carefully built to cover a certain topic each puzzle toincrease the suspense. In a section of the stage for the player todiscover his own words.The game is characterized by diversity and cultural enrichment invarious fields. Where lightness and testimony andentertainment.The game was built away from the pressure, timing and speed, andcan be played at any time, relaxed, and you can pause and resumeplaying at any moment of the game.Game password is now also available on the iPhone. Link:https://itunes.apple.com/app/id827468856?mt=8
Word Chums
Word Chums is the highest rated word puzzlegame, voted 4.8 stars by Android users. Play free withfriends or solo against the computer!◆ For lovers of anagrams, word builder games or crossword puzzleslike Scrabble or Words with Friends, Word Chums takes it to anotherlevel with fun graphics and sounds, a built-in dictionary, teammode, 3-4 player mode, and more.◆ Word Chums is a new word game that’s easy to pick up and play,but challenging to master. It’s fun for the whole family or withfriends – you’ll love it, we promise! Try it once and you just mayfind yourself doing a daily crossword puzzle game with several ofyour friends!◆ INTRODUCING THE CHUMSOozing with personality, they bring the game to life. Have funearning gear to outfit your Chum and expressing your style. They’reguaranteed to make you chuckle.◆ NAGARAM-ANAGRAM WORD TEASERPut your vocabulary to the test in this word making game byrearranging a word scramble into a real word that you can play. Thebetter your word’s Scrabble dictionary score, the more XP you earn.XP helps you level up and unlock more gear for your chums!◆ INCREDIBLY STREAMLINED GAMEPLAYWord Chums is a pleasure to play. See words validate instantly asyou place letters and see the scoring badge automatically indicateword strength.◆ FAMILIAR WORD BUILDING GAMEPLAY, CROSS WORD STYLEWord Chums stays true to the classic word builder gameplay thatvocabulary game lovers enjoy and cross word lovers can’t get enoughof.◆ EARN TOP CHUM STATUSEarn experience points with each word played and level up to becomeKing or Queen of the Chums. Show off your “wordly” prowess byclimbing your way to the top of the weekly crossword gameleaderboards.◆ A TRULY SOCIAL WORD PUZZLE GAMESee how all your friends are doing from the friends list on themain screen. Experience a new level of collaborative word puzzlegame fun by grabbing a teammate for a couples word game online.Invite anyone you like, whether they’re friends, family, adults orkids. Word Chums is the best word game app that’s easy to learn,challenging to master and fun for all!◆ SAY GOODBYE TO GETTING STUMPEDIf you suddenly feel like you’re playing a word scramble game andneed some help figuring out a word you can use, just activateWord search hints. In a pinch, Word search hints can pointyou to the location of a better word and help you unscramble yourvocabulary memory.◆ A NEW WORD GAME TO SATISFY THE SERIOUS GAMERFor all the daily crossword puzzle gamers, Word Chums offersachievements, best word challenges, leveling, player stats,crossword game leaderboards and much more. It’s a deep gamingexperience for everyone that gamers can master.◆ LEARN A LITTLEWord Chums is the best word game online, great for adults and kidsalike! As a vocabulary game, Word Chums is great for word makergame lovers looking to get their text twist on and flex theiranagram game muscles, while also helping beginners to expand theirvocabulary via the built-in dictionary – just tap any word to seeits definition. Experiment with new letter combinations andinstantly discover new words to succeed.——————————————————————◆ SPECIAL FEATURES• 2-4 player games• Play versus friends, random opponents, and computerChumbots• Customizable Chum characters• Scrabble based dictionary – Know valid words before you pressplay• Automatically see the strength of your word• Weekly cross word game leaderboard competitions• Find the best word and beat the hint challenges• Drop a Bomb and take your turn with a new set of letters——————————————————————◆ ABOUT PeopleFunWord Chums is a word builder game, and comes to you from the makersof Age of Empires, one of the best-selling and most award-winninggames of all time. Give it a try!
Kelime Treni
Kelime Treni, 5x5'lik bir kare üzerindeoynanan bir kelime üretme oyunudur. 5x5'lik kare üzerinde bulunan25 harfi kullanarak kelimeler oluşturulur.Kelime oluşturmak için aşağıdaki kurallar kullanılır:1. Kelimeyi oluşturan ardışık harfler birbirine sağdan, soldan,üstten, alttan veya çaprazdan dokunmalıdır.2. Bir kelimeyi oluşturmak için 5x5'lik kare üzerindeki harflerdenherbiri en fazla bir kere kullanılabilir.3. Kelimeyi oluşturmak için parmağınızı harfler üzerindesürüklemeniz yeterlidir. Parmağınızı kaldırdığınızda oluşan kelimekontrol edilir.4. Kelime kontrol edildikten sonra 5x5'lik tahta ilk haline dönerve yeni kelimeler oluşturabilirsiniz.Eğer oluşan kelime sözlükte varsa, kelimeyi oluşturan harflerüzerindeki değerlerin toplamı ile kelime uzunluğu çarpılarak okelime için puanınız hesaplanır.İlk 10 yüksek skorunuzu öğrenmek için giriş ekranından YüksekSkorlar düğmesine basabilirsiniz.
Real crossword (free)
You have no longer need to carry the crumpledpaper, pens, pencils in your bag, always at hand thehungarian-language crossword puzzle.Freely zoomable, scrollable, deletable. If you get stuck, we needto start another one!That looks the same as the usual newspapers crossword, just morepractical to use.I don't plan to make crosswords in language other thenhungarian, I recommend this only hungarian speaking people.
Pixwords pomocník česky
>>>Podpořtedalší vývoj, velmi vylepsena verze, bez reklam<<<podporte dalsi vyvoj a nebo otestujte POZNEJ SLOVOPOMOCNIKNevěděli jste někdy nějaké slovo ve hře Pixwords?Co jste udělali? Začali jste hledat v nepřeberném množstvíobrázků na internetu, teď už nemusíte. Stačí pojmenovat jedenobrázek a kliknout na NAJDI ŘEŠENÍ! , rovnou se dozvíte jménazbylých obrázků.Na rozdíl od konkurence je aplikace přehlednější a hlavněmenší.Pro používání nemusíte být připojeni k internetu nebo wifi.Tagy: nápověda, pomocník, cheat, česky, cs, rada,pixwords.jecool.net>>Href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.kaja.pixdonate">support further development is highly improved version without ads<<< Support for additional development and test KNOW WORD orhelperDid not you ever hear any word in the game Pixwords?What did you do? Have you started looking at countless pictureson the internet, now you do not. Just name one picture and click onFIND SOLUTION! , Amounting to learn the names of the remainingimages.Unlike its competitors, the application is transparent and mainlysmaller.For use may not be connected to the internet or wifi.Tags: help, helper, cheat, Czech, cs, advice,pixwords.jecool.net
সিদ্দিকা কবিরস রেসিপি
সিদ্দিকা কবীর (জন্ম: ৭ মে ১৯৩১, ঢাকা; মৃত্যু:৩১ জানুয়ারি ২০১২, ঢাকা ) একজন বাংলাদেশী পুষ্টিবিশেষজ্ঞ ওশিক্ষাবিদ। তিনি তাঁর লেখা রন্ধনবিষয়ক বইগুলির জন্য বিখ্যাত।ব্যক্তিগত জীবনসিদ্দিকা কবীরের জন্ম পুরানো ঢাকার মকিম বাজারে, ১৯৩৫ সালের ৭ মে।তাঁর পিতা মৌলভি আহমেদুল্লাহ ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের প্রথম ব্যাচেরবিজ্ঞান বিভাগের স্নাতক ও পরবর্তীতে ঢাকা কলেজিয়েট স্কুলের বিজ্ঞানবিষয়ের শিক্ষক ছিলেন। সিদ্দিকা কবীরের মাতা সৈয়দা হাসিনা খাতুনছিলেন গৃহিনী। ১৯৭২ সালের নভেম্বর মাসে সিদ্দিকা কবীর ব্যাংকার সৈয়দআলী কবীরকে বিয়ে করেন।শিক্ষাসিদ্দিকা কবীর পড়াশোনা করেন প্রথমে ইডেন কলেজে। সেখান থেকে তিনিবিজ্ঞান বিষয়ে প্রথম বিভাগে ইন্টারমিডিয়েট পাশ করে ঢাকাবিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের গণিত বিভাগে ভর্তি হন ও সেখান থেকে স্নাতক ডিগ্রিঅর্জন করেন। এর পর তিনি ফোর্ড ফাউন্ডেশনের বৃত্তি নিয়ে মার্কিনযুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ওকলাহোমা স্টেট ইউনিভার্সিটি হতে ১৯৬৩ সালে খাদ্য ওপুষ্টি বিজ্ঞানে মাস্টার্স ডিগ্রি পান।চাকরি-জীবনঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে প্রথম বর্ষে পড়ার সময় সিদ্দিকা কবীরবাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধপূর্ব তৎকালীন পাকিস্তান রেডিওতে ঘোষক হিসাবেখণ্ডকালীন চাকরীতে যোগ দেন। স্নাতক ডিগ্রী অর্জনের পরে প্রথমেভিকারুন্নিসা নুন স্কুলে শিক্ষিকা হিসাবে কাজ করেন। এর পর তিনি ইডেনকলেজে গণিতের প্রভাষক হিসাবে যোগ দেন।যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে মাস্টার্স ডিগ্রি লাভের পর দেশে ফিরে তিনিগার্হস্থ্য অর্থনীতি কলেজে সহকারী অধ্যাপক হিসাবে নিযুক্ত হন। সেখানথেকে তিনি ১৯৯৩ সালে অবসর গ্রহণ করেন।রান্নার অনুষ্ঠান১৯৬৫ সালে সরকারি প্রতিষ্ঠান হতে তিনি আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে রান্না শেখাশুরু করেন। ১৯৬৫ সালে তিনি তদানিন্তন পাকিস্তান টেলিভিশনে "ঘরে বাইরে"নামে রান্নার অনুষ্ঠান উপস্থাপনা করা শুরু করেন। সিদ্দিকা কবীর তাঁর"রান্না খাদ্য পুষ্টি" বইটির জন্য ব্যাপক খ্যাতি অর্জন করেন।বাংলাদেশের সর্বাধিক বিক্রিত বইগুলির মধ্যে এখন পর্যন্ত বইটি অন্যতম।বইটি প্রথম প্রকাশের সময় মুক্তধারা, বাংলা একাডেমী সহ অন্যান্যপ্রকাশনা সংস্থা এটি প্রকাশ করতে রাজী হয় নাই। পরে এটি নিজ খরচেপ্রকাশ করা হয়। প্রকাশের পর এটি ব্যাপক জনপ্রিয়তা লাভ করে। ১৯৮৪সালে ইংরেজি ভাষায় একটি কারি রান্নার বই লিখেন। ১৯৮০ সালে লিখেনপাঠ্যবই খাদ্যপুষ্টি ও খাদ্য ব্যবস্থা, যা স্নাতক পর্যায়ে পড়ানোহয়। এছাড়া তিনি ১৯৯৭ সালে দৈনিক জনকণ্ঠে রসনা নামে কলাম লিখেন, যাপরবর্তীতে খাবার দাবারের কড়চা নামে প্রকাশিত হয়। প্রাইভেট টেলিভিশনএনটিভিতে তিনি সিদ্দিকা কবীরস্ রেসিপি নামের রান্নার অনুষ্ঠাননির্মানে জড়িত ছিলেন।মৃত্যুঅধ্যাপক সিদ্দিকা কবীর ৩১ জানুয়ারি ২০১২-তে বাংলাদেশের রাজধানী ঢাকারস্কয়্যার হাসপাতালে মৃত্যুবরণ করেন।[১] মৃত্যুর আগে তিনি হৃদরোগসহবিভিন্ন বার্ধক্যজনিত রোগে ভুগছিলেন। মৃত্যুপূর্ব বেশ কিছুদিনসিআরপি-তে চিকিৎসারত থাকার পর, উন্নত চিকিৎসার জন্য স্কয়্যারহাসপাতালে স্থানান্তরের পর সেখানে চিকিৎসারত থাকাকালীন তিনি স্বাভাবিকমৃত্যুবরণ করেন।
4 Pics 1 Word
Tired of easy games?Here is the game that will help strengthen your mind with the mostdifficult levels in the world.What's the Word?To guess you must observe 4 Picture and guess the word they have incommon.Sounds easy, but certain puzzles can be verydifficult! If you are like riddles and puns, this is done for you! This pun has innovations such as:• Can play in Spanish and English.• You can check the levels that have been approved.• Can you find the classification over other players in therankings.• Immediate update of new levels. Can you guess all the words?Can you guess all the words and unlock all levels? What is theword? Look at the 4 pictures and discover what they have incommon.Come on!
Tebak Gambar
Tebak Gambar Terbaru 2015Saat ini ada 93 pertanyaan dengan tingkat kesulitan yang berbedadan akan diupdate secara berkala. Permainan tebak gambar kini hadirdengan tampilan dan user interface sederhana yang lebih baikdaripada sebelumnya. Selamat bermain! Terimakasih untuk saran,kritik dan bahkan caciannya sekalipun :)Di awal permainan kamu memiliki 200 koin dan koin tersebut bisadigunakan untuk 2 pilihan bantuan.1) Menampilkan huruf awal dan akhir dari setiap kata (mengurangi 10koin)2) Skip. Kamu boleh melewati 1 level per harinya dalam waktu 24 jam(mengurangi 20 koin)===Terinspirasi dari game Tebak Gambar yang terkenal, Tebak Gambarby Izandi adalah game tebak-tebakan yang mengajak para pemainnyauntuk menggunakan imajinasi dan wawasan untuk menebak kata daripetunjuk bergambar. Perhatikan dengan teliti setiap gambar yangmuncul karena semuanya itu adalah petunjuk untuk menemukan tebakankata yang tepat. Game Tebak Gambar cocok bagi kamu yang sukatantangan dan permainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak. Ayo jawabsemua soalnya ^_^Jangan lupa, kasih rating 5 ***** bintang ya :)Ada level yang susah? Bingungin? Mention aja @izandi di Twitterdengan gambar level yang kamu kesulitan, nanti coba gw bantu :PGuessLatest Pictures 2015Currently there are 93 questions with different difficultylevels and will be updated periodically. Guessing game now comeswith a display image and a simple user interface that is evenbetter than before. Have a nice play! Thank you for advice,criticism and even caciannya though :)At the beginning of the game you have 200 coins and coins can beused for 2 options for help.1) Displays the beginning and ending letter of each word(subtracting 10 coins)2) Skip. You must pass one level per day within 24 hours (reducing20 coins)===Inspired by the famous Fig game Guess, Guess Picture by Izandiis a guessing game that invites players to use imagination andinsight to guess the word of pictorial instructions. Look carefullyevery picture that emerged as everything it is a clue to find guessthe right words. Game Guess the Picture is suitable for you wholike challenges and guessing game images to sharpen the brain. Comeresponsibility of all because ^ _ ^Do not forget, rating 5 ***** love ya :)There is a level that is difficult? Bingungin? Mentionizandiwrote on Twitter with a picture of your level of difficulty, i'lltry to help: P
Hollywood Game Night
Having a party? Kick it up a notch with theofficial mobile game app for Hollywood Game Night!• Recreate NBC’s hit TV show from the comfort of your livingroom• Sing, mime, and test your pop culture knowledge in hilariousparty games• Compete in fan-favorites like ‘Take the Hint’ and ‘How Do youDoo?’• School your friends in movies, celebrities, songs, and more• Face off in small teams or large groups for non-stopenjoymentReady to put your skills to the test? Grab some friends, getcomfortable, and let the games begin!***IMPORTANT NOTICE:This game contains optional in-app purchases. You can disablethis feature in the settings menu of your device.View our privacy policy at http://halfbrick.com/ppView our terms of service at http://halfbrick.com/tosHollywood Game Night is a trademark and copyright of UniversalTelevision LLC 2015. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLC.All rights reserved.
4 Fotos 1 Palabra
¡EL HIT NÚMERO #1 CON MÁS DE 220.000.000JUGADORES EN TODO EL MUNDO!¿Cuatro fotos con una palabra en común - cual es?¡Descubre por qué todos juegan a "4 Fotos 1 Palabra" yPARTICIPA!★¡LA VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA OFICIAL DEL JUEGO N°1 EN EL MUNDO "4 PICS 1WORD"!★¡Puzzles en español hechos a medida para tí!★¡DIVERSIÓN INFINITA CON NUEVOS PUZZLES!★¿Podrás adivinar las palabras ocultas y pasar todos los niveles?¡Millones de puzzles de diferente dificultad te esperan! ¡Yanadimos puzzles contínuamente para que la diversión no acabenunca!★PURA DIVERSIÓN AL INSTANTE★Sin cuentas ni reglas complicadas. ¡Simplemente comienza a jugar ypásatelo en grande!★UN JUEGO FÁCIL Y MUY ADICTIVO★¿Qué palabra estamos buscando? Mira las cuatro fotos, encuentra quétienen en común y gana.★¡EL ROMPECABEZAS MÁS ADICTIVO DEL MUNDO!★Ya hay más de 220.000.000 entusiastas de "4 Fotos 1 Palabra" en elmundo disfrutando de este juego en 8 idiomas diferentes. ¡Únete aellos!★DÉJATE AYUDAR POR TUS AMIGOS!★Más posibilidades de intercambiar con tus amigos y recibir pistas -Facebook, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger y mucho más!The number # 1 HIT WITHMORE THAN 220,000,000 PLAYERS WORLDWIDE!Four photos with one word in common - what is it?Discover why everyone plays "4 Photos 1 Word" andPARTICIPATE!★ OFFICIAL SPANISH VERSION The No. 1 GAME IN THE WORLD "4 PICS 1WORD"! ★Puzzles in Spanish tailor made for you!★ NEW Limitless FUN WITH PUZZLES! ★Can you guess the hidden words and pass all levels? Millions ofpuzzles of varying difficulty await you! And we add puzzlescontinuously for the fun never ends!★ ★ INSTANT PURE FUNNo accounts or complicated rules. Just start playing and have funbig!★ an easy game and very addictive ★What word are you looking for? Look at the four pictures, find whatthey have in common and wins.★ THE MOST ADDICTIVE PUZZLE WORLD! ★Already more than 220,000,000 enthusiasts "4 Photos 1 Word" in theworld enjoying this game in 8 different languages. Join them!★ Motivate by YOUR FRIENDS! ★More chances to exchange with friends and receive tracks -Facebook, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and more!
Tebak Gambar - Asah Otak
Kuis Tebak Gambar Asah Otak merupakan gameyang kami buat khusus untuk anda yang suka tantangan dan bergunabuat mengasah otak anda. Perhatikan baik-baik petunjuk gambar yangkami tampilkan. akan akan ada 2 kolom jawaban. isi dengan jawabanyang benar sesuai dengan petunjuk gambar. semua jawaban di gametebak gambar ini dua kata.Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan Game Tebak Gambar Terbaruini. agar lebih asik.Enjoy The GameBrain Quiz Guess theImage is a game that we made for you who like a challenge and areuseful for sharpening your brain. Look carefully at the pictures weshow instructions. there will be 2 columns reply. fill with thecorrect answer according to the instructions picture. guessing gameall the answers in this picture of two words.Also invite your friends to play the game Guess Latest Picturethis. to be more cool.Enjoy The Game