AtPlayMusic التطبيقات

Recorder Racer 9820
-Recorder Racer uses the microphone to listenas you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.-Pull out your Recorder and play the correct Notes to pass theother cars.-The Game Center Leaderboards let you show off your best times incomparison of other players.-How many cars can you pass?
Alto Sax Racer 9740
-Alto Sax Racer uses the microphone to listenas you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.-Pull out your Alto Sax and play the correct Notes to pass theother cars.-The Game Center Leaderboards let you show off your best times incomparison of other players.-How many cars can you pass?
Acoustic Guitar Racer 9740
-Acoustic Guitar Racer uses the microphonetolisten as you quickly switch between notes to keep yourcarfueled.-Pull out your Acoustic Guitar and play the correct Notes topassthe other cars.-The Game Center Leaderboards let you show off your best timesincomparison of other players.-How many cars can you pass?
Violin Racer 15780
- Violin Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quicklyswitchbetween notes to keep your car fueled. - Now advertisementfree,with improved responsiveness to your playing. - Pull outyourViolin and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars. -Howmany cars can you pass? The Perfect app for beginners andadvancedplayers of all ages: - Works with your REAL instrument. -Uses thedevice's microphone to listen and analyze each note youplay. - Thescoreboard shows you best time, and how many cars youhave passed.- Unlock new cars based by your performance.
Electric Guitar Racer 15850
- Electric Guitar Racer uses the microphone to listen as youquicklyswitch between notes to keep your car fueled. - Pull outyourElectric Guitar and play the correct Notes to pass the othercars. -How many cars can you pass? The Perfect app for beginnersandadvanced players of all ages: - Works with your REALinstrument. -Uses the device's microphone to listen and analyzeeach note youplay. - The scoreboard shows you best time, and howmany cars youhave passed. - Unlock new cars based by yourperformance.
PlayAlong Trumpet 15930
-The PlayAlong Trumpet app listens to your playing and guidesyouthrough the melody of the selected song. -Choose to play any ofthe120+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can shareyourexperience by recording a performance and sending it tofriends,family and teachers. You can also include your proficiencyscoreand performance history. -You can choose the settingsthatcomplement your skill. -Using the default Wait Mode, the appstepsthrough each note of the song waiting for you to play thecorrectpitch and duration. -At the end of each song you arepresented witha proficiency score showing how many of each notewere playedcorrectly on the first attempt. -Cumulative statisticsof the totalcorrect notes, consecutive correct notes, and the songsplayedcorrectly are available. -The Stats-display presents a listof allthe songs, showing which you have played, highest score, andhowmany of the notes you were able to play. -The History featurekeepstrack of scores for each performances of each song you haveplayed.-Beginners can choose to have finger charts displayed undereachnote on the staff as they play. -Touching the finger chart letsyouhear that note. -Pushing the play button allows you to hearthewhole song. -You can also choose to display only the notenamesunder the staff, or to see a full screen of music. -You canenableManual mode and play the song with your own interpretation,usingthe display like traditional sheet music. -TheTranspositionfeature lets you shift the pitch of a song's notes, upor downallowing you to customize the range of a song. -The Tempofeatureallows you to adjust the tempo of the song. -The Loop optionallowsyou to play a song over and over uninterrupted. -TheCategorizedSong Page presents you with additional songs, and scalesfrom ourexpanding library. The song list includes ratings ofEasy,Intermediate, and Advanced to help you choose your nextpiece.-Check out the AtPlayMusic Page for the PlayAlong apps ofyourother favorite instruments.
Piccolo Racer 15840
- Piccolo Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quicklyswitchbetween notes to keep your car fueled. - Pull out yourPiccolo andplay the correct Notes to pass the other cars. - Howmany cars canyou pass? The Perfect app for beginners and advancedplayers of allages: - Works with your REAL instrument. - Uses thedevice'smicrophone to listen and analyze each note you play. -Thescoreboard shows you best time, and how many cars you havepassed.- Unlock new cars based by your performance.
PlayAlong Recorder 15920
-The PlayAlong Recorder app listens to your playing and guidesyouthrough the melody of the selected song. -Choose to play any ofthe120+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can shareyourexperience by recording a performance and sending it tofriends,family and teachers. You can also include your proficiencyscoreand performance history. -You can choose the settingsthatcomplement your skill. -Using the default Wait Mode, the appstepsthrough each note of the song waiting for you to play thecorrectpitch and duration. -At the end of each song you arepresented witha proficiency score showing how many of each notewere playedcorrectly on the first attempt. -Cumulative statisticsof the totalcorrect notes, consecutive correct notes, and the songsplayedcorrectly are available. -The Stats-display presents a listof allthe songs, showing which you have played, highest score, andhowmany of the notes you were able to play. -The History featurekeepstrack of scores for each performances of each song you haveplayed.-Beginners can choose to have finger charts displayed undereachnote on the staff as they play. -Touching the finger chart letsyouhear that note. -Pushing the play button allows you to hearthewhole song. -You can also choose to display only the notenamesunder the staff, or to see a full screen of music. -You canenableManual mode and play the song with your own interpretation,usingthe display like traditional sheet music. -TheTranspositionfeature lets you shift the pitch of a song's notes, upor downallowing you to customize the range of a song. -The Tempofeatureallows you to adjust the tempo of the song. -The Loop optionallowsyou to play a song over and over uninterrupted. -TheCategorizedSong Page presents you with additional songs, and scalesfrom ourexpanding library. The song list includes ratings ofEasy,Intermediate, and Advanced to help you choose your nextpiece.-Check out the AtPlayMusic Page for the PlayAlong apps ofyourother favorite instruments.
String Bass Racer 15840
- String Bass Racer uses the microphone to listen as youquicklyswitch between notes to keep your car fueled. - Pull outyourString Bass and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.-How many cars can you pass? The Perfect app for beginnersandadvanced players of all ages: - Works with your REAL instrument.-Uses the device's microphone to listen and analyze each noteyouplay. - The scoreboard shows you best time, and how many carsyouhave passed. - Unlock new cars based by your performance.
Acoustic Guitar Racer 15850
-Acoustic Guitar Racer uses the microphone to listen as youquicklyswitch between notes to keep your car fueled. -Pull outyourAcoustic Guitar and play the correct Notes to pass the othercars.-How many cars can you pass? The Perfect app for beginnersandadvanced players of all ages: -Works with your REALinstrument.-Uses the device's microphone to listen and analyze eachnote youplay. -The scoreboard shows you best time, and how manycars youhave passed. -Unlock new cars based by your performance.
Cello Racer 15840
- Cello Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quicklyswitchbetween notes to keep your car fueled. - Pull out your Celloandplay the correct Notes to pass the other cars. - How many carscanyou pass? The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players ofallages: - Works with your REAL instrument. - Uses thedevice'smicrophone to listen and analyze each note you play. -Thescoreboard shows you best time, and how many cars you havepassed.- Unlock new cars based by your performance.
Oboe Racer 15840
- Oboe Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quicklyswitchbetween notes to keep your car fueled. - Pull out your Oboeandplay the correct Notes to pass the other cars. - How many carscanyou pass? The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players ofallages: - Works with your REAL instrument. - Uses thedevice'smicrophone to listen and analyze each note you play. -Thescoreboard shows you best time, and how many cars you havepassed.- Unlock new cars based by your performance.
PlayAlong Violin 15940
-The PlayAlong Violin app listens to your playing and guidesyouthrough the melody of the selected song. -Choose to play any ofthe120+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can shareyourexperience by recording a performance and sending it tofriends,family and teachers. You can also include your proficiencyscoreand performance history. -You can choose the settingsthatcomplement your skill. -Using the default Wait Mode, the appstepsthrough each note of the song waiting for you to play thecorrectpitch and duration. -At the end of each song you arepresented witha proficiency score showing how many of each notewere playedcorrectly on the first attempt. -Cumulative statisticsof the totalcorrect notes, consecutive correct notes, and the songsplayedcorrectly are available. -The Stats-display presents a listof allthe songs, showing which you have played, highest score, andhowmany of the notes you were able to play. -The History featurekeepstrack of scores for each performances of each song you haveplayed.-Beginners can choose to have finger charts displayed undereachnote on the staff as they play. -Touching the finger chart letsyouhear that note. -Pushing the play button allows you to hearthewhole song. -You can also choose to display only the notenamesunder the staff, or to see a full screen of music. -You canenableManual mode and play the song with your own interpretation,usingthe display like traditional sheet music. -TheTranspositionfeature lets you shift the pitch of a song's notes, upor downallowing you to customize the range of a song. -The Tempofeatureallows you to adjust the tempo of the song. -The Loop optionallowsyou to play a song over and over uninterrupted. -TheCategorizedSong Page presents you with additional songs, and scalesfrom ourexpanding library. The song list includes ratings ofEasy,Intermediate, and Advanced to help you choose your nextpiece.-Check out the AtPlayMusic Page for the PlayAlong apps ofyourother favorite instruments.
Bassoon Racer 15840
- Bassoon Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quicklyswitchbetween notes to keep your car fueled. - Pull out yourBassoon andplay the correct Notes to pass the other cars. - Howmany cars canyou pass? The Perfect app for beginners and advancedplayers of allages: - Works with your REAL instrument. - Uses thedevice'smicrophone to listen and analyze each note you play. -Thescoreboard shows you best time, and how many cars you havepassed.- Unlock new cars based by your performance.
Alto Sax Racer 15840
-Alto Sax Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quicklyswitchbetween notes to keep your car fueled. -Pull out your AltoSax andplay the correct Notes to pass the other cars. -How manycars canyou pass? The Perfect app for beginners and advancedplayers of allages: - Works with your REAL instrument. - Uses thedevice'smicrophone to listen and analyze each note you play. -Thescoreboard shows you best time, and how many cars you havepassed.- Unlock new cars based by your performance.