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Clue for Yokai Watch II Spirit 1.0
Hello everyone and welcome to my Clue/let'splay of Yo-Kai Watch 2 Bony SpiritsYo-kai Watch 2 is an open world role-playing video game, wheretheplayer is given control of player character Nathan Adams,oralternatively, Katie Forester. Players navigate around theopenworld using the Nintendo 3DS' touchscreen to find andbefriendvarious Yo-kai, which are scattered across the overworld.Playersbefriend Yo-kai by giving them a food that they likebeforebeginning battle, and after defeating the Yo-kai itapproaches theplayer character and gives them its Yo-kai Medal,allowing it to besummoned at will. A new feature in battles isusing the touchscreen to find a particular sweetspot on an enemyYo-kai toincrease the likelihood of befriending it at the end ofthe battle,or other sweetspots for extra damage, extra money, orextraexperience. Yo-kai can also be acquired through an ingameCrank-a-kai (Gasha Machine) by collecting in-game coins orusingPlay Coins. Certain Yo-kai are necessary for completing thegame'smain quest, and special rare Yo-kai are acquired throughvarioussubquests. Yo-kai have the capability to evolve into morepowerfulversions of themselves if they reach a certain level, orthey canevolve by combining with particular items or other Yo-kai.TheYo-kai are divided amongst eight different classes, each withtheirown strengths and weaknesses. There are also Legendary Yo-kaithatcan only be obtained by collecting a particular set ofYo-kailisted in the Yo-kai Medallium, a compendium of thedifferentYo-kai the player has encountered or befriended. When theplayerencounters a Yo-kai, he enters into battle with it using sixYo-kaithat the player has befriended previously. The touchscreen isusedduring battles to rotate amongst the player's Yo-kai in battleatwill. It is also used either to clear up status effects ontheplayer's Yo-kai or to charge up the Yo-kai's Soultimateabilities.While the original Yo-kai Watch featured nearly 250Yo-kai, Yo-KaiWatch 2 features nearly 450, including several thatwere featuredas bosses in the original game.In this application you'll find:- Cheats Code- Tricks- Unlockables- ThrophiesDisclaimer :This clue is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame cluefalls within fair use cluelines.Install our free God Of War Game Cheats and play to bebestplayer.
Clue for Crash Bandicoot 95 1.0
As the title suggests, this is a full100%walkthrough of Crash Bandicoot. I play through the entire gamefromstart to finish without skipping anything, and I complete allthebonus stages on the way. This means I have to play many ofthelevels twice, but that's how a 100% run works. Another goal Isetmyself was to get all the boxes in the bonus stages as well,likeyou have to in the later games, but I encountered one boxinCrash Bandicoot is a platform game in which players controlthetitular character, Crash, as he traverses several levelsinsequence in order to progress. Crash is able to defeat enemiesbyeither jumping on them or using a spinning attack thatlaunchesthem. Crash will lose a life if he is hit by an enemy orobstacle,or falls into a bottomless pit. Crash can protect himselfbycollecting Aku Aku masks, which protect Crash from a singlehitfrom an enemy or obstacle (but not pits or otherinstant-deathobstacles). Crash can hold onto two masks at a timeand, uponcollecting a third mask, will gain temporaryinvincibility. Thegame ends when the player runs out of lives, withmore lives earnedby finding extra life items or by collecting 100WumpaFruit.[1]Scattered throughout each level are various types of crates, mostofwhich contain items such as Wumpa Fruit and Aku Aku masks, whichcanbe broken by jumping on or spinning into them.[2] Other typesofcrate include checkpoint crates, which lets players resumetheirprogress after losing a life, arrow crates which Crash canbounceon, and exlposive TNT crates that explode upon being broken,orfollowing a timer that activates by jumping on them.Certaincrates, including steel platform crates, are invisible,requiringthe player to hit an exclamation box to make themtangible.[3] Ifthe player manages to clear a level with all cratesbroken withoutdying, they will earn a gem. Additional gems can beobtainedthrough hidden levels or alternate routes, and some gemsarerequired to access new areas. Collecting all gems in thegameallows the player to reach its true ending.[4] If theplayermanages to collect enough bonus icons, they will be warped toaBonus Stage which, upon completion, will allow the player tosavetheir progress, either via memory card or password.[5]In this application you'll find:- Cheats Code- Tricks- Unlockables- ThrophiesDisclaimer :This clue is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame cluefalls within fair use cluelines.Install our free God Of War Game Cheats and play to bebestplayer.
Clue for Bakugan: Defender 1.0
Bakugan: Defenders of the Core bringsgamesinto a fast binding action adventure to save the EarthfromZenoheld, Spectra, and their Vexos minions. Players create anewhero and discover new aspects of Bakugan by having fullcontrolover the creatures when taking on the opponents.In this application you'll find:- Cheats Code- Tricks- Unlockables- ThrophiesDisclaimer :This clue is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame cluefalls within fair use cluelines.Install our free and play to be best player.
Clue for Street Figter 5 3.aa
As the title suggests, this is a full100%walkthrough of Street Fighter V.Street Fighter V carries on the side-scrolling fighting gameplayofits predecessors, in which two fighters use a variety ofattacksand special abilities to knock out their opponent. Thegamefeatures the EX gauge introduced in Street Fighter III,whichbuilds as the player lands attacks and can be used to eitherpowerup special moves or perform super combos known as CriticalArts,although the FocusAttacks from the previous game have been removed. New to thisgameis the "V-Gauge", which builds as the player receives attacksandadds three new techniques: V-Skills, V-Reversals, andV-Triggers.V-Skills are special attacks unique to each fighter; forexample,Ryu can parry an attack while M. Bison can reflectprojectiles,some of which build V-Gauge when successfullyperformed.V-Reversals allow players to use a section of the V-Gaugetoperform a counter move whilst being attacked. Finally,V-Triggersuse the entire V-Gauge to allow the player to perform auniqueability, such as a temporary damage boost for Ryu's energyballs oradded hits to Chun-Li's attacks. Additionally, the StunMeter,which has been present since Street Fighter III, is madevisibleunder the health bars in this game. The Stun Meter increaseswhenreceiving consecutive attacks and will cause the player tobecomestunned if filled; thus, it encourages players to playoffensivelywhen the opponent's Meter is close to full. The gamealso featuresan interactive arena, showcasing special animationswhen a playeris defeated at the edge of the arenaIn this application you'll find:- Cheats Code- Tricks- Unlockables- ThrophiesDisclaimer :This clue is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame cluefalls within fair use cluelines.Install our free and play to be best player.
Clue for Rise Tomb Raider 1.0
Rise of the Tomb Raider is athird-personaction-adventure game that features similar gameplayfound in2013's Tomb Raider. Players control Lara Croft throughvariousenvironments, battling enemies, and completing puzzleplatformingsections, while using improvised weapons and gadgets inorder toprogress through the story.The game features a crafting system, allowing players tocreateitems like different arrow types (poison, climbable, fire,grenade,rope) by scavenging materials from plants and animals inthe game'sharsh environment.The in-game environment includes a weather system that bothhumanand animal characters can react to and a day-night cycle.Forexample, to create a hardier winter coat Lara must hunt awolfwhich only comes out during a specific time of day andspecificweather condition. Lara can swim which will add to hermobility andcombat tactics.Combat has been redesigned with more options for stealth andsneakattacks. Lara can use the environment to her advantage; hidinginbushes or trees, shooting arrows at objects to distractenemies,crafting Molotov cocktails and makeshift grenades, oravoidingcombat altogether by climbing trees and traversingrooftops. Thebow and arrow return from Tomb Raider. The grapplinghook, nowknown as a wire spool, also returns after being absentfrom theseries since Tomb Raider: Underworld. Different types ofbows canbe fashioned from specific animals and materials that Laracan huntand salvage. Lara's pistol, shotgun, assault rifle andclimbing axeall return from Tomb Raider, each with their ownvariants. Newitems introduced include a hunting knife for melee orsneakattacks, a re-breather for underwater exploration, and a lockpickto open locked crates and doors.[1]Platforming also makes a return as mechanics like jumpingforwardsagainst a vertical wall and shimming and jumping from ledgetoledge as well as swinging on trapeze make a return. Quicktimeevents and dodging also return to avoid deadly traps in thegameand perform finishing attacks and counters.In this application you'll find:- Cheats Code- Tricks- Unlockables- ThrophiesDisclaimer :This clue is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame cluefalls within fair use cluelines.Install our free and play to be best player.
Clue for God Of War II 1.0
In this clue you find also separatechaptersdedicated for artifacts, destroyed chests Gorgon Eyes andPhoenixFeathers. Artifacts diversify the play after finishingsingleplayer for the first time. Destroyed chests provide you withredorbs and money, while Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers will letyouupgrade mana and health up to the maximum level.God of War 2 is a seamless adventure with no defined stages.Tobreak up the walkthrough into consumable segments, we'veseparatedthe walkthrough into sections based on save points.Each save point has a unique name that you can see when youloadyour game.Match your save point to the list of save points below to findthesection of the walkthrough you need.RhodesRhodes BathhouseRhodes PalaceEastern RampartsReturn from HadesLair of the TitanThe Hand CavernFire of OlympusTyphon's Cavernous PrisonThe Temple of LahkesisThe Garden of LahkesisPathway to the SteedsThe Steeds of TimeThe Divine PoolsDestiny's AtriumThe Bog of the ForgottenThe Temple of EuryaleThe Ruins of the ForgottenRiver of the ForgottenThe Temple of EuryaleLowlands VistaEuryale's DefeatCatacombs of the FallenCourtyard of AtroposThe Edge of CreationCourtyard of AtroposCrossing the LowlandsThe Great ChasmThe Face of AtlasInside the Mighty TitanAscension of AtlasThe Great ChasmThe East AuditoriumAuditorium of LahkesisThe East AuditoriumThe Garden of the GodsSacrifice to the FatesThe West AuditoriumEntrance to the UndergroundThe Phoenix ChamberReleasing the PhoenixTemple of the FatesThe Throne of the FatesThe Temple of the OracleThe Throne of the FatesBefore the LoomThe Loom ChamberThe Summit of SacrificeIn this application you'll find:- Cheats Code- Tricks- Unlockables- ThrophiesDisclaimer :This clue is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame cluefalls within fair use cluelines.Install our free God Of War Game Cheats and play to bebestplayer.
Clue for BioShock II 1.0
BioShock II clueIn this application you'll find:- Cheats Code- Tricks- Unlockables- ThrophiesDisclaimer :This clue is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame cluefalls within fair use cluelines.Install our free and play to be best player.