drokid التطبيقات

101 Online 0.99985
Yuzbir Online
Query Hunter 0.96
Are you ready to hunt down google suggestions!..
Cloth Simulation 1.3
This is an interactive cloth animation. You can pull, stretch andtear the cloth. Also it is affected from the gravity in 3d. Thiswas one of my workouts related to school studies. When my friendssee it they liked it. I think realistic physics is entertaining forpeople. I could not see similar things in the market so I thoughtpeople would like it. This is just a scribble but if it attractstoo much attention I can have a look what else I can do.. note: Itis not prepared for high resolutions but I am planning to prepare anew advanced version soon; check this video for now ;)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s1uRwEdwys
okey online 2.061
A unique environment where you can relax by playing okey amongfriends.
2048 Online 0.98
Race against other players around the world with your character!
2048 Online 0.98
2048 Online is a massively multiplayer online game that enablestens and even hundreds of players to play together simultaneously.It has some smooth, great features: - Typically you play againstall players at the same arena. You are in a race and as you getpoints, your character goes further. When your game ends, you canput your flag at that point and start over again. - Your levelincreases according to your total score, and your colorcorrespondingly changes. It moves from yellow -> blue ->green -> violet -> black. However, there is one more levelafter the black, but let’s see if anybody will reach up to there. -You can make good use of other players through seeing their profileand following the players you prefer on the mini-road when they areonline. Please if you have any suggestions send them tocontact@drokid.com or write them down in reviews (mailing isbetter).
Pailard 1.11
Hit the balls, change the colors.
Drokid Hockey 1.71
Challenge your friend or computer!...