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WiFi Solver FDTD 2.7
With this app you can take a floorplan of your house, set thelocation of a WiFi router, and simulate how the electromagneticwaves propagate - see an example here:http://www.gfycat.com/ImportantSafeBlackmambaThis is based on a recent blog post 'Helmhurts' atwww.jasmcole.com, which was featured on io9, Ars Technica, theDaily Mail, Scientific American and many other blogs.This app uses the 2D Finite Difference Time Domain method tosolve Maxwell's equation on a Cartesian grid. An example floorplanis included in the app.How to use:Your floorplan needs to be a .png file, with empty space markedblack and materials marked with colours. Images will be convertedinto the correct materials on loading - this may take a fewseconds.Pixels are mapped to 1 centimetre, so scale the floorplanappropriately.The simulation is limited in speed due to the mobile processor,so try to keep images below approximately 500x500 pixelsTouch the image to set a router location, marked by a redcircle. Select the antenna parameters at the bottom.Set the number of iterations to run for, how often to plot theresult, and the upper limit on the colourmap scale.Choose a field to plot - the default is the out-of-planeelectric field.Click run and the simulation will begin. Click stop to pause atany time - this saves the simulation progress which can becontinued by clicking run again. To reset, open an image again.To save the simulation output as an image, click Save at anytime. Images are saved to internal/external storage and added tothe end of the camera roll.To start recording a simulation click the record 'R' button.When the simulation is stopped a GIF animation is generated.Under the bonnet:An antenna oscillates at 2.4 GHz. The edges of the image useabsorbing boundary conditions as in Mur 1981, IEEE Transactions onElectromagnetic Compatibility.Where walls are defined, the relevant refractive indices andloss tangents for 2.4GHz radiation are used.Wavelength and resolution are currently constant, this maychange in a future release.Disclaimer:This app is not intended as a replacement for existing EMsimulation software packages.As a 2D approximation including only simple walls it does notaccurately model a given floorplan.It is, however, a bit of fun and entertaining to play with.