webivo التطبيقات

Injuries and Suspensions 1.2
Are you passionate about football/soccergamesor you just need some important information to help you betoncertain games? This app is specially designed for you.What you will find?- Daily free hot injuries and suspensions frominternationalfootball/soccer games. You know how important it iswhen 2-3 keyplayers are missing. This app will tell you all aboutmissing orsuspended players from a game. This will help you knowwhich teamhas better odds to win.- No ADS. At this moment this app doesn`t have any ads and wewilltry to keep it like this.- Easy to use interface.See available games in just afewseconds.- Games will be published with at least 10 hours beforetheystart.Stay tuned, as we will add more cool features inthefuture.Note: This app is just a tool to keep you informed.
Simple Curiozitati - Trivia 3.7.0
Simple Curiozitati este un joc de trivia interactiv care te ajutasa iti dezvolti cunostintele generale. Jocul contine cateva sute deintrebari dispuse de-a lungul mai multor nivele. Cum se joaca?Pentru a alege raspunsul corect trebuie sa alegi casuta cuafirmatia care ti se pare corecta. In cazul in care ghicesti sau nuintrebarea, vei fi avertizat atat grafic, cat si vizual decorectitudinea raspunsului pe care l-ai dat. La fiecare intrebarecorecta primesti 5 puncte, iar la un raspuns gresit ti se scad 3puncte. La finalul fiecarui nivel poti vedea punctajul tau actual.In meniul jocului ai posibilitatea de a-ti crea propriileintrebari, care ulterior vor fi trimise spre aprobare. Tot in acestmeniu poti vedea si statisticile tale de la fiecare nivel. Existasi un clasament national unde poti concura cu alti utilizatori!Momentan aplicatia contine urmatoarele categorii: Cultura generalaIstoria Romaniei Geografia Romaniei Capitalele lumii Mult succes!
American Trivia 1.5.1
American Trivia is an interactive game specially developed forusers from the United States of America and not only. Our triviaquiz will help you to learn new things and develop your generalknowledge. It contains over 1000 questions from categories likeGeneral Knowledge, US History, US Geography, US Baseball, USMovies, US Music and many others... Every category has a certainnumber of levels, each level having 25 questions/statements. How toplay? In the gameplay area, you will have two statements orquestions, one will be correct, and one will be wrong. You willhave 20 seconds to prove your knowledge or just try your luck,because even if you don`t know the answer, you will still have 50%chances of winning, right? When 5 seconds are left on thecountdown, if your sound is on, you will be warned. Each correctanswer will bring you 5 points into your total score, and for eachwrong answer, 3 points will be cut from the total score ( Payattention! :) ). Also at the end of each question/statement, youwill see how others answered on the same things. Why should youplay it? - Prove how American you are and how well you know yourU.S.A culture, geography, history, etc - Learn something new andfind out impressive facts you didn`t know about - Trick other usersby creating questions in the “Add Questions” category - Earn pointsand be number one in the Top 100 Worldwide Leaderboard ( This is agood reason to brag your friends about ) We are pretty sure thatyou will love this trivia game so what are you waiting? Downloadthe game and tell us what you think. If you have anyquestions/problems or suggestions in the main menu`s “Settings” youwill find a “Feedback” button which will allow you to contact us inseconds ( All we want is to make our users happy ) Good Luck!
Packable - Travel Packing List 2.3
Packable helps everyone around the world to organize theirholidaysby giving you the possibility to create a packing list withall theimportant things that you need to consider beforetraveling.Creating your travel packing list is free and very easy,in justtwo steps, and it will help you figure out which items youshouldnot forget, that would ruin your holidays, no matter if it isabusiness, city break or long holiday. Create your travelpackinglists or luggage checklist in just two easy steps ◼ Select anamefor your holiday, a start date and a end date ◼ Selectsomepredefined items from different categories ( Adding your ownitemsor editing will be possible once the list is created ) Oncethelist is created you can edit it and check every item that youaddedto your baggage. Also you can do other things like: ⭕ Sharetravellists with friends or family and let them edit in real time⭕Change title and date of the list ( Basically duplicate a list.Ifyou need the same things in another trip why bother creating anewone? ) ⭕ Delete the whole list ⭕ Delete items inside the listbylong pressing on an item ⭕ Edit current items in your baggage(Change name, change quantity, add notes ) ⭕ Add new customitemsand many more to come... Packable is free to use and itdoesn`thave any ads at this moment. We love feedback and that iswhy wewould love to receive any suggestions that would improveyourexperience